Where: Morocco (31.4° N, 6.3° W: paleocoordinates 27.0° N, 8.8° W)
• coordinate estimated from map
When: Jbel Tagount Formation, Lutetian (47.8 - 41.3 Ma)
• middle Lutetian, between 45.8 and 43.6 Ma, Zone P11
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: deltaic; limestone
Size class: macrofossils
Primary reference: R. Tabuce, S. Adnet, H. Cappetta, A. M. Noubhani, and F. Quillevere. 2005. Aznag (bassin d'Ouarzazate, Maroc), nouvelle localite a selaciens et mammiferes de l'Eocene moyen (Lutetien) d'Afrique. Bulletin de la societe Geologique du France 2005(176):381-400 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 91339: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 15.09.2009
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Mammalia | |
Chiroptera indet. Blumenbach 1779 bat | |
Hyopsodontidae indet. Trouessart 1879 condylarth | |
? Omomyidae indet. Gazin 1958 tarsier | |
Soricomorpha indet. Gregory 1910 placental | |
Nyctitheriidae indet. Simpson 1928 placental | |
cf. Paschatherium sp. Russell 1963 odd-toed ungulate | |
Chondrichthyes | |
Rhizoprionodon sp. Whitley 1929 sharpnose shark | |
Nebrius obliquus Leidy 1877 nurse shark
Protoginglymostoma sp. Herman and Crochard 1977 nurse shark
Ginglymostoma aff. angolense Dartevelle and Casier 1943 nurse shark | |
Hemiscyllium sp. Smith 1837 carpet shark
Chiloscyllium aff. meraense Noubhani and Cappetta 1997 carpet shark | |
Squatiscyllium sp. Cappetta 1980 wobbegong | |
"Carcharias aff. atlasi" = Synodontaspis atlasi
"Carcharias aff. atlasi" = Synodontaspis atlasi Arambourg 1952 sand tiger shark | |
Rhynchobatus sp. Müller and Henle 1837 wedgefish | |
"Rhinobatos aff. bruxelliensis" = Rhinobatus bruxelliensis
"Rhinobatos aff. bruxelliensis" = Rhinobatus bruxelliensis Jaekel 1894 guitarfish | |
Urolophidae indet. Gray 1851 round ray | |
Leidybatis sp. Cappetta 1986 eagle ray
Eomobula aff. stehmanni Herman et al. 1988 eagle ray
Myliobatis sp. Cuvier 1816 eagle ray | |
Dasyatoidea indet. Whitley 1940 stingray
Coupatezia sp. Cappetta 1982 stingray
Arechia sp. Cappetta 1983 stingray | |
"Dasyatis" aff. sudrei Cappetta 1972 whiptail stingray | |
Gymnuridae indet. Fowler 1934 stingray
Ouledia sp. Cappetta 1986 stingray | |
Garabatis sp. cow-nosed ray |