There are 6 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
224624B. Allen Left bank of Spiti River, 2.5km upstream from Tabo Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - India Lakhanpal et al. (1976)
229231B. Allen Kathsu Hill (= Kotsu) Pennsylvanian - Carboniferous 4-5 - India Chandra and Tewari (1991)
229234B. Allen Gund Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - India Chandra and Tewari (1991)
229235B. Allen Manigam Spur Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - India Chandra and Tewari (1991)
229236B. Allen Wallarama Spur (= Wularama) Mississippian - Carboniferous 1-3 - India Chandra and Tewari (1991)
229237B. Allen E of Gund Pennsylvanian - Carboniferous 4-5 - India - old id Chandra and Tewari (1991)

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