Chlaustobel B/C, Hombrechtikon, Zürich (Miocene of Switzerland)

Where: Zürich, Switzerland (47.3° N, 8.8° E: paleocoordinates 47.5° N, 7.4° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

When: MN 5 (16.0 - 13.7 Ma)

• MN5"b"; Obere Süßwassermolasse (upper Freshwater Molasse);

•110m (profile meter) above the Hüllistein marker bed.

•After Bollinger 1992: MN5(5-6). After Bollinger 1994: MN5"b" (=middle MN5).

Environment/lithology: lacustrine; carbonaceous marl

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: bulk, chemical, sieve,

• 10 mammal teeth, 1 Celtis seed

Primary reference: T.h. Bollinger. 1992. Kleinsäugerstratigraphie in der miozänen Hörnlischüttung (Ostschweiz); (Biostratigraphy of small mammals in the Hörnlischüttung of Miocene age (East Switzerland)). Documenta naturae 75:1-296 [J. Alroy/S. Kuemmell/S. Kuemmell]more details

Purpose of describing collection: biostratigraphic analysis

PaleoDB collection 46229: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Susanna Kümmell on 09.01.2005

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Rosales - Ulmaceae
Celtis sp. Linnaeus 1753 hackberry
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Galerix cf. exilis de Blainville 1839 hedgehog
 Artiodactyla -
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Miodyromys cf. aegercii Baudelot 1972 dormouse
Eomuscardinus sansaniensis Lartet 1851 dormouse
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
? Eumyarion weinfurteri Schaub and Zapfe 1953 rodent
Megacricetodon cf. minor Lartet 1851 rodent
Megacricetodon minor Lartet 1851 rodent
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Sciuridae indet. Gray 1821 squirrel
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
Ochotonidae indet. Thomas 1897 pika