Where: Gujarat, India (21.4° N, 73.1° E: paleocoordinates 4.2° S, 63.1° E)
• coordinate stated in text
When: Cambay Shale Formation, Ypresian (56.0 - 47.8 Ma)
• age based on Nummulites burdigalensis, which implies Shallow Benthic Zone 10 according to Bajpai et al, and SBZ 10-11 according to Rose et al.
•most small and large mammals are from two different, immediately superposed beds above Lignite 2 and at the base of the estuarine cycle 1, low in the section, but additional mammals are from supratidal deposits well above the highest lignite at the top of cycle 6 (Rose et al. 2009)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lagoonal; argillaceous, carbonaceous siltstone and claystone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: original phosphate
Collected in 2004, 2006
Collection methods: bulk, sieve,
• "About a ton of sediment has been screen-washed and has yielded 23 jaws and >140 isolated teeth of continental mammals" (Rose et al.)
•the Bajpai et al. and Rose et al. collections appear to have been made separately, and the latter are in the Department of Geology, H. N. B. Garhwal University
Primary reference: S. Bajpai, V. V. Kapur, D. P. Das, B. N. Tiwari, N. Saravanan and R. Sharma. 2005. Early Eocene land mammals from Vastan Lignite Mine, District Surat (Gujarat), Western India. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 50(1):101-113 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 55494: authorized by Mark Uhen, entered by Mark Uhen on 27.10.2005, edited by John Alroy, Jason Head, Patricia Holroyd, Philip Mannion and Terri Cleary
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Mammalia | |
Indodelphis luoi n. gen. n. sp.4
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Indoesthonyx suratensis19, cf. Indoesthonyx suratensis19, Anthraconyx hypsomylus n. gen. n. sp.20, cf. Esthonyx sp.21
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Frugivastodon cristatus n. gen. n. sp.
Frugivastodon cristatus n. gen. n. sp. Bajpai et al. 2005 eutherian | |
Suratilestes gingerichi n. gen. n. sp.
Suratilestes gingerichi n. gen. n. sp. Bajpai et al. 2005 eutherian | |
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Cambaya complexus n. gen. n. sp. Bajpai et al. 2005 bat | |
Microchiropteryx folieae n. gen. n. sp.25
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Jaegeria cambayensis n. gen. n. sp.4
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Icaronycteris sigei n. sp.25
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Indonyctia cambayensis n. gen. n. sp.8
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Vastania sahnia n. gen. n. sp.
Vastania sahnia n. gen. n. sp. Bajpai et al. 2005 placental | |
Gujaratia pakistanensis Thewissen et al. 1983 even-toed ungulate
"Gujaratia indica n. sp." = Diacodexis indicus Bajpai et al. 2005 even-toed ungulate | |
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Vastanolophus holbrooki n. gen. n. sp.26
Vastanolophus holbrooki n. gen. n. sp.26 Smith et al. 2015 odd-toed ungulate GU/RSR/VAS 323 - holotype; referred specimen: GU/RSR/VAS 1681
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Cambaytherium "sp. A", "Cambaytherium thewissi n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi, "Indobune vastanensis n. gen. n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi24, "Cambaytherium bidens n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi, "Cambaytherium minor n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi, "Kalitherium marinus n. gen. n. sp." = Cambaytherium marinus5
Cambaytherium "sp. A" Bajpai et al. 2005 odd-toed ungulate
"Cambaytherium thewissi n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi Bajpai et al. 2005 odd-toed ungulate
