Where: Gilchrist County, Florida (29.7° N, 82.6° W: paleocoordinates 30.0° N, 78.9° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Alachua Formation, Hemingfordian (20.4 - 16.0 Ma)
• member-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: terrestrial; calcareous sandstone and blue claystone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collected by C. Simpson, T. Barbour. P. Brodkorb in (Simpson), 1938 - 1942 (MCZ), 1959 (Brodkorb); reposited in the FLMNH, MCZ
Collection methods: bulk, quarrying, sieve,
Primary reference: T. E. White. 1942. The Lower Miocene mammal fauna of Florida. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 92(1):1-49 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/J. Alroy]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 18597: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 18.02.1993, edited by John Hunter, Jonathan Marcot, Jason Head, Matthew Carrano, Brian Beatty, Richard Hulbert, Terri Cleary and Mark Uhen
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
NISP 2445, based on Pratt 1990, but this excludes small mammals (NISP 82+) and includes 250 specimens that may be specifically indeterminate; total about 2527; Pratt and Morgan 1989 report 81 specimens of two species for which Black 1963a reported 5, hence his 105 specimens in three other species may now be represented by about 1700, for a rough total of 1783 small mammals and 4310 overall
unclassified | |
Mammalia | |
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Suaptenos whitei n. gen. n. sp.15, Miomyotis floridanus n. gen. n. sp.15, Karstala silva n. gen. n. sp.9
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Primonatalus prattae n. gen. n. sp.18
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Petauristodon pattersoni22 Pratt and Morgan 1989 squirrel includes "Prosciurus? sp." of Black 1963a (1 specimen)
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Merycoidodontidae indet.21 Cook 1912 oreodont "cf. Merychyus" of Maglio 1966, MacFadden 1982, "Merycoidodon sp." of Pratt 1990
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"Oxydactylus floridanus n. sp." = Nothokemas floridanus, "Nothokemas grandis n. gen. n. sp." = Nothokemas floridanus31, "Floridatragulus dolichanthereus n. sp." = Floridatragulus dolichanthereus, "Floridatragulus barbouri n. sp." = Floridatragulus dolichanthereus31
"Floridatragulus dolichanthereus n. sp." = Floridatragulus dolichanthereus White 1940 camel includes "Hypermekops olseni" type of White 1942; see also Patton 1967
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Parablastomeryx floridanus n. sp., Machaeromeryx gilchristensis n. sp.
Parablastomeryx floridanus n. sp. White 1940 musk deer
Machaeromeryx gilchristensis n. sp. White 1941 musk deer | |
"Synthetoceras (Prosynthetoceras) douglasi n. sp." = Prosynthetoceras texanus31, "Synthetoceras australis" = Prosynthetoceras texanus20
"Synthetoceras (Prosynthetoceras) douglasi n. sp." = Prosynthetoceras texanus31 Hay 1924 protoceratid | |
Floridachoerus olseni n. sp.29
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Parahippus leonensis Sellards 1916 anchitheriine horse includes "P. barbouri" type of White 1942, and apparently "Merychippus gunteri" of White 1942
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"Aelurocyon spissidens n. sp." = Euoplocyon spissidens31, "Tomarctus canavus n. sp." = Metatomarctus canavus, "Nothocyon insularis" = Metatomarctus canavus31, Phlaocyon sp.12, "Paradaphoenus tropicalis n. sp." = Osbornodon iamonensis
"Tomarctus canavus n. sp." = Metatomarctus canavus Simpson 1932 bone-crushing dog
"Paradaphoenus tropicalis n. sp." = Osbornodon iamonensis Sellards 1916 canid includes "P. nobilis" of White 1942
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Amphicyon longiramus n. sp., "Cynelos caroniavorus" = Cynelos caroniavorus24, "Parictis bathygenus n. sp." = Cynelos caroniavorus31
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"Aelurodon johnhenryi n. sp." = Phoberocyon johnhenryi31
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Zodiolestes freundi n. sp.14, Oligobunis floridanus n. sp.31, Mustelinae indet.24, Leptarctus ancipidens20
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Reptilia | |
Ogmophis pauperrimus n. sp.26
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Calamagras floridanus n. sp.3, "Neurodromicus stanolseni n. sp." = Boa constrictor26, "Neurodromicus barbouri n. sp." = Boa constrictor26, Pterygoboa sp.17, Anilioides minuatus n. gen. n. sp.3
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Peltosaurus floridanus n. sp.26
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Testudo tedwhitei n. sp.32
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Aves | |
Rhegminornis calobates n. gen. n. sp.27
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"Proictinia floridana n. sp." = Promilio floridanus8, Promilio epileus n. sp.28, Promilio brodkorbi n. sp.28
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"Phalacrocorax subvolans n. sp." = Anhinga subvolans8
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Reptilia | |
Boreortalis laesslei n. gen. n. sp.7
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Alligator olseni n. sp.30
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Amphibia | |
Siren hesterna n. sp.11
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"Scaphiopus cf. holbrooki" = Scaphiopus (Scaphiopus) holbrooki2