There are 6 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
425J. Sepkoski UCMP loc. D-5654, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains (= Rhysostrophia community / coll. Berry, Lawson & Yancey) Middle Ordovician - Ordovician 2-3 - California Berry et al. (1979)
119484W. Kiessling UCMP loc. B6082, Mazourka Canyon Whiterockian - Ordovician 2-4 - California Greife and Langenheim (1963)
119486W. Kiessling UCMP loc. B6083 Mazourka Canyon Whiterockian - Ordovician 2-4 - California Greife and Langenheim (1963)
226919J. Marcot UCMP loc. D-5655, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains (= Rhysostrophia community / coll. Berry, Lawson & Yancey) Middle Ordovician - Ordovician 2-3 - California Berry et al. (1979)
226920J. Marcot UCMP loc. D-5656, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains (= Rhysostrophia community / coll. Berry, Lawson & Yancey) Middle Ordovician - Ordovician 2-3 - California Berry et al. (1979)
226921J. Marcot UCMP loc. D-5657, Mazourka Canyon, Inyo Mountains (= Rhysostrophia community / coll. Berry, Lawson & Yancey) Middle Ordovician - Ordovician 2-3 - California Berry et al. (1979)

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