There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
26159M. Foote Ceratiocaris Community, Upper Ludlow to Lochkovian Ludfordian/Helderbergian - Silurian 2/Devonian 1-2 - Italy Ferretti et al. (1999)
26161M. Foote Kopaninoceras Community, Lochkovian Lochkovian - Devonian 1 - Italy Ferretti et al. (1999)
26163M. Foote "Orthoceras" Limestone Community, Late Wenlock to Pridoli (= Fluminimaggiore Formation, Late Wenlock to Pridoli) Wenlock/Pridoli - Silurian 2 - Italy Ferretti et al. (1999)
26173M. Foote Mason Porcus East, MP2 through MP5A Pridoli - Silurian 2 - Italy Gnoli et al. (1988)

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