Alma/road cut (Eocene of New Zealand)

Where: North Otago, New Zealand (45.1° S, 170.9° E: paleocoordinates 52.4° S, 169.7° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Priabonian (38.0 - 33.9 Ma)

Environment/lithology: transition zone or lower shoreface; tuffaceous, volcaniclastic, calcareous conglomerate

• it seems likely that individual pebbles were overturned, probably in storm events, about once or twice in a year

•The mean-water depth of the Alma/Fortification Road rockground is estimated to be around 25 m

•moderately current-swept channel adjacent to small volcanic islands and seamounts

• The sediment is very poorly sorted, bedding is indistinct, and the matrix-supported lithoclasts are not aligned on bedding planes. Some of the larger cobbles are vesicular bombs that show evidence of subaerial eruption.

•"mobile rockground" of encrusted pebbles and cobbles in calcareous, tuffaceous volcanic conglomerate horizons

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collection methods: chemical, sieve,

• Preparation: both encrusted clasts and iso1ated bryozoan fragments were soaked overnight in undiluted domestic bleach (NaOCl solution), following controlled sonication (usually several seconds), samples were thoroughly washed by gentle tumbling in clean water, then dried.

•Samples selected for study of agglutinated sediment particles were gently washed without bleaching or sonication.

Primary reference: D. E. Lee, J. Scholz, and D. P. Gordon. 1997. Paleoecology of a Late Eocene Mobile Rockground Biota from North Otago, New Zealand. Palaios 12(6):568-581 [L. Liow/F. Franeck]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 172815: authorized by Lee Hsiang Liow, entered by Franziska Franeck on 26.08.2015

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• non-bryozoan taxa not entered
 Cyclostomata - Crisinidae
 Cyclostomata - Horneridae
Hornera sp. Lamouroux 1821
 Cyclostomata - Oncousoeciidae
Oncousoecia sp. Canu 1918
 Cyclostomata - Tubuliporidae
? Tubulipora sp. Lamarck 1816
? Idmidronea sp. Canu and Bassler 1920
 Cyclostomata - Plagioeciidae
Plagioecia sp. Canu 1918
 Cyclostomata - Diaperoeciidae
 Cyclostomata - Crisiidae
Crisia "sp. 1" Lamarck 1812
Crisia "sp. 2" Lamarck 1812
 Cyclostomata - Lichenoporidae
 Cheilostomata - Escharinidae
 Cheilostomata - Scrupocellariidae
Amastigia "sp. 2" Busk 1852
 Cheilostomata - Umbonulidae
 Cheilostomata - Spiroporinidae
? Tessaradoma sp. Norman 1869
 Cheilostomata - Smittinidae
 Cheilostomata - Reteporidae
Hippellozoon sp. Canu and Bassler 1917
Plagiopora alma Gordon and Braga 1994
 Cheilostomata - Schizoporellidae
 Cheilostomata - Lacernidae
 Cheilostomata - Porinidae
 Cheilostomata - Cellariidae
Cellaria "sp. 1" Ellis and Solander 1786
Cellaria "sp. 2" Ellis and Solander 1786
 Cheilostomata - Celleporidae
 Cheilostomata - Phidoloporidae
Phidoloporidae indet. Gabb and Horn 1862
? Rhynchozoon sp. Hincks 1895
 Cheilostomata - Cribrilinidae
Cribrilinidae indet. Hincks 1880
gen. et sp. nov.
"Reginella" vas Brown 1954
 Cheilostomata - Romancheinidae
 Cheilostomata - Lepraliellidae
? Buchneria sp. Harmer 1957
 Cheilostomata - Arachnopusiidae
Arachnopusia sp. Jullien 1886
 Cheilostomata - Chaperiidae
Chaperiopsis "sp. 2" Uttley 1949
Chaperiopsis "sp. 3" Uttley 1949
Bryopastor sp. Gordon 1982
 Cheilostomata - Calloporidae
 Cheilostomata - Ellisinidae
 Cheilostomata - Candidae
Emma sp. Gray 1843
 Cheilostomata - Aspidostomatidae
 Cheilostomata - Onychocellidae
 Cheilostomata - Microporidae
Micropora sp. Gray 1848
 Cheilostomata - Catenicellidae
? Orthoscuticella sp. Wass and Yoo 1975
 Cheilostomatida - Selenariidae