Haughton-Astrobleme (Miocene of Canada)

Also known as ETE Locality 179, Haughton-Astrobleme,

Where: Northwest Territories, Canada (75.4° N, 89.4° W: paleocoordinates 75.8° N, 80.0° W)

• coordinate stated in text

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Haughton Formation, Aquitanian (23.0 - 20.4 Ma)

• Type section

• formation-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: crater lake; poorly lithified, carbonaceous mudstone

Size classes: macrofossils, microfossils

Preservation: adpression, original carbon

Collection methods: quarrying,

Primary reference: L. J. Hickey, K. R. Johnson, and M. R. Dawson. 1988. The Stratigraphy, sedimentology and fossils of the Haughton Formation: a post-impact crater-fill, Devon Island, N.W.T., Canada. Meteoritics 23:221-231 [S. Wing/S. Wing/M. Uhen]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 21371: authorized by Scott Wing, entered by Scott Wing on 04.01.1993, edited by Mark Uhen

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
Heterosoricinae indet.2 Viret and Zapfe 1951 shrew
cf. Domnina sp.2 Cope 1873 shrew
 Placentalia -
Artiodactyla indet.2 even-toed ungulate
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Rhinocerotidae indet.2 Gray 1821 rhinoceros
 Carnivora -
Puijila darwini n. gen. n. sp.1
Puijila darwini n. gen. n. sp.1 Rybczynski et al. 2009 carnivoran
 Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Leporidae indet.2 Fischer de Waldheim 1817 rabbit
 Anseriformes - Anatidae
"Cygnini indet." = Cygninae2
"Cygnini indet." = Cygninae2 swan
 Teleostei -
Salmoniformes indet.2 Bleeker 1859
 Salmoniformes - Salmonidae
cf. Osmerus sp.2 Forskal 1775
Eosalmo sp.2 Wilson 1975
Plantae indet. Haeckel 1866
 Pinales - Pinaceae
Larix sp. Miller 1768 larch
"short shoots"
Picea sp. Dietrich 1824 spruce
"cones" are ?Picea, pollen is definite and abundant
Pinus sp. Linnaeus 1753 pine
"short shoots", pollen abundant
Tsuga sp. Carrière 1855
 Coniferales -
 Coniferales - Cupressaceae
Cupressaceae indet. Gray 1822 cypress
 Typhales - Commelinidae
cf. Sparganium sp. Linnaeus 1753 bur-reed
 Alismatales - Potamogetonaceae
Potamogeton sp. Linnaeus 1753 pondweed
 Nymphaeales - Nymphaeaceae
Nuphar sp. Smith 1809 water lily
 Fagales - Juglandaceae
Carya sp. Nuttall 1818 hickory
cf. Pterocarya sp. Kunth 1824 wingnut
Juglans sp. Linnaeus 1753 walnut
 Fagales - Myricaceae
Myrica sp. Linnaeus 1753 bayberry
 Fagales - Betulaceae
Betulaceae indet. Gray 1822 birch
Betula sp. Linnaeus 1753 birch
pollen common
cf. Corylus sp. Linnaeus 1753 hazel
Alnus sp. Miller 1754 alder
 Rosales - Ulmaceae
Ulmaceae indet. Brisseau-Mirbel 1815 elm
 Malpighiales - Salicaceae
Salix sp. Linnaeus 1753 willow
Populus sp. Linnaeus 1753 poplar
 Sapindales - Sapindaceae
Acer sp. Linnaeus 1753 maple
 Saxifragales - Hamamelidaceae
Liquidambar sp. Linnaeus 1753 sweetgum
 Aquifoliales - Aquifoliaceae
Ilex sp. Linnaeus 1753 holly
 Ericales - Ericales
Ericales indet.
 Proteales - Platanaceae
Platanus sp. Linnaeus 1753 plane tree
 Poales - Cyperaceae
Cyperaceae indet. Jussieu 1789 sedge
 Lycopodiales - Lycopodiaceae
Lycopodium sp. Linnaeus 1753 ground pine
 Selaginellales - Selaginellaceae
Selaginella sp. Beauvois 1804 spikemoss
Lycopsida indet.
 Ophioglossales - Ophioglossidae
Botrychium sp. Swartz 1800
 Schizaeales - Polypodiidae
Cicatricosisporites sp. Potonie and Gelletich 1933
  - Gleicheniaceae
Gleichenia sp. Smith 1793
 Equisetales - Equisetidae
Equisetum sp. Linnaeus 1753 horsetail
  - Osmundaceae
Osmunda sp. Linnaeus 1753
  - Sphagnaceae
Sphagnum sp. Linnaeus 1753 peat moss