There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
44954D. Bottjer McKittrick asphalt deposit (INHS collection) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Heads and Wang (2013)
152007M. Clapham Rancho La Brea, Pit A (LACMIP 88) Rancholabrean - Cenozoic 6 - California Pierce (1946)
161630M. Clapham Rancho La Brea (UCMP 2051) Rancholabrean - Cenozoic 6 - California Doyen and Miller (1980)
190077M. Uhen La Brea Tar Pits (general) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Jones and Desantis (2017)

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