Also known as ETE Locality 703, Haua Fteah,
Where: Libya (32.9° N, 22.2° E: paleocoordinates 32.8° N, 22.1° E)
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Pleistocene to Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.0 Ma)
• ETE dating method: absolute, ETE age comment: max age determined from the oxygen isotope composition of marine shells; C14 date on charcoal radiometric intage_max, radiometric intage_min
Environment/lithology: cave; siltstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: quarrying
• ETE Size: both; ETE reference list: 487, 485, 483, 479, 478, 477, 454, 81, ; ETE museum list:
Primary reference: R. G. Klein and K. Scott. 1986. Re-Analysis of Faunal Assemblages from the Haua Fteah and other Late Quaternary Archaeological Site in Cyrenaican Libya. Journal of Archaeological Science 13:515-542 [A. Behrensmeyer/A. Behrensmeyer/P. Wagner]more details
Purpose of describing collection: archaeological analysis
PaleoDB collection 21884: authorized by Anna Behrensmeyer, entered by Anna Behrensmeyer on 13.05.1997, edited by John Damuth and Richard Potts
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Mammalia | |
Loxodonta africana Blumenbach 1797 African bush elephant | |
Ursus sp. Linnaeus 1758 bear | |
Mustelidae indet. Fischer 1817 mustelid carnivore ETE number of identifiable specimens; species: Mustelidae-small
| |
Felis libyca Forster 1780 African wildcat | |
Crocuta crocuta Erxleben 1777 spotted hyaena | |
Canis lupes canine
Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus 1758 red fox | |
"Equus burchelli" = Equus quagga burchelli
"Equus burchelli" = Equus quagga burchelli Gray 1824 Burchell's zebra | |
Ceratotherium sp. Gray 1868 white rhino
Ceratotherium simum Burchell 1821 white rhinoceros | |
Sus scrofa Linnaeus 1758 wild boar | |
Bovidae indet., Taurotragus oryx, "Gazella thomsoni" = Eudorcas thomsoni, Alcelaphus buselaphus, Capra hircus, Ovis aries, Ammotragus lervia
Taurotragus oryx Pallas 1766 common eland
"Gazella thomsoni" = Eudorcas thomsoni Gunther 1884 Thomson's gazelle
Alcelaphus buselaphus Pallas 1766 hartebeest
Capra hircus Linnaeus 1758 domestic goat
Ovis aries Linnaeus 1758 domestic sheep
Ammotragus lervia Pallas 1777 barbary sheep | |
Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus 1758 European rabbit
Lepus capensis Linnaeus 1758 cape hare | |
Hystrix africaeaustralis Peters 1852 Cape porcupine |