Also known as Rudabánya 1 ("Mastodon Wall"), Rudabánya 2 ("Gibraltar"), Rudabánya 3 ("The Great Wall"), Rudabánya 4, Rudabánya 5, Rudabánya 6, Rudabánya 7
Where: Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary (48.4° N, 20.6° E: paleocoordinates 48.0° N, 20.4° E)
• coordinate based on nearby landmark
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Edelény Formation, MN 9 (11.1 - 9.7 Ma)
• "A synthesis of the biochronologic bases for Rudabánya II’s age strongly supports a late MN 9, Pannonian F correlation, ca. 10-9.7 Ma" (Bernor et al., 2004). All other sublocalities are regarded to be contemporaneous (Bernor et al., 2004).
•According to Nemeth et al. (2013) the Pannonian sediments of the Rudabánya mining area are referred to as Edelény Formation.
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: lacustrine; unlithified, gray, red marl and unlithified, black, gray claystone
•For a more elaborate description of the sediments of the Rudabanya 2 sublocality see Andrews & Cameron (2010).
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Preservation: original aragonite, original phosphate
Collected by G. Pethö, G. Hernyák, M. Kretzoi, L. Kordos, D.R. Begun, R. L. Bernor, M. Armour-Chelu, P. Andrews, in the 1900s, 1920s, 1960s–2000s
Collection methods: surface (in situ), sieve,
• The first known vertebrate was found in 1902 by G. Pethö. A few important discoveries were made by G. Hernyák, the chief geologist of the Vilmos mine, in the 1960s and later on. First systematic collecting took place in the 1970s under the aegis of M. Kretzoi. After 1990 several paleontologists from the western hemisphere joined the excavations. For a more detailed review of the research history at Rudabánya see Bernor et al. (2004).
•All or at least the bulk of the Rudabánya material is housed in the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary (hung.: Magyar Földtani és Geofizikai Intézet, formerly Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, abbreviated MAFI) in Budapest.
Primary reference: R. L. Bernor, L. Kordos L. Rook et al. 2004. Recent Advances on Multidisciplinary Research at Rudabánya, Late Miocene (MN9), Hungary: a compendium. Palaeontographia Italica 89:3-36 [J. Mueller/T. Liebrecht/T. Liebrecht]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 75481: authorized by Lars van den Hoek Ostende, entered by Lars van den Hoek Ostende on 11.10.2007, edited by Torsten Liebrecht and Mark Uhen
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
•List contains taxa that may have been cited by earlier authors under a different name and/or combination and some names cited in earlier works may have fallen into synonymy with those cited in the list (may already be noted in the list).
•Determinations in Bernor et al. (2004): E. Krolopp (molluscs); Z. Roček (amphibians); Z. Szyndlar (snakes); D. Janossy (birds); G. Topal (bats); L. Kordos and D. R. Begun (primates); G. Daxner-Höck, O. Fejfar, and L. Kordos (rodents); L. Werdelin (carnivorans); M. Gasparik (proboscideans); R. L. Bernor, M. Armour-Chely, T. Kaiser, R. Scott, L. de Bonis, J. Franzen, and K. Heissig (perissodactyls); M. Fortelius, R. L. Bernor, N. Fessaha, M. Armour-Chelu, and A. Gentry (artiodactyls).
•The list only contains vertebrate taxa mentioned in the text of Bernor et al. (2004) and ignores the faunal list given in table 3 (pp. 22-24) since it is partially contradictory to the informations given in the text (e.g. the table lists "?Leptotyphlopidae gen. et sp. indet." whereas Szyndlar in his section on snakes explicitly states that the only vertebra clearly referrable to Scolecophidia may belong to Typhlops and that the presence of leptotyphlopids in Rudabánya is very unlikely). In the taxon list in table 3 there appear 5 chelonian taxa which are not mentioned elsewhere in the paper: Trionyx sp., Geomyda sp., Testudo cf. kalksburgensis, Testudo sp. I, and Testudo sp. II.
