Niebla, Guadalquivir Basin (Miocene of Spain)

Where: Spain (37.4° N, 6.7° W: paleocoordinates 37.5° N, 7.4° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Niebla Calcarenite Formation, Tortonian (11.6 - 7.2 Ma)

• The presence of Neogloboquadrina humerosa (Takyanagi & Saito) in the lower part of the Niebla Calcarenite suggests a late Tortonian age (Sierro et al. 1990a). The PF-Event 1 and 2 of Sierro et al. (1993), as well as the Tortonian/ Messinian boundary, were recognised in the overlying GibraleĆ³n Formation at a different location; at Niebla the section immediately above the Calcarenita de Niebla is condensed and the successive GibraleĆ³n Clays show a Messinian age.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: marine; lithified, shelly/skeletal packstone

• Formed on the inner part of a low gradient homoclinal ramp. Lateral and vertical facies variations are due to the local presence of autochthonous coralline algal and bryozoan patches within areas of bioclastic accumulation, mostly in the form of grain- and rudstones with variable contents of finer matrix.
• calcarenites and calcirudites with varying abundances of fine grained matrix, coralline algae, bryozoans, bivalves (large pectinids and ostreids), echinoids (Clypeaster) and large benthic foraminifera (Heterostegina)

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: B. Berning, P. Noissette, and C. Betzler. 2005. Late Miocene Bryozoa from the Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain): eastern Atlantic and western Mediterranean environment and biogeography. In H. I. Moyano, J. M. Cancino, P. N. Wyse Jackson (eds.), Bryozoan Studies 2004 15-24 [L. Liow/F. Franeck/F. Franeck]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 178465: authorized by Lee Hsiang Liow, entered by Franziska Franeck on 03.05.2016, edited by Matthew Clapham

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Cheilostomata - Adeonidae
 Cheilostomata -
Ascophorina indet. Levinsen 1909
 Cheilostomata - Chorizoporidae
 Cheilostomata - Trypostegidae
 Cheilostomata - Watersiporidae
 Cheilostomata - Bitectiporidae
Hippoporina sp. Neviani 1895
"Emballotheca longidens" = Hippoporina longidens Cipolla 1921
? Schizomavella sp. Canu and Bassler 1917
 Cheilostomata - Smittinidae
 Cheilostomata - Phidoloporidae
"Buffonellodes incisa" = Schedocleidochasma incisa Reuss 1874
Reteporella sp. Busk 1884
 Cheilostomata - Celleporidae
 Cheilostomata - Cellariidae
Cellaria aff. melillensis El Hajjaji 1987
 Cheilostomata - Cheiloporinidae
 Cheilostomata - Schizoporellidae
Schizoporella sp. Hincks 1877
"Herentia montenati" = Therenia montenati Pouyet 1976
 Cheilostomata - Microporellidae
 Cheilostomata - Lacernidae
Arthropoma ciliata Canu and Lecointre 1928
 Cheilostomata - Myriaporidae
Myriapora truncata Pallas 1766
 Cheilostomata - Lanceoporidae
Calyptotheca "sp. 2" Harmer 1957
 Cheilostomata - Candidae
Scrupocellaria sp. van Beneden 1845
 Cheilostomata - Bryocryptellidae
? Porella sp. Gray 1848
 Cheilostomata - Romancheinidae
 Cheilostomata - Arachnopusiidae
Poricella bugei El Hajjaji 1987
 Cheilostomata - Microporidae
Mollia circumcincta Heller 1867
Mollia patellaria Moll 1803
Micropora cf. coriacea Johnston 1847
 Cheilostomata - Onychocellidae
 Cheilostomata - Cribrilinidae
Cribrilaria "sp. 1" Canu and Bassler 1928
Cribrilaria "sp. 2" Canu and Bassler 1928
Figularia figularis Johnston 1847
 Cheilostomata - Steginoporellidae
 Cheilostomata - Hiantoporidae
Hiantopora rostrata Moissette 1988
 Cheilostomata - Calloporidae
? Copidozoum sp. Harmer 1926
"Aplousina bobiesi" = Crassimarginatella bobiesi David and Pouyet 1974
Callopora "sp. 1" Gray 1848
 Cheilostomata - Ellisinidae
Ellisina gautieri Fernandez Pupleiro and Reverter Gil 1993
 Cheilostomata - Flustridae
Hincksina sp. Norman 1903
 Cheilostomata - Escharinidae