Where: Moffat County, Colorado (40.6° N, 108.1° W: paleocoordinates 43.3° N, 97.0° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
When: Washakie Formation, Early/Lower Uintan (46.2 - 39.7 Ma)
• said to be early Uintan
Environment/lithology: terrestrial
Primary reference: R. K. Stucky, D. R. Prothero, W. G. Lohr and J. R. Snyder. 1996. Magnetic stratigraphy, sedimentology, and mammalian faunas of the early Uintan Washakie Formation, Sand Wash Basin, northwestern Colorado. In D. R. Prothero, R. J. Emry (eds.), The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America 40-51 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details
PaleoDB collection 16623: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 27.09.1993, edited by Jonathan Marcot and Patricia Holroyd
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
West and Dawson report specimen counts, but these are not valid estimates in light of the later CM collections
apparently from a restricted stratigraphic interval that is correlable with the lower Adobe Town Mbr. in the Washakie Basin
"Hemiacodon sp." is said to be "Washakius sp." of West and Dawson, which is from Lang Springs
"Viverravus sp." is probably the specimen from Lang Springs described by West and Dawson 1975
"Tillomys cf. senex": probably the specimen from Lang Springs described by West and Dawson 1975
true identity of numerous remaining brontotheres of both West and Dawson 1975 and Stucky et al. is completely unclear; "Tanyorhinus" species could be Dolichorhinus or something else, and "Manteoceras" species could be Metatelmatherium, Dolichorhinus, or Telmatherium; Mader 1989 added Metatelmatherium ultimum to the list, but this is omitted by Stucky et al.; similarly, "Sphenocoelus sp." is listed by Prothero and Schoch 1989 but ignored by both Mader and Stucky et al.
Mammalia | |
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Leptictidae indet. Gill 1872 eutherian | |
Microsyops sp. Leidy 1872 primate
Microsyops annectens Marsh 1872 primate | |
Notharctus robustior Leidy 1872 primate | |
Omomyidae indet. Gazin 1958 tarsier | |
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Sciuravus sp. Marsh 1871 rodent | |
Thisbemys sp. Wood 1959 rodent
Leptotomus sp. Matthew 1910 rodent | |
Centetodon sp. Marsh 1872 placental | |
Apternodontidae indet. Matthew 1910 placental | |
Pantolestes natans Matthew 1909 placental | |
Protoreodon sp. Scott and Osborn 1887 agriochoerid | |
Helohyidae indet. Marsh 1877 even-toed ungulate said to be new; replaces "Parahyus sp."; of West and Dawson 1975; described by Stucky 1998
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Hylomeryx sp. Peterson 1919 even-toed ungulate replaces "Homacodon cf. vagans" of West and Dawson 1975
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Oromeryx sp. Marsh 1894 even-toed ungulate | |
Sphenocoelus uintensis3, Mesatirhinus junius3, Wickia brevirhinus n. gen. n. sp.3, Metarhinus sp., Telmatherium accola n. sp.3, Telmatherium advocata n. sp.3
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Orohippus sylvaticus Leidy 1870 horse | |
Isectolophus annectens Scott and Osborn 1887 odd-toed ungulate | |
Hyracodontidae indet. Cope 1879 odd-toed ungulate large form, either Hyrachyus eximius or "Forstercooperia grandis"; replaces "H. modestus" of West and Dawson 1975; suggested to be Uintaceras by Holbrook and Lucas 1997
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Dilophodon sp. Scott 1883 tapir | |
Mesonyx sp. Cope 1872 condylarth | |
Viverravus minutus Wortman 1901 placental | |
? Amphicyonidae indet. Haeckel 1886 bear-dog | |
"Uintacyon vorax" = Miacis vorax
"Uintacyon vorax" = Miacis vorax Leidy 1872 placental | |
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Reptilia | |
Pristichampsus sp. Gervais 1853 crocodilian | |
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Echmatemys sp., "Echmatemys septaria" = Echmatemys stevensoniana
Echmatemys sp. Hay 1906 turtle
"Echmatemys septaria" = Echmatemys stevensoniana Leidy 1870 turtle | |
Anguidae indet. Gray 1825 squamates | |
Saniwa sp. Leidy 1870 squamates | |
Ophidia indet. snake | |
Actinopteri | |
"Rhineastes" smithi catfish
Rhineastes peltatus Cope 1872 catfish | |
Astephus sp. Cope 1873 catfish | |
Catostomidae indet. carp-like fish | |
Amia sp. Linnaeus 1766 bowfin | |
Lepisosteus sp. Agassiz 1843 gar | |
Baptemys wyomingensis | |
Baptemys wyomingensis Leidy 1870 |