unclassified | |
Gastropoda | |
Tropidomphalus cf. doderleini Brusina 1897 snail | |
Discus cf. pleuradrus Bourguignat 1881 disk snail | |
Segmentina cf. filocincta, Anisus cf. septemgyratiformis, Anisus confusus, Planorbarius aff. corneus
Segmentina cf. filocincta Sandberger 1875 snail
Anisus confusus Soos 1934 snail | |
Vertigo sp. Muller 1774 slug
Vertigo callosa Reuss 1849 slug
Vertigo cf. moedlingensis Wenz and Edlauer 1942 slug | |
Vallonia sp. Risso 1826 slug | |
Strobilops sp. Pilsbry 1893 slug | |
Argna oppoliensis Andreae 1902 slug | |
Gastrocopta fissidens, Gastrocopta aff. farcimen, Gastrocopta cf. nouletiana, Gastrocopta edlaueri, Gastrocopta acuminata
Gastrocopta cf. nouletiana Dupuy 1850 slug
Gastrocopta edlaueri Wenz 1920 slug
Gastrocopta acuminata Klein 1846 slug | |
Helicodiscus sp. Morse 1864 slug | |
Limacidae "indet. I" Lamarck 1801 slug
Limacidae "indet. II" Lamarck 1801 slug | |
Vitrea sp. Fitzinger 1833 slug | |
Zonitidae indet. Mörch 1864 true glass snail | |
Helicigona sp. Risso 1826 slug | |
"Trichia sp." = Trochulus
"Trichia sp." = Trochulus Chemnitz 1786 slug | |
Serrulella sp. Nordsieck 1978 slug | |
Succinea sp. Draparnaud 1801 amber snail | |
Reptilia | |
Palaeortyx aff. phasianoides, "Palaeortyx aff. grivensis" = Palaeortyx gallica, Miophasianus cf. medius
Palaeortyx aff. phasianoides Milne-Edwards 1871 pheasant "approximately the size of Palaeortyx phasianoides and/or P. intermedius"
"Palaeortyx aff. grivensis" = Palaeortyx gallica Milne-Edwards 1869 pheasant
Miophasianus cf. medius Milne-Edwards 1871 pheasant | |
Aves | |
Anas sp., "Anas aff. velox" = Nettion velox
"Anas aff. velox" = Nettion velox Milne-Edwards 1867 duck | |
Strix aff. brevis Ballman 1969 true owl
Athene sp. Scopoli 1769 true owl | |
? Miorallus sp. Lambrecht 1933 rail | |
Acrocephalus sp. Naumann and Naumann 1811 reed warbler similar in size and morphology to Acrocephalus arundinaceus
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Locustella sp. Kaup 1829 perching bird a single acrocoracoideum; appears to be smaller than Locustella luscinioides
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Reptilia | |
Natrix sp. Laurenti 1768 water snake 49 vertebrae of natricines, only some of which allow determination on generic level
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Colubrinae "indet. B" Oppel 1811 colubrid snake 6 vertebrae, "minute", possibly posteriormost trunk vertebrae of Colubrine A
Colubrinae indet. Oppel 1811 colubrid snake too damaged for a more precise determination, but "most likely referrable to Colubrine A"
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? Typhlops sp. Oppel 1811 blind snake a single, very small scolecophidian vertebra; in fact not determinable, even on a familiar level, but presence of scolecophidians other than Typhlops is regarded "not highly likely"
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Mammalia | |
Stegotetrabelodon gigantorostris elephant "four upper tusks, lower and upper molars, as well as deciduous dentition"
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Tetralophodon longirostris Kaup 1832 gomphothere "abundant"; "includes lower and upper tusks, lower and upper molars, as well as deciduous dentition"
Tetralophodon cf. longirostris Kaup 1832 gomphothere "two lower tusk fragments and some upper and lower molars"
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Eptesicus "sp. nov." Rafinesque 1820 house bat
Eptesicus campanensis Baudelot 1970 house bat
cf. Miostrellus risgoviensis Rachl 1983 vesper bat | |
Sansanosmilus jourdani Filhol 1883 false sabre-tooth | |
cf. Thalassictis montadai Villalta and Crusafont Pairo 1943 hyaena "only some fragmentary specimens"
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Semigenetta grandis civet | |
Pseudailurus lorteti carnivoran
Pseudailurus turnauensis carnivoran | |
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Paralutra sp., Paralutra jaegeri, Melinae indet., Taxodon cf. sansaniensis, cf. Trochictis sp., Martes cf. filholi
Melinae indet. Burmeister 1872 badger
Taxodon cf. sansaniensis Lartet 1851 badger
cf. Trochictis sp. von Meyer 1842 mustelid carnivore
Martes cf. filholi marten | |
Alopecocyon sp. Camp and Vanderhoof 1940 red panda
Simocyon diaphorus Kaup 1832 red panda | |
Ursavus brevirhinus Hofmann 1887 bear
Ursavus primaevus Gaillard 1899 bear | |
Proputorius sp. Filhol 1890 carnivoran | |
Hippotherium intrans hipparionine horse described as Hipparion intrans by Kretzoi (1983); includes material previously referred to Hippotherium aff. primigenium (Bernor et al., 1993, Mitt. BSPG 33(3):195-207)
Hippotherium sp. Kaup 1832 hipparionine horse "smaller hipparion morph", coming from the Upper Lignite of Rudabánya 2 sublocality
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Tapirus cf. priscus Kaup 1833 tapir "a single fragmentary lower molar tooth and a fragmentary phalanx from Rudabanya 2"; originally identified as the suid genus Listriodon
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Hoploaceratherium belvederense rhinoceros
Lartetotherium aff. sansaniense Lartet 1837 rhinoceros
Aceratherium incisivum Cuvier 1824 rhinoceros | |
Chalicotherium aff. goldfussi Kaup 1833 chalicothere occurs at "Rudabánya localities 2 and 3, andincludes goog diagnostic maxillary and mandibular cheek tooth material. The most complete specimen is an associated partial upper and lower dentition."
