White Mountain Formation (Eocene of Uzbekistan)
Where: Uzbekistan (41.6° N, 65.5° E: paleocoordinates 41.3° N, 60.3° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
When: White Mountain Formation, Middle Eocene (47.8 - 37.7 Ma)
Environment/lithology: marine
• phosphorotised oolitic sands
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: G. R. Case, N.I. Udovichenko, L.A. Nessov, A.O. Averianov, and P.D. Borodin. 1996. A Middle Eocene selachian fauna from the White Mountain Formation of the Kizylum Desert, Uzbekistan, C.I.S. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 242(Lfg.4-6):99-126 [J. Kriwet/W. Glaeser/W. Glaeser]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 62573: authorized by Juergen Kriwet, entered by Wolfgang Glaeser on 24.07.2006
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
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Chondrichthyes | |
Galeorhinus sp. de Blainville and Prévost 1816 school shark | |
Rhizoprionodon ganntourensis, Abdounia lapierrei, Abdounia recticona, Abdounia beaugei, Physogaleus sp.
Rhizoprionodon ganntourensis Arambourg 1952 sharpnose shark
Abdounia lapierrei requiem shark
Abdounia recticona requiem shark
Abdounia beaugei Arambourg 1935 requiem shark
Physogaleus sp. Cappetta 1980 requiem shark | |
Galeocerdo latidens Agassiz 1835 tiger shark | |
"Scyliorhinus gilberti" = Premontreia gilberti
"Scyliorhinus gilberti" = Premontreia gilberti Casier 1946 cat shark | |
Palaeorhincodon wardi carpet shark | |
Isurus praecursor Thurmond and Jones 1981 mackerel shark | |
Carcharias hopei Agassiz 1843 sand shark | |
Cretolamna lerichei mackerel shark
Carcharocles sokolowi mackerel shark | |
Jaekelotodus trigonalis Jackel 1895 sand tiger shark
Odontaspis winkleri Leriche 1905 sand tiger shark | |
Striatolamia macrota Agassiz 1838 goblin shark | |
Squatina cf. prima Winkler 1874 angel shark | |
Isistius trituratus Winkler 1874 shark | |
Squalus sp. Linnaeus 1758 dogfish shark | |
Heterodontus cf. vincenti Leriche 1905 bullhead shark | |
Notorhynchus cf. primigenius Agassiz 1835 sevengill shark | |
Aktaua kizylkumensis n. gen. n. sp. sawfish
Pristis sp. Linck 1790 sawfish
Anoxypristis sp. White and Moy-Thomas 1941 sawfish | |
Rhinobatos steurbauti Cappetta and Nolf 1981 guitarfish | |
Aetobatus cf. irregularis Agassiz 1843 stingray | |
Hypolophodon sp. Cappetta 1980 stingray | |
Archaeomanta melenhorsti Herman 1979 eagle ray
Burnhamia daviesi Woodward 1889 eagle ray
Myliobatis sp. Cuvier 1816 eagle ray | |
Coupatezia woutersi Cappetta 1982 stingray | |
Glikmania tamdyensa n. gen. n. sp., Dasyatis sp.
Glikmania tamdyensa n. gen. n. sp. whiptail stingray
Dasyatis sp. Rafinesque 1810 whiptail stingray | |
Rhinoptera cf. sherborni White 1926 cownose ray |