Ndendouri-Ouali Diala area, Ypresian (Eocene of Senegal)

Where: Senegal (15.3° N, 13.0° W: paleocoordinates 10.7° N, 17.5° W)

• coordinate estimated from map

When: Matam Formation, Ypresian (56.0 - 47.8 Ma)

• ? Lower Ypresian

Environment/lithology: deep subtidal shelf; brown phosphorite

• internal platform (Pascal 1987) and the three phosphorite deposals, often considered as the result of upwelling onto a deep or steep shelf, seem to testify of general changes in marine productivity
• brown phosphate coprolitic

Size class: macrofossils

Primary reference: B. S. Sambou, R. Sarr, L. Hautier, H. Cappetta, and S. Adnet. 2017. The selachian fauna (sharks and rays) of the phosphate series of Ndendouri-Ouali Diala (Matam, Western Senegal): Dating and paleoenvironmental interests. Neus Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen 283(2):205-219 [R. Davis/R. Davis/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 209379: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 01.05.2020

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Lamniformes - Odontaspididae
Brachycarcharias sp. Cappetta and Nolf 2005 sand tiger shark
sp. 1
 Lamniformes - Otodontidae
 Carcharhiniformes - Carcharhinidae
Physogaleus secundus Winkler 1876 requiem shark
Rhizoprionodon sp. Whitley 1929 sharpnose shark
 Carcharhiniformes - Scyliorhinidae
Foumtizia sp. Noubhani and Cappetta 1997 cat shark
Scyliorhinus sp. Blainville 1816 cat shark
 Carcharhiniformes - Triakidae
Triakis sp. Müller and Henle 1838 hound shark
 Euselachii -
Orectolobiformes indet. Applegate 1972 carpet shark
 Orectolobiformes - Orectolobidae
Squatiscyllium sp. Cappetta 1980 wobbegong
 Orectolobiformes - Ginglymostomatidae
Ginglymostoma sp. Müller and Henle 1838 nurse shark
Ginglymostoma angolense Dartevelle and Casier 1943 nurse shark
Protoginglymostoma sp. Herman and Crochard 1977 nurse shark
 Orectolobiformes - Hemiscylliidae
Chiloscyllium sp. Müller and Henle 1837 carpet shark
 Euselachii -
Odontorhytis sp. Bohm 1926 elasmobranch
 Rajiformes - Rhinobatidae
Rhinobatos sp. Link 1790 guitarfish
 Myliobatiformes - Gymnuridae
Ouledia sp. Cappetta 1986 stingray
 Myliobatiformes - Myliobatidae
Myliobatis sp. Cuvier 1816 eagle ray
Aetomylaeus sp. Garman 1908 eagle ray
 Myliobatiformes - Dasyatidae
Dasyatis sp. Rafinesque 1810 whiptail stingray
sp. 1, sp. 2
 Myliobatiformes - Rhinopteridae
Rhinoptera sp. Cuvier 1829 cownose ray
Garabatis atlasi Cappetta 1993 cow-nosed ray
 Myliobatiformes -
Dasyatoidea indet. Whitley 1940 stingray
Coupatezia sp. Cappetta 1982 stingray
Arechia sp. Cappetta 1983 stingray
 Myliobatiformes - Aetobatidae
Aetobatus sp. Blainville 1816 stingray
 Rhinopristiformes - Rhynchobatidae
Rhynchobatus sp. Müller and Henle 1837 wedgefish
 Rhinopristiformes - Pristidae
Pristis sp. Linck 1790 sawfish
Anoxypristis sp. White and Moy-Thomas 1941 sawfish