Bladen County Landfill Annex [Tar Heel Fm.] (Cretaceous to of the United States)

Also known as BCLA, Elizabethtown

Where: Bladen County, North Carolina (34.6° N, 78.6° W: paleocoordinates 35.0° N, 50.3° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Tar Heel Formation (Black Creek Group), Early/Lower Campanian to Early/Lower Campanian (83.5 - 70.6 Ma)

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: deltaic; micaceous, gray, blue, argillaceous, carbonaceous sandstone

• The vertebrate fossils at these localities are from a lag deposit located at the top of the Tar Heel Formation. The Tar Heel Formation consists of deltaic facies in this part of North Carolina
• "a laminated, micaceous, blue-gray clayey sand with carbonized impressions of plants"

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collected in 1996–1998

Collection methods: bulk, quarrying, surface (in situ),

Primary reference: J. G. Carter, P. E. Gallagher, R. E. Valone, T. J. Rossbach, P. G. Gensel, W. H. Wheeler, and D. Whitman. 1988. Fossil collecting in North Carolina. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Resources, Geological Survey Section Bulletin 89:1-89 [M. Carrano/M. Carrano]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 128412: authorized by Roger Benson, entered by Roger Benson on 08.06.2012, edited by Matthew Carrano and Patricia Holroyd

