There are 7 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
24441S. Holland The Jumpers, Anticosti Island (= Anticosti Island, The Jumpers, Chicotte Formation Member 1) Alexandrian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
24442S. Holland Anticosti Island, Southwest Point, Chicotte Formation Alexandrian - Silurian 1 - Canada Barnes et al. (1981)
25157S. Holland Gaspé Peninsula, Chaleurs Bay Synclinorium, La Vieille Formation Niagaran/Sheinwoodian - Silurian 1-2-2 - Canada Boucot and Bourque (1981)
25250W. Kiessling Galiote reef, SW Point, Anticosti Isl., Canada (= Reef 1415) Telychian - Silurian 1 - Canada Brunton and Copper (1994)
63558P. Wagner East Cliff of the Jupiter River, mouth of Jupiter River / Jupiter Cliff Alexandrian - Silurian 1 - Canada Twenhofel (1928)
63786P. Wagner The Jumpers, Zone 4 Alexandrian - Silurian 1 - Canada Twenhofel (1928)
207843P. Wagner Northrop Locality 019. Along crest of Reddish Point ridge, east of Port Daniel Pridoli - Silurian 2 - Canada Northrop (1939)

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