Also known as Lower Fezouata Fm., Anti-Atlas Mountains, Morocco; Allaire et al. Loc. 1. (2015)
Where: Morocco (30.7° N, 6.2° W: paleocoordinates 74.2° S, 107.0° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Lower Fezouata Formation, Tremadoc (486.5 - 477.7 Ma)
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: deep subtidal shelf; lithified, sandy, calcareous limestone and lithified, gray, green shale
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: I. Rabano. 1990. Trilobites del Museo Geominero; I, Platypeltoides magrebiensis n. sp., Asaphina, Nileidae, del Ordovicico inferior del Anti-Atlas central, Marruecos. Boletin Geologico y Minero 101(1):21-27 [A. Miller/P. Novack-Gottshall/P. Novack-Gottshall]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 20998: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Phil Novack-Gottshall on 14.06.2002, edited by Pete Wagner
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Pterobranchia | |
Dictyonema sp. Hall 1851 graptolite | |
Bryograptus sp. graptolite
Rhabdinopora sp. Eichwald 1860 graptolite | |
Aristocystites sp. Barrande 1887 | |
Eocrinoidea | |
Rhopalocystis sp. Ubaghs 1963 | |
"Macrocystella bohemica" = Macrocystella bohemicus
"Macrocystella bohemica" = Macrocystella bohemicus Barrande 1867 | |
Rhynchonellata | |
Ranorthis sp. Öpik 1939 | |
Trilobita | |
Pharostomina sp. Sdzuy 1955 trilobite | |
Bavarilla sp. Barrande 1868 trilobite | |
? Parapilekia cf. olesnaensis Růžička 1935 trilobite | |
Platypeltoides magrabiensis trilobite
Symphysurus sp. Goldfuss 1843 trilobite | |
Dikelokephalina sp. Broegger 1996 trilobite | |
Asaphellus cf. homfrayi Salter 1866 trilobite | |
Apatokephalus sp. Brögger 1896 trilobite | |
Orometopus sp. Broegger 1898 trilobite | |
"Beltella sp." = Leptoplastides
"Beltella sp." = Leptoplastides Raw 1908 trilobite |