Also known as Gazin's Locality 2; OMNH V799; UALP 76111, 76112, 7776
Where: Emery County, Utah (39.2° N, 111.3° W: paleocoordinates 46.2° N, 90.8° W)
• coordinate stated in text
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Joe's Valley Member (North Horn Formation), Torrejonian (63.8 - 60.9 Ma)
• close to the top of a normal magnetic polarity zone interpreted as C28n, but there is no tie point in the section: see Lucas et al. 1997
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: terrestrial
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Primary reference: C. L. Gazin. 1938. A Paleocene mammalian fauna from central Utah. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 28(6):271-277 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 14830: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
descriptions of Robison 1986 do not incorporate the collections reported by Tomida and Butler and Tomida 1982
"Oxyclaenus pearcei" is not discussed by Robison 1986 and I assume it is only present at Wagonroad Upper Horizon
Haploconus "inopinatus" is not discussed by Robison 1986 and I assume it is only present at Wagonroad Upper Horizon
Actinopteri | |
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Reptilia | |
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"cf. Proxestops jepseni" = Proxestops silberlingii7 Gilmore 1938 squamates see also Gilmore 1942 (UNSM specimens from "the Dragon formation... in the Manti National Forest")
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Champsosauridae indet.4 Cope 1876 champsosaur "champsosaurid"; not described and omitted by Robison 1986
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Mammalia | |
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Aphronorus simpsoni n. sp.
Aphronorus simpsoni n. sp. Gazin 1938 eutherian | |
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Promioclaenus sp.7, Promioclaenus lemuroides7, Protoselene griphus11, Ellipsodon grangeri7, ? Ellipsodon sternbergi n. sp.4
Promioclaenus lemuroides7 Matthew 1897 condylarth according to Williamson 1996, this definitely includes "Ellipsodon shepherdi" type of Gazin 1939 and "Jepsenia mantiensis" type of Gazin 1939, and probably includes Robison's "Litaletes disjunctus"
Ellipsodon grangeri7 Wilson 1956 condylarth may include additional "? Ellipsodon sp." of Tomida and Butler 1980
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"Mimotricentes subtrigonus" = Tricentes subtrigonus11, "Mimotricentes elassus n. sp." = Tricentes subtrigonus5, "Chriacus cf. baldwini" = Chriacus baldwini11, "Oxyclaenus pearcei n. sp." = Chriacus baldwini5, "Protogonodon biatheles n. sp." = Loxolophus5, Loxolophus spiekeri11, Oxytomodon perissum n. gen. n. sp.5
"Mimotricentes subtrigonus" = Tricentes subtrigonus11 Cope 1881 condylarth probably also includes additional M. sp. of Robison 1986
"Chriacus cf. baldwini" = Chriacus baldwini11 Cope 1882 condylarth includes "C. truncatus" and additional "C. sp." of Robison 1986 according to Williamson 1996
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