Fremouw Peak Saddle (Triassic of Antarctica)

Also known as Fremouw Peak

Where: Antarctica (84.3° S, 164.3° E: paleocoordinates 76.9° S, 79.9° E)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Upper Member (Fremouw Formation), Anisian (247.2 - 242.0 Ma)

• Thick sandstone body near the base of the upper Fremouw Formation

• member-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: terrestrial; lithified, coarse-grained conglomerate

• Collected from a conglomeratic layer within a thick sandstone body near the base of the upper Fremouw Formation at Fremouw Peak.

Size class: macrofossils

Collected by C. A. Sidor; reposited in the UWBM

Collection methods: quarrying, mechanical,

Primary reference: C. A. Sidor, J. S. Steyer, and R. Damiani. 2007. Parotosuchus (Temnospondyli: Mastodonsauridae) from the Triassic of Antarctica. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(1):232-235 [C. Sidor/C. Sidor]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 135697: authorized by Chris Sidor, entered by Chris Sidor on 03.11.2012, edited by Brandon Peecook

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Archosauria -
Archosauria indet.2 Cope 1869 archosaur
UWBM 95548, proximal right femur
 Therocephalia -
Therocephalia indet.2 therapsid
UWBM 96187, incomplete left ilium
 Dicynodontia -
Angonisaurus sp.2 Cox and Li 1983 dicynodont
UWBM 95538, partial left squamosal
 Temnospondyli -
Parotosuchus sp. Ochev and Shishkin 1968 tetrapod
UWBM 88571, partial rostrum
 Temnospondyli - Plagiosauridae
Plagiosaurinae indet.1 Abel 1919 tetrapod
UWBM VP 95534, partial interclavicle