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

Chondrichthyes indet.3 Huxley 1880 cartilaginous fish
 Hybodontiformes - Hybodontidae
Hybodus sp.2 Agassiz 1834 elasmobranch
"Author’s collection; lower lateral tooth lacking root; basal platform of cephalic hook lacking enameled hook; fragmentary dorsal fin spine."
 Hybodontiformes - Lonchidiidae
Lonchidion selachos2 Estes 1964 elasmobranch
"Author’s collection; tooth."
 Lamniformes - Anacoracidae
Squalicorax pristodontis2 crow shark
"Author’s collection; tooth."
Squalicorax kaupi2 Agassiz 1843 crow shark
"Author’s collection; teeth."
 Lamniformes - Mitsukurinidae
Scapanorhynchus texanus2 Roemer 1852 goblin shark
"Author’s collection; teeth."
 Lamniformes - Odontaspididae
Odontaspididae indet.2 Müller and Henle 1839 sand tiger shark
 Lamniformes - Otodontidae
Cretolamna sp.2, "Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata2
Cretolamna sp.2 Glikman 1958 mackerel shark
"Cretolamna appendiculata" = Cretalamna appendiculata2 Agassiz 1835 mackerel shark
Cretolamna appendiculata lata; "Author’s collection; tooth."
 Orectolobiformes - Ginglymostomatidae
"Ginglymostoma globidens" = Plicatoscyllium globidens2
"Ginglymostoma globidens" = Plicatoscyllium globidens2 Cappetta and Case 1975 nurse shark
"Author’s collection; tooth."
 Orectolobiformes - Orectolobidae
Cretorectolobus sp.2 Case 1978 wobbegong
 Carcharhiniformes - Triakidae
Galeorhinus sp.2 de Blainville and Prévost 1816 school shark
 Rajiformes - Sclerorhynchidae
Onchopristis sp.2 Stromer 1917 ray
Ischyrhiza sp.2 Leidy 1856 ray
oral tooth
Ischyrhiza mira2 Leidy 1856 ray
"Author’s collection; rostral and oral teeth."
Ischyrhiza avonicola2 Estes 1964 ray
"Author’s collection; rostral tooth."
Schizorhiza sp.2 Weiler 1930 ray
Borodinopristis schwimmeri2 Case 1987 ray
"Author’s collection; fragmented rostral tooth."
Borodinopristis shannoni n. sp.1 Case et al. 2012 ray
specimens may be from Tar Heel and/or Bladen formations
 Rajiformes - Ptychotrygonidae
Ptychotrygon sp.2 Jaekel 1894 ray
Ptychotrygon triangularis2 Reuss 1845 ray
"Author’s collection; oral teeth."
 Rajiformes - Rajidae
Rajidae indet.2 Blainville 1816 skate
 Rajiformes -
Rhinobatoidei indet.2 Fowler 1941 guitarfish
Protoplatyrhina sp.2 Case 1978 guitarfish
 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Rhinobatos casieri2 Herman 1977 guitarfish
 Rajiformes -
Pseudohypolophus sp.2 Cappetta and Case 1975 guitarfish
 Myliobatiformes - Rhombodontidae
Rhombodus binkhorsti2 Dames 1881 stingray
"Author’s collection; isolated pavement tooth."
 Myliobatiformes - Myliobatidae
Brachyrhizodus wichitaensis2 Romer 1942 eagle ray
"Author’s collection; isolated mouth plate."
 Myliobatiformes - Dasyatidae
Dasyatis sp.2 Rafinesque 1810 whiptail stingray
"Author’s collection; tooth."
 Rhinopristiformes - Pristidae
Anoxypristis sp.2 White and Moy-Thomas 1941 sawfish
? Pristis sp.2 Linck 1790 sawfish
 Selachii -
 Squatiniformes - Squatinidae
Squatina hassei2 Leriche 1929 angel shark
"Author’s collection; tooth and vertebra."
 Osteichthyes -
Osteichthyes indet.3 Huxley 1880 bony fish
vertebrae, scales
Reptilia indet. Laurenti 1768 reptile
 Plesiosauria - Elasmosauridae
Elasmosauridae indet.2 Cope 1869 elasmosaur
Isolated vertebra.
 Dinosauria -
Dinosauria indet.2 Owen 1842 dinosaur
 Theropoda -
Theropoda indet.2 Marsh 1881 theropod
 Theropoda - Dromaeosauridae
Dromaeosauridae indet.2 Colbert and Russell 1969 maniraptoran
"Author’s collection; isolated tooth."
 Theropoda - Tyrannosauridae
Tyrannosauridae indet.2 Osborn 1906 tyrannosaurid
"Author’s collection; isolated teeth."
 Theropoda - Ornithomimidae
Ornithomimus sp.2 Marsh 1890 ornithomimid
"Private collections; pedal phalanx and fragmentary manual ungual."
 Ornithischia -
Ornithopoda indet.2 Marsh 1881 ornithopod
 Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Hadrosauridae indet.2 Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
"Author’s collection; isolated teeth. Private collection: dentary battery, thoracic and caudal vertebra, and ungual."
Hypsibema crassicauda2 Cope 1869 hadrosaurid
 Crocodylia -
Crocodylia indet.2 Owen 1842 crocodilian
Deinosuchus rugosus2 Emmons 1858 crocodilian
Isolated teeth, vertebra and osteoderm.
Borealosuchus sp.2 Brochu 1997 crocodilian
Isolated tooth, mandible fragment.
 Testudines - Trionychidae
Trionyx sp.2 Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1809 softshell turtle
 Testudines - Bothremydidae
Bothremydina indet.4 Gaffney et al. 2006 sideneck turtle
NCSM 14577, 19721 14598, all quadrates
Bothremys sp.4 Leidy 1865 sideneck turtle
NCSM 14499, L mandible
Chedighaii sp.4 Gaffney et al. 2006 sideneck turtle
NCSM 23681, partial R maxilla and jugal
 Squamata -
Coniophis sp.2 Marsh 1892 snake
 Squamata - Mosasauridae
Tylosaurus sp.2 Marsh 1872 mosasaur
"Author’s collection; isolated tooth and cervical vertebra."
 Multituberculata - Cimolomyidae
Cimolomys sp.6 Marsh 1889 multituberculate
 Temnospondyli - Albanerpetontidae
Albanerpetontidae indet.5 Fox and Naylor 1982 tetrapod
 Lepisosteiformes - Lepisosteidae
Lepisosteus sp.2 Agassiz 1843 gar
"Author’s collection; scale."
 Pycnodontiformes - Pycnodontidae
Hadrodus priscus2 Leidy 1857
"Author’s collection; isolated vomer crushing teeth and pharyngeal teeth."
Anomoeodus phaseolus2 Hay 1899
"Author’s collection; fragmentary splenial jaw section with two splenial crusher teeth, isolated mandibular tooth and anterior vomerine tooth cap."
 Acanthopterygii -
Cylindracanthus sp.2 Leidy 1856
 Aulopiformes - Enchodontidae
Enchodus cf. petrosus2 Cope 1874
"Author’s collection; isolated palatine fang."
 Ichthyodectiformes - Ichthyodectidae
Xiphactinus vetus2 Leidy 1856
"Author’s collection; isolated tooth."
 Elopiformes - Phyllodontidae
Paralbula casei2 Estes 1969
"Author’s collection; crushing teeth."
 Albuliformes - Albulidae
Albula sp.2 Gronow 1763 bonefish
"Author’s collection; crushing teeth."
 Pachycormiformes - Pachycormidae
Protosphyraena sp.2 Leidy 1857