There are 16 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
13528M. Foote Halla Beds Brachiopods Homerian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
13530M. Foote Klinteberg Beds Brachiopods Homerian/Gorstian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
13531M. Foote Hemse Beds Brachiopods Gorstian/Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
13833M. Foote Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LI1 (= Reef 3168) Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65040L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LM1 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65042L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LR2 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65043L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LU1 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65045L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LU3 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65047L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LV1 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65048L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LV2 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
65049L. Ivany Brachiopod fauna of Hemse bioherm at Ljugarn, LV3 Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Watkins (1975)
192207B. Kröger Petesvik, Hablingbo, Hemse Group Gorstian/Ludfordian - Silurian 2 - Sweden Hoel (2011)
192358B. Kröger On the bank of the Harsne Canal at Harsne Church (= Hemse, Hemse Beds) Wenlock/Leintwardine - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
192359B. Kröger Hörsne Canal, Halla Beds Wenlock - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
192371B. Kröger Östergarn, Hemse Beds (= Ostergarn) Wenlock/Leintwardine - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)
192372B. Kröger Sandarfve, Hemse Beds Wenlock/Leintwardine - Silurian 2 - Sweden Bassett and Cocks (1974)

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