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Miotragocerus sp. Stromer 1928 antelope "more than 70 specimens"; assignment is based "on the evidence of a distal end of a right horn core, 1992/66, about 90 mm long"; "most probably" conspecific with Miotragocerus pannoniae"
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Lucentia aff. pierensis Thomas 1951 deer "most common ruminant at Rudabánya"; "over 100 identified specimens" (antlers, teeth)
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Dorcatherium naui Kaup 1833 chevrotain 1 right upper molar "in early wear" (1973/15), and perhaps a left astragalus (1988/15)
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Parachleuastochoerus sp. Golpe-Posse 1972 pig "previously unrecognized species"; "possibly represented by two morphs"; includes material named "Conohyus ferreus" by Kretzoi, but that name was never validly published
Propotamochoerus palaeochoerus pig "most abundant artiodactyl at the site"; "over 400 specimens"; previously reported as Kornyochoerus palaeochoerus
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Archaeodesmana primigenia2 Ziegler 2005 Russian desman Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "'Archaeodesmana' nov. sp." instead
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Dinosorex engesseri2, Soricinae indet.2, Paenelimnoecus aff. repenningi2, Crusafontina aff. endemica2
Dinosorex engesseri2 Rabeder 1998 shrew Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "Dinosorex nov. sp." instead
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Plesiosorex schaffneri2 Engesser 1972 placental Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "Plesiosorex aff. styriacus" instead
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Galericinae indet.2 Pomel 1848 hedgehog Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "Galerix sp." instead but note that "referral of this species to Schizogalerix cannot be excluded"
Postpalerinaceus cingulatus n. sp.2 Ziegler 2005 hedgehog Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "Postpalerinaceus nov. sp." instead
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Metacordylodon aff. schaffneri2 placental Ziegler & Meszaros (in Bernor et al., 2004) list "Metacordylodon aff. schlosseri" instead
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Eurolagus sp. Lopez Martinez 1977 placental | |
Spermophilinus bredai von Meyer 1848 squirrel
Hylopetes sp. Thomas 1908 squirrel
Blackia miocaenica Mein 1970 squirrel
Albanensia grimmi Black 1966 squirrel
Miopetaurista sp. Kretzoi 1962 squirrel | |
Anomalomys rudabayensis rodent described by Kordos (1989); includes material identfied/recognized as Anomalomys cf. gaillardi, Prospalax (or Allospalax) petteri and Anomalomys gaudryi in earlier publications
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Glirulus lissiensis, Glis aff. minor, Muscardinus aff. vallesiensis, Muscardinus hispanicus, Myoglis ucrainicus, Paraglirulus werenfelsi
Glirulus lissiensis Hugueney and Mein 1965 Japanese dormouse
Glis aff. minor Kowalski 1963 dormouse
Muscardinus aff. vallesiensis Hartenberger 1966 dormouse
Muscardinus hispanicus de Bruijn 1966 dormouse
Myoglis ucrainicus dormouse
Paraglirulus werenfelsi Engesser 1972 dormouse | |
Microtocricetus molassicus, "Democricetodon sp." = Copemys, "Kowalskia cf. schaubi" = Neocricetodon, Eumyarion aff. latior
Microtocricetus molassicus Fahlbusch and Mayr 1975 rodent
"Democricetodon sp." = Copemys Wood 1936 rodent
"Kowalskia cf. schaubi" = Neocricetodon rodent
Eumyarion aff. latior Schaub and Zapfe 1953 rodent | |
Trogontherium minutum beaver | |
Eomyops catalaunicus rodent | |
Anapithecus hernyaki Kretzoi 1975 monkey original combination: Pliopithecus hernyaki; includes material formerly recognized as Rangwapithecus (Ataxopithecus) serus Kretzoi (see Kordos & Begun, 2001)
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"Dryopithecus brancoi" = Hispanopithecus (Hispanopithecus) hungaricus
"Dryopithecus brancoi" = Hispanopithecus (Hispanopithecus) hungaricus Kretzoi 1969 ape comprises material formerly recognized as Rudapithecus hungaricus Kretzoi and Bodvapithecus altipalatus Kretzoi (see Kordos & Begun, 2001, J. Hum. Evol. 40(1):17-39)
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Amphibia | |
Mioproteus caucasicus, Salamandridae "sp. type I", Salamandridae "sp. type II", Chelotriton "sp. type I", Chelotriton "sp. type II"
Mioproteus caucasicus Estes and Darevsky 1978 mudpuppy "most abundant tailed amphibian at Rudabánya"
Salamandridae "sp. type I" Gray 1825 newt "fragmentary maxillae and premaxillae recalling extant Salamandra"
Salamandridae "sp. type II" Gray 1825 newt "tiny vertebrae [...] belonging to the Brachycormus-Triturus complex"
Chelotriton "sp. type I" Pomel 1853 newt
Chelotriton "sp. type II" Pomel 1853 newt | |
Hyla sp. Laurenti 1768 tree frog | |
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Palaeobatrachus sp. Tschudi 1839 frog "dominant"; probably more than one species present, indicated by material varying "extremely" in size and somewhat in morphology
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Pelodytes sp. Fitzinger 1838 parsley frog | |
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Bombina sp. Oken 1816 fire-bellied toad | |