"Indobune vastanensis n. gen. n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi24 Bajpai et al. 2005 odd-toed ungulate GU/RSR/VAS 5, left maxilla with dP3-4, P4 (from crypt), M1 (holotype). GU/RSR/VAS 18, right M1; GU/RSR/ VAS 12, right maxilla with heavily worn M2; GU/RSR/VAS 1, partial left M3; tentatively referred: GU/RSR/VAS 10, upper C; GU/RSR/VAS 2, left p1; GU/RSR/VAS 3, left p2; GU/RSR/ VAS 4, talonid of right m1
"Cambaytherium bidens n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi Bajpai et al. 2005 odd-toed ungulate
"Cambaytherium minor n. sp." = Cambaytherium thewissi Bajpai et al. 2005 odd-toed ungulate | |
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Indohyaenodon raoi n. gen. n. sp.3
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cf. Asiadapis sp.19, Asiadapis cambayensis n. gen. n. sp.23, cf. Marcgodinotius sp.22, "Marcgodinotius indicus n. gen. n. sp." = Marcgodinotius indicus6, "Anthrasimias gujaratensis n. gen. n. sp." = Marcgodinotius indicus7
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Vastanomys major n. sp.22 Rose et al. 2009 tarsier (GU/RSR/VAS 441 (holotype). GU/RSR/VAS 442, 443, 444, 647
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Reptilia | |
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Procerophis sahnii n. gen. n. sp.14
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Suratagama neeraae n. gen. n. sp.15, Tinosaurus indicus n. sp.13, Indiagama gujarata n. gen. n. sp.15, "Vastanagama susani n. gen. n. sp." = Vastanagama susanae13
Suratagama neeraae n. gen. n. sp.15 Rana et al. 2013 squamates GU/RSR/VAS-2030 (holotype), nearly complete right dentary; VAS-2033, partial left maxilla; VAS-2040, middle to anterior part of right dentary
Indiagama gujarata n. gen. n. sp.15 Rana et al. 2013 squamates GU/RSR/VAS-2009 (holotype), incomplete left dentary
"Vastanagama susani n. gen. n. sp." = Vastanagama susanae13 Prasad and Bajpai 2008 squamates IITR/SB/VLM 1050 (holotype), left dentary; IITR/SB/VLM 793, left dentary; IITR/SB/VLM 886, right dentary; from ref 60272: GU/RSR/VAS-2001 and -2002, two nearly complete right dentaries; VAS-2003, anterior part of left dentary; VAS-2007, anteriormost part of left maxilla; VAS-2031, anteriormost part of right maxilla
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Heterodontagama borsukae n. gen. n. sp.15
Heterodontagama borsukae n. gen. n. sp.15 Rana et al. 2013 squamates GU/RSR/VAS-2035 (holotype), nearly complete left dentary; VAS-2036, nearly complete left maxilla; VAS-2046, anteriormost part of left dentary; VAS-2050, jaw fragment
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Aves | |
Vastanavis eocaena n. gen. n. sp.12
Vastanavis eocaena n. gen. n. sp.12 Mayr et al. 2007 bird GU/RSR/VAS 441 (holotype). GU/RSR/VAS 442-444, 647
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Amphibia | |
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Eobarbourula delfinoi n. gen. n. sp.9
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Indorana prasadi n. gen. n. sp.9
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Arachnida | |
Arachnida "morphotype 1"1 Lamarck 1801
Arachnida "morphotype 2"1 Lamarck 1801 | |
Insecta | |
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Angiospermae | |
Proxapertites sp.1 Van der Hammen 1956 | |
Thaumastophis missiaeni n. gen. n. sp.14
Thaumastophis missiaeni n. gen. n. sp.14 Rage et al. 2008 Holotype: GU/RSR/VAS 1017, mid trunk vertebra. From Zaher et al. 2021: GU/RSR/VAS 1097, anterior- most trunk vertebra; GU/RSR/VAS 1095, 1096, 1098, 1100, anterior trunk vertebrae; GU/RSR/VAS 1085, 1086, 1087, 1089, 1090, 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1101, mid-trunk vertebrae; GU/RSR/VAS 1088, 1103, mid-posterior trunk vertebrae; GU/RSR/VAS 1099, 1102, 1106, posterior trunk vertebrae; GU/RSR/VAS 1082-1084, caudal trunk vertebrae
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Indolestes kalamensis | |
"Indolestes kalamensis n. gen. n. sp." = Bharatlestes kalamensis10
"Indolestes kalamensis n. gen. n. sp." = Bharatlestes kalamensis10 Kapur et al. 2017 Holotype: IITR/SB/VLM-804