Where: Yunnan, China (25.5° N, 103.8° E: paleocoordinates 9.1° N, 129.9° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• local area-level geographic resolution
When: Yulungssu Formation, Ludlow (427.4 - 423.0 Ma)
• Except where otherwise stated, ref. 7624 uses Lower Silurian as equivalent to Llandovery, Middle Silurian as equivalent to Wenlock, and Upper Silurian as equivalent to Ludlow plus Pridoli. "Wu (1977) records Warburgella rugulosa sinensis at the base of the formation, and considers that it is indicative of an Early Gedinnian age. But brachiopods...include [list], all extending from the underlying Miaokao Fm., so the we prefer to correlate the Y. Fm. with the uppermost Silurian rather than with the Devonian. In the upper part of the Y. Wang (1981) records crispus zone, Ludlow age conodonts. The similarity of the Qujing region, Upper Silurian shelly faunas suggests that they are all of Ludlow age."
• formation-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: marine; mudstone and siltstone
Primary reference: E.-z. Mu, A. J. Boucot, X. Chen and J.-y. Rong. 1986. Correlation of the Silurian rocks of China. In A. J. Boucot and W. B. N. Berry (eds.), Geological Society of America Special Paper 202:1-80 [M. Foote/M. Foote/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis
PaleoDB collection 27912: authorized by Michael Foote, entered by Michael Foote on 16.01.2003
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Galeaspida | |
Polybranchiaspis sp. Liu 1965 | |
Trilobita | |
"Warburgella rugulosa" = Warburgella (Rugulites) rugulosa
"Warburgella rugulosa" = Warburgella (Rugulites) rugulosa Alth 1874 trilobite | |
Rhynchonellata | |
"Protathyrisina plicata" = Retziella
"Protathyrisina plicata" = Retziella | |
Cephalopoda | |
Worthenoceras sp. Foerste 1930
Euryrizoceras sp. Foerste 1935
Ectocyrtoceras sp. Foerste 1930
Byronoceras sp. Foerste and Savage 1927
Yunnanoceras sp. Chen et al. 1981 |