There are 10 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
14046M. Foote Loc. 4.1, Listice Sect., Beroun, Listice sect. 566, Motol Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Kříž (1992)
14050M. Foote Loc. 4.3, Lodenice-Bubovice roadcut, Aulacopleura Shales Homerian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Kříž (1992)
14051M. Foote Loc. 4.3, Lodenice-Bubovice roadcut, M. belophorus Zone Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Kříž (1992)
14065M. Foote Loc. 5.3, Nova Ves Volcano, Motol Fm. Homerian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Kříž (1992)
14090M. Foote Niorhynx Comm. at Listice and Zahrabska, Motol Fmn., Prague Basin Wenlock - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Havlicek and Storch (1999)
14091M. Foote Niorhynx Comm. at Reporyje/Butovice, Motol Fmn., Prague Basin Wenlock - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Havlicek and Storch (1999)
14102M. Foote Aulacopleura konincki Community, Prague Basin Homerian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Havlicek and Storch (1999)
14123M. Foote Bumastus-Sphaerexochus-Cheirurus Assemblage, Prague Basin Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Chlupac (1987)
14124M. Foote Miraspis Assemblage, Prague Basin Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic - old id Chlupac (1987)
164484B. Kröger Lodenice, Prague district, Liten Fm. Sheinwoodian - Silurian 2 - Czech Republic Owens (1974)

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