Where: Leiria, Portugal (39.7° N, 8.8° W: paleocoordinates 33.7° N, 1.9° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Alcobaça Formation, Kimmeridgian (157.3 - 152.1 Ma)
• two lignite coal layers wth vertebrate fossils. Dated as Oxfordian based on microflora, Kimmeridgian based on ostracods. Recent work (Schudack 1993) favors Kimmeridgian.
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lagoonal; coal
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils, microfossils
Preservation: mold/impression
Collection methods: surface (in situ), mechanical,
Primary reference: C. Brauckmann. 1978. Beitrag zur Flora der Grube Guimarota (Ober-Jura; Mittel-Portugal). Geologica et Palaeontologica 12:213-222 [A. Rees/A. Rees/A. Rees]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 24563: authorized by Allister Rees, entered by Allister Rees on 09.08.2002, edited by Meg Hall, Matthew Carrano, Kaitlin Maguire, Roger Benson, Philip Mannion, Oliver Rauhut and Terri Cleary
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Equisetopsida | |
Brachyphyllum sp. Brongniart 1828 | |
Otozamites sp. Braun 1843 | |
Polypodiopsida | |
? Schizoneura sp. Schimper and Mougeot 1844
Equisetum lusitanicum horsetail | |
Ginkgoopsida | |
? Caytonia sp. Thomas 1925 | |
Ginkgo sp. Linnaeus 1771 ginkgo | |
Foraminifera | |
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Actinopteri | |
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Reptilia | |
"Peltochelys duchastelli" = Peltochelys duchastelii13
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"Chelonia indet." = Testudines1
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"Introrsisaurus pollicidens n. gen. n. sp." = Dorsetisaurus purbeckensis29
"Introrsisaurus pollicidens n. gen. n. sp." = Dorsetisaurus purbeckensis29 Hoffstetter 1967 squamates | |
Portugalophis lignites n. gen. n. sp.2
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"Saurillus proraformis n. sp." = Saurillodon proraformis29, "Becklesisaurus hoffstetteri n. sp." = Becklesius hoffstetteri29, Saurillus cf. obtusus29, Saurillus henkeli n. sp.29
"Becklesisaurus hoffstetteri n. sp." = Becklesius hoffstetteri29 Seiffert 1975 squamates FUB Gui.A56
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"Cteniogenys reedi n. sp." = Cteniogenys antiquus29
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Lisboasaurus estesi n. gen. n. sp.29 Seiffert 1975 crocodilian FUB Giu 37, near-complete right maxilla with one tooth; plus FUB field batch number Jun 18:13:1
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"Theriosuchus guimarotae n. sp." = Knoetschkesuchus guimarotae28
"Theriosuchus guimarotae n. sp." = Knoetschkesuchus guimarotae28 Schwarz and Salisbury 2005 crocodilian IPFUB Gui Croc 7308
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Goniopholis baryglyphaeus n. sp.26 Schwarz 2002 crocodilian IPFUB Gui Croc 1, holotype: an articulated partial skeleton, including a nearly complete dorso-ventrally ¯attened skull with major portions of the lower jaw; four cervical vertebrae, six thoracic vertebrae, one sacral vertebra and three caudal vertebrae; the right and left coracoids, the left ischium and portions of the right femur, tibia and ®bula, a metacarpal, and several dorsal and ventral osteoderms
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Machimosaurus hugii14 Meyer 1837 marine crocodile Fragments of the snout, part of the frontal, the left postorbital, the pterygoids left and the occiput, also two dorsal vertebrae, two sacral vertebrae, a tail vertebrae, ribs, left fibula, and some armor plates; found in 1961
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Aves | |
