Where: Alachua County, Florida (29.6° N, 82.5° W: paleocoordinates 29.8° N, 80.0° W)
• coordinate stated in text
When: Alachua Formation, Late/Upper Clarendonian (12.5 - 9.4 Ma)
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marginal marine; lithology not reported
Size class: macrofossils
Reposited in the FLMNH
Collection methods: quarrying,
• "approximately 15,000 specimens of identifiable, medium- to large-sized mammals": MacFadden and Hulbert 1990
Primary reference: S. D. Webb, B. J. MacFadden, and J. A. Baskin. 1981. Geology and paleontology of the Love Bone Bed from the Late Miocene of Florida. American Journal of Science 281:513-544 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 18554: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by John Hunter, Mark Uhen, Richard Hulbert, Jonathan Marcot, Catalina Pimiento, Patricia Holroyd, Philip Mannion and Evangelos Vlachos
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
"Clarendonian peccary" sp.27 said to be a new species not found elsewhere; species "D" and "E" of Wright 1983; see also Wright 1998
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Chondrichthyes | |
"Odontaspis taurus" = Carcharias taurus
"Odontaspis taurus" = Carcharias taurus Rafinesque 1810 sand shark | |
"Carcharodon megalodon" = Otodus megalodon20
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Carcharodon sp. Smith 1838 white shark | |
Negaprion brevirostris, Physogaleus contortus20, Carcharhinus sp.20, Carcharhinus leucas, Rhizoprionodon sp.20
Negaprion brevirostris Poey 1868 lemon shark
Carcharhinus leucas Valenciennes 1839 requiem shark | |
"Galeocerdo cuvieri" = Galeocerdo cuvier
"Galeocerdo cuvieri" = Galeocerdo cuvier Peron and LeSueur 1822 tiger shark | |
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Aves | |
Pandionidae indet. Sclater and Salvin 1873 osprey | |
Accipitridae indet. Viellot 1816 hawk | |
"Vulturidae indet." = Vulturinae Illiger 1811 vulture | |
Ciconiidae indet. Sundevall 1836 stork | |
Threskiornithinae indet. Richmond 1917 ibis | |
Phalacrocoracidae indet. Reichenbach 1850 cormorant | |
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Podicipedidae indet. Bonaparte 1831 grebe | |
Aramidae indet. Bonaparte 1854 limpkin | |
Gruidae indet. Vigors 1825 crane | |
Rallinae indet. Vigors 1825 rail
Fulicinae indet. Nitzsch 1820 rail | |
Passeriformes indet. Linnaeus 1758 perching bird | |
Anatinae indet. Vigors 1825 duck
Anserinae indet. Vigors 1825 goose | |
Phoenicopteridae indet. Bonaparte 1838 flamingo | |
Charadrii indet. Huxley 1867 shorebird | |
Reptilia | |
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"Gavialosuchus cf. americanus" = Thecachampsa sericodon
"Gavialosuchus cf. americanus" = Thecachampsa sericodon Cope 1867 crocodilian UF 289203, 289202, 289201
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Deirochelys carri Jackson 1978 chicken turtle | |
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Apalone amorense n. sp.23
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Kinosternon notolophus n. sp.13
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"Crotalinae indet." = Crotalidae, cf. Sistrurus sp.
cf. Sistrurus sp. Garman 1883 pigmy rattlesnake | |
? Typhlops sp. Oppel 1811 blind snake | |
cf. Thamnophis sp., cf. Nerodia sp.2, Xenodontinae indet., cf. Heterodon sp., cf. Lampropeltis getulus, cf. Elaphe sp.
cf. Thamnophis sp. Fitzinger 1843 garter snake
cf. Lampropeltis getulus Linnaeus 1766 kingsnake
cf. Elaphe sp. Wagler 1833 colubrid snake | |
Mammalia | |
Microchiroptera indet. Dobson 1875 bat | |
Metaxytherium sp. de Christol 1840 dugong | |
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Sciuridae indet. Gray 1821 squirrel | |
Abelmoschomys simpsoni n. sp.6
Abelmoschomys simpsoni n. sp.6 Baskin 1986 rodent probably includes "Copemys sp." based on phylogenetic discussion
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"Eucastor cf. planus" = Nothodipoides planus
"Eucastor cf. planus" = Nothodipoides planus Stirton 1935 beaver | |
Mylagaulus elassos n. sp.3
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Aphelops malacorhinus Cope 1878 rhinoceros | |
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Calippus cerasinus16, Calippus elachistus16, Protohippus gidleyi16, Neohipparion trampasense16, Hipparion cf. tehonense16, "Hippotherium ingenuum" = Cormohipparion ingenuum16, "Hippotherium plicatile" = Cormohipparion plicatile16, Pseudhipparion skinneri16, Nannippus westoni16
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"Pediomeryx hamiltoni n. sp." = Yumaceras hamiltoni24
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Antilocaprinae indet. Gray 1866 pronghorn | |
Hemiauchenia minima Leidy 1886 camel
Aepycamelus major Leidy 1886 camel | |
Webbochoerus macfaddeni n. gen. n. sp.21
Webbochoerus macfaddeni n. gen. n. sp.21 Prothero 2021 peccary said to be a new species not found elsewhere; species "D" and "E" of Wright 1983; see also Wright 1998
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Cetacea indet. Brisson 1762 whale | |
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Arctonasua floridana n. sp.5 Baskin 1982 procyonid carnivore this record or the following one might include "Proturocyon cf. macdonaldi" (an unpublished name for a new genus and species present also at Black Hawk Ranch that never has been described)
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? Plionictis sp. Matthew 1924 mustelid carnivore
Sthenictis cf. lacota Matthew and Gidley 1904 mustelid carnivore | |
Nimravides galiani n. sp.4
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? Leptocyon sp. Matthew 1918 canine | |
Soricidae indet. Fischer 1814 shrew | |
Talpidae indet. Fischer de Waldheim 1817 mole | |
Amphibia | |
Siren sp. Linnaeus 1766 siren | |
Ranidae indet. Rafinesque 1814 frog | |
Actinopteri | |
Lepisosteus sp. Agassiz 1843 gar
Atractosteus cf. spatula Lacepede 1803 gar | |
Amia cf. calva Linnaeus 1766 bowfin | |
Ictalurus cf. catus catfish | |
Labridae indet. Cuvier 1816 | |
Chilomycterus sp. Brisout de Barneville 1846 | |
Pogonias cf. cromis Cope 1869 black drum | |
Lutjanus sp. Bloch 1790 | |
Lagodon cf. rhomboides Linnaeus 1766 perch-like fish | |
Centropomus sp. Lacépède 1802 | |