Brooksville 2 ( of the United States)

Where: Hernando County, Florida (28.5° N, 82.2° W: paleocoordinates 28.7° N, 77.0° W)

• coordinate based on political unit

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Arikareean (29.5 - 18.5 Ma)

• Middle Arikareean

•The age of the deposit was considered to be 26–25 Ma by Tedford et al. (2004) based on mammalian biochronology. Later analysis by Czaplewski and Morgan (2012) and Morgan et al. (2019) suggested a slightly older age range of 28–26 Ma

• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: fissure fill; claystone and sandstone

• laminated clay and sand

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Primary reference: F. G. Hayes. 2000. The Brooksville 2 local fauna (Arikareean, latest Oligocene) Hernando County, Florida. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 43(1):1-47 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details

Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis

PaleoDB collection 17476: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 15.05.2002, edited by Richard Hulbert, Patricia Holroyd, Terri Cleary, Mark Uhen, Bethany Allen and Philip Mannion

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Spatangoida - Schizasteridae
Agassizia (Aniaster) mossomi4 Cooke 1942 heart urchin
 Testudines - Kinosternoidea
Xenochelys floridensis n. sp.2 Bourque 2013 mud turtle
UF 150006-150007, holotype
 Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudinidae indet.2 Batsch 1788 turtle
"small tortoise (from sub-localities 1A and 1B)
 Squamata - Helodermatidae
Helodermatidae indet.2 Gray 1837 squamates
 Squamata - Polychrotidae
Anolis "morphotype A"3 Daudin 1802 anole
"UF 274039 (partial dentary), 274041 (partial dentary), 274061 (frontal), 274073 (partial dentary), 274074 (partial dentary), 275606 (partial maxilla), 275608 (partial dentary), 275611 (partial dentary), 275620 (partial dentary), 275627 (left postorbital), 275629 (partial dentary), 275645-275647 (partial dentaries), 275649-650 (partial dentaries), 275653 (partial left maxilla), 275667 (braincase), 275677-275681 (frontals), 275682-275684 (left quadrates), 275685-275686 (frontals), 275693-275694 (partial maxillae), 275697 (partial dentary), 275699-275701 (partial dentaries), 278727 (left prefrontal), 278745 (left prefrontal)"
cf. Anolis "morphotype B"3 Daudin 1802 anole
"UF 275662 (partial right dentary), UF 275695 (partial right dentary), UF 275696 (partial right dentary), UF 275619 (partial left dentary), UF 275665 (partial left dentary)"
 Squamata - Iguanidae
Iguanidae indet.3 Oppel 1811 squamates
"UF 275612 (partial left dentary), UF 274077 (partial right dentary), UF 275644 (partial right dentary)"
Iguaninae indet.3 Cope 1886 squamates
"UF 274049 (partial right dentary), UF 275635 (partial left dentary)"
 Squamata -
Scolecophidia indet.6 snake
UF 268995, -96, 269073, three trunk vertebrae
 Squamata - Rhineuridae
Rhineuridae indet.3 Vanzolini 1951 worm lizard
"UF 268989-94 (vertebrae), UF 274047 (vertebra), UF 275673 (partial right dentary)"
 Squamata - Scincidae
Scincidae indet.3 Gray 1825 skink
"UF 274043 (partial right dentary with splenial), UF 274063 (partial right dentary), UF 274239 (partial right dentary), UF 274240 (partial right dentary), UF 274252 (right premaxilla)"
 Squamata - Eublepharidae
Eublepharidae indet.3 Boulenger 1883 squamates
"UF 275603 (partial left maxilla), UF 274247 (partial right dentary), UF 278770 (partial left dentary)"
 Crocodylia - Alligatoridae
Alligator sp.8 Daudin 1809 alligator
"dwarf alligatorid"
 Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae
Herpetotherium sp. Cope 1873 marsupial
said to be new
 Chiroptera - Emballonuridae
Emballonuridae indet. Dobson 1875 sac-winged bat
a bat
 Chiroptera - Phyllostomidae
"Phyllostomatidae indet." = Phyllostomidae5
"Phyllostomatidae indet." = Phyllostomidae5 Gray 1825 leaf-nosed bat
a bat; large sized
 Chiroptera - Mormoopidae
Mormoopidae indet. Saussure 1860 ghost-faced bat
a bat
Koopmanycteris palaeomormoops n. gen. n. sp.7 Morgan et al. 2019 ghost-faced bat
UF 157765 (holotype), right dentary with p4-m3 and alveoli for i1-p3
 Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
Vespertilionidae indet. Gray 1821 vesper bat
a bat
 Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Megalagus abaconis n. sp. Hayes 2000 rabbit
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Eomyidae indet. Winge 1887 rodent
 Rodentia - Heliscomyidae
Heliscomyidae indet. Korth et al. 1991 rodent
 Rodentia - Castoridae
Agnotocastor sp. Stirton 1935 beaver
 Rodentia - Florentiamyidae
Florentiamyidae indet. Wood 1936 rodent
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Sciuridae indet. Gray 1821 squirrel
 Rodentia - Entoptychidae
"Entoptychinae indet." = Entoptychidae
"Entoptychinae indet." = Entoptychidae Miller and Gidley 1918 rodent
said to be new
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Parvericius montanus Koerner 1940 hedgehog
 Soricomorpha - Geolabididae
Centetodon magnus Clark 1936 placental
 Artiodactyla - Hypertragulidae
Nanotragulus loomisi Lull 1922 ruminant
 Artiodactyla - Camelidae
Nothokemas waldropi Frailey 1978 camel
 Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
Phenacocoelinae indet. Schultz and Falkenbach 1950 oreodont
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Miohippus sp. Marsh 1874 anchitheriine horse
 Carnivora - Palaeogalidae
Palaeogale minuta Gervais 1848 carnivoran
 Carnivora - Mustelidae
Arikarictis chapini n. sp. Hayes 2000 mustelid carnivore
Acheronictis webbi n. sp. Hayes 2000 mustelid carnivore
 Carnivora - Canidae
Enhydrocyon cf. pahinsintewakpa Macdonald 1963 canid
Osbornodon wangi n. sp. Hayes 2000 canid
Phlaocyon taylori n. sp. Hayes 2000 bone-crushing dog
 Salientia - Rhinophrynidae
Rhinophrynus sp.1 Dumeril and Bibron 1841 burrowing toad
from Quarry 1A, localities HE003 and HE008