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Reptilia | |
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Osteichthyes | |
Haldanodon exspectatus n. sp.18
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Mammalia | |
Dryolestidae indet.15, Dryolestes leirensis n. sp.20, Dryolestes cf. leirensis20, Henkelotherium guimarotae27, Krebsotherium lusitanicum n. gen. n. sp.20, Guimarotodus inflatus n. gen. n. sp.20
Dryolestes leirensis n. sp.20 Martin 1999 mammal Gui Mam 130/74 (holotype left mandible) plus 81 other specimens. Includes Butterigale sp. of Kuhne 1968
Krebsotherium lusitanicum n. gen. n. sp.20 Martin 1999 mammal IPFUB Gui Mam 9/75 (holotype left mandible) plus 78 other specimens
Guimarotodus inflatus n. gen. n. sp.20 Martin 1999 mammal IPFUB Gui Mam 121/75 (holotype right mandible) plus ten other specimens
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Drescheratherium acutum n. gen. n. sp.16 Krebs 1998 mammal IPFUB Gui Mam 4/73 (holotype maxilla), 34/A6, 70/74, 1/76
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Nanolestes drescherae n. gen. n. sp.21
Nanolestes drescherae n. gen. n. sp.21 Martin 2002 mammal The holotype (Gui Mamm 1002) and the following specimens: lower teeth (molars if not otherwise indicated): Gui Mam 1000 (left); 1001 (left); 1003 (left); 1004 (left); 1005 (dp?2-3, left); 1006 (right); 1007 (sectioned for enamel analysis); 1008 (left); 1009 (left); 1010 (left); 1011 (left); 1012 (right); 1013 (dp?3- 5, right); 1014 (left); 1015/1 (right) and 1015/2 (right), most probably from the same individual; 1016 (right); 1017 (right); 1018 (right); 1019 (dp?3-5, right); 1020 (right); 1021 (left); 1022 (left); 1040 (left); anterior dentary fragment with p3-5, broken roots of p2 and alveoli for il-4, c, and pl (Gui Mam 66/79); right dentary with p2 and alveoli for il-4, p1-5, and ml-5 (Guimarota 19; "cf. Peramus" of Ktihne, 1968a); upper teeth (molars if not otherwise indicated): Gui Mam 1023/1 (P4 or 5, left), 1023/2 (left), 1023/3 (left), most probably from the same individual; 1024 (left); 1025 (left); 1026 (left); 1027 (DP? 3-5, left); 1029 (left); 1030 (left); 1031 (right); 1032 (right); 1033 (right); 1034 (DP? 3-5, right); 1035 (right); 1036 (left); 1037 (right); 1038 (right); 1039 (DP? 3-5, right, double-rooted, roots broken, tooth was not shed); 1041 (left); left maxilla fragment consisting of two maxillary fragments and five isolated teeth (C, P1-P4) and a possible molar fragment (Gui Mam 176/ 75).
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Paulchoffatiidae "gen. A"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. B"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. C"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 1"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 2"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 3"10, Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 4"10, Henkelodon sp.10, Henkelodon naias n. gen. n. sp.5, Xenachoffatia oinopion n. gen. n. sp.10, Renatodon amalthea n. gen. n. sp.7, Kielanodon hopsoni n. gen. n. sp.6, Meketibolodon robustus9, Bathmochoffatia hapax n. gen. n. sp.10, Guimarotodon leiriensis n. gen. n. sp.6, "Parachoffatia peperethos n. sp." = Plesiochoffatia10, Parachoffatia staphylos n. sp.10, "Parachoffatia thoas n. gen. n. sp." = Plesiochoffatia thoas10, "Kuehneodon dryas n. sp." = Pseudobolodon dryas5, Pseudobolodon oreas n. gen. n. sp.5, Pseudobolodon oreas7, Pseudobolodon krebsi n. sp.8, Kuehneodon sp. n. sp.5, Kuehneodon dietrichi n. gen. n. sp.6, Kuehneodon simpsoni6, Kuehneodon uniradiculatus n. sp.6, Kuehneodon guimarotensis n. sp.6, Meketichoffatia sp.10, Meketichoffatia krausei n. gen. n. sp.6, Meketichoffatia ? krausei10, Paulchoffatia delgadoi n. gen. n. sp.6
Paulchoffatiidae "gen. A"10 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 385-155 and IPFUB A(m2)-1-5 (five m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 1"10 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 163-155 (a left m2), IPFUB D1(m2)-1-5 (five m2 teeth)
Paulchoffatiidae "gen. D sp. 3"10 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 381-155 (left m2 tooth), 3880155 (right m2 tooth), 389-155 (right m2 tooth); IPFUB D3(m2)-1-12 (twelve m2 teeth)
Xenachoffatia oinopion n. gen. n. sp.10 Hahn and Hahn 1998 multituberculate IPFUB oi(m2)-1 (holotype left m2), -2-3 (paratype right m2s)
Renatodon amalthea n. gen. n. sp.7 Hahn 2001 multituberculate V.J. 457-155 (holotype right maxilla), 452-155 (paratype)
Kielanodon hopsoni n. gen. n. sp.6 Hahn 1987 multituberculate V.J. 463-155 (holotype right maxilla), 464-155 (right maxilla); plus a right p3 reported by Hahn & Hahn (1998) V.J. 382-155
Meketibolodon robustus9 Hahn 1978 multituberculate V.J. 408-155 (holotype mandible), 407-155, 409-155, 430-155 (mandibles)
Guimarotodon leiriensis n. gen. n. sp.6 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 396-155 (holotype mandible), 461-155, 462-155 (mandibles)
"Parachoffatia peperethos n. sp." = Plesiochoffatia10 multituberculate IPFUB pe(m2)-1 (holotype right m2)
Parachoffatia staphylos n. sp.10 Hahn and Hahn 1998 multituberculate IPFUB st(m2)-1 (holotype left m2)
"Parachoffatia thoas n. gen. n. sp." = Plesiochoffatia thoas10 Hahn and Hahn 1998 multituberculate IPFUB th(m2)-1 (holotype left m2), -2-3 (paratype right m2s)
Pseudobolodon krebsi n. sp.8 Hahn and Hahn 1994 multituberculate V.J. 447-155 (holotype skull fragments), plus 451-155, 357-155
Kuehneodon dietrichi n. gen. n. sp.6 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 4-155 (holotype mandible), 410-155 to 425-155, 429-155, 439-155, 441-155 (mandibles)
Kuehneodon uniradiculatus n. sp.6 Hahn 1978 multituberculate V.J. 427-155 (holotype mandible), 428-155, 429-155, 431-155, 442-155 (mandibles)
Kuehneodon guimarotensis n. sp.6 Hahn 1969 multituberculate V.J. 5-155 (holotype mandible), 6-155, 11-155(questionably), 440-155 (mandibles)
Meketichoffatia krausei n. gen. n. sp.6 Hahn 1993 multituberculate V.J. 110-155 (holotype skull), 443-155, 444-155, 445-155, 446-155 (skulls); plus an m1 referred by Hahn (1998) (IPFUB M(m1)-1)
Meketichoffatia ? krausei10 Hahn 1993 multituberculate V.J. 390-155-395-135 (6 x m1 referred to Paulchoffatia sp. by Hahn (1969))
Paulchoffatia delgadoi n. gen. n. sp.6 Kuhne 1961 multituberculate V.J. 1-155 (holotype mandible), 2-155, 3-155, 402-155, 403-155 (mandibles); plus specimens referred by Hahn (1998): V.J. 95-155, 96-155, IPFUB de(m2)-1, de(m2)-2 (total of four m2 teeth)
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Proalbionbaatar plagiocyrtus n. gen. n. sp.11
Proalbionbaatar plagiocyrtus n. gen. n. sp.11 Hahn and Hahn 1998 multituberculate IPFUB pl(m1)-1-2 (holotype right m1 and paratype left m1)
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Amphibia | |
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Chondrichthyes | |
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Ostracoda | |
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Theriosynoecum hemigymnon30, Theriosynoecum wyomingense30, Timiriasevia mackerrowi30, Bisulcocypris sp.30
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Gastropoda | |
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Bivalvia | |
"Lamellibranchia indet." = Autobranchia30