Kohfidisch (Miocene of Austria)

Where: Burgenland, Austria (47.1° N, 16.3° E)

• Paleocoordinates: 45.1° N, 17.7° E (Wright 2013)

• coordinate stated in text

When: MN 11 (8.7 - 7.8 Ma)

• Locality considered to be in MN 11 biozone

Environment/lithology: terrestrial

Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils

Collection methods: surface (float), surface (in situ), mechanical,

Primary reference: F. Bachmayer and Z. Szyndlar. 1985. Ophidians (Reptilia: Serpentes) from the Kohfidisch fissures of Burgenland, Austria. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A: Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Anthropologie Praehistorie 87:79-100 [J. Head/J. Head/L. van den Hoek Ostende]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 37789: authorized by Jason Head, entered by Jason Head on 23.03.2004, edited by Lars van den Hoek Ostende, David Nicholson, Terri Cleary and Torsten Liebrecht

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Squamata - Gekkonidae
Gekkonidae indet.8 Gray 1825 gecko
2 left dentaries. 1 caudal vertebra (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHM W2004z0023/0001).
 Squamata -
Lacertilia indet.8 Owen 1842 lizard
8 indet. maxillae, 6 indet. dentaries, 11 claws(?). (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0033/0001).
 Squamata - Scincidae
Scincidae indet.8 Gray 1825 skink
7 right maxillae. 5 left maxillae. 1 right dentary. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0029/0001). 2 left dentaries. 3 presacral vertebrae
 Squamata - Varanidae
Varanus cf. hofmanni8 monitor lizard
2 right dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004 z0032/0003). 4 left dentaries. 5 teeth (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0032/0001, 0002). 3 cervical vertebrae (AO: Inv.Nr.: NHMW2004z0032/0005). 38 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv.Nr.: NHMW2004 z0032/0004). 26 caudal vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0032/0006).
 Squamata - Anguidae
Anguis fragilis8, "Ophisaurus pannonicus" = Pseudopus pannonicus8, "Pseudopus pannonicus" = Pseudopus pannonicus8
Anguis fragilis8 Linneaus 1758 Slow worm
842 osteoderms. 1 right quadrate. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0030/0006). 2 right maxillae. 11 left maxillae. 11 right dentaries. 14 left dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0030/0001). 1 cervical vertebra (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0030/0002). 554 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0030/0003). 5 sacral vertebrae. 253 caudal vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0030/0004, 0005).
"Ophisaurus pannonicus" = Pseudopus pannonicus8 Kormos 1911 legless lizard
"Pseudopus pannonicus" = Pseudopus pannonicus8 Kormos 1911 legless lizard
11276 osteoderms (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0031/0008). 4 right frontals. 6 left frontals. 34 parietals and fragmentary parietals (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0001). 1 right palatine. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0002). 1 left palatine. 3 right pterygoids. 4 left pterygoids. 5 premaxillae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0003). 7 right maxillae. 15 left maxillae. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z 0031/0004). 13 indet. maxillae. 17 right dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0005). 14 left dentaries. 140 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0006). 3 sacral vertebrae. 283 caudal vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0031/0007).
 Squamata - Lacertidae
Edlartetia sansaniensis8 Augé and Rage 2000 squamates
9 right maxillae. 3 left maxillae. 12 right dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0028/0001). 12 left dentaries. (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0028/0002).
Lacerta "sp. A"8 Linnaeus 1758 squamates
13 osteoderms. 17 supraocular osteoderms. 136 fragmentary frontals. 1 right pterygoid. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0001). 1 left pterygoid. 3 right quadrates. 5 left quadrates. 60 premaxillae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0002). 403 right maxillae. 322 left maxillae. 99 indet. maxillae. 208 right dentaries. 236 left dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0003). 1 atlas (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0007). 2 epistrophei(?). 7 cervical vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NH- MW2004z0025/0004). 319 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0005). 2 sacral vertebrae. 96 anterior caudal vertebrae. 165 caudal vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0025/0006). 2 right ilia. 5 left ilia. 6 right humeri. 4 left humeri.
Lacerta "sp. B"8 Linnaeus 1758 squamates
2 premaxillae. 12 right maxillae. 9 left maxillae. 16 right dentaries. 22 left dentaries. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0026/0001). 8 presacral vertebrae. 2 caudal vertebrae
Lacerta cf. viridis8 Laurenti 1768 European green lizard
4 parietals (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004 z0024/0001). 1 neurocranium. 5 right quadrates. 3 left quadrates
Miolacerta tenuis8 Roček 1984 squamates
2 left maxillae, 3 right dentaries, (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0027/0001 ). 1 indet. dentary
 Squamata -
Serpentes indet.8 Linnaeus 1758 snake
19 fragmentary skulls. 1 premaxilla. 1 quadrate. 16 indet. fragmentary maxillae. 67 fragmentary dentaries. 3 teeth. 5 atlases. 59 cervical vertebrae. 6016 presacral vertebrae. 5925 caudal vertebrae. 4 articulated caudal vertebrae. 107 costae.
 Squamata - Elapidae
Naja romani8 Hoffstetter 1939 cobra
Holotype: basiparasphenoid (NMW 1984/98); referred specimens: 2 frontals, 4 maxillae, "several fragments" of dentaries and pterygoids (mainly catalogued as NMW 1984/104), and about 1000 vertebrae + 3 left and 2 right compound bones, 1 left palatine incl. a tiny fragment of right palatine, and 3 fragmentary dentaries (listed in Bachmayer & Szyndlar, 1987; catalogued as NMW 1986/7)
 Squamata - Crotalidae
Vipera burgenlandica n. sp.2 Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1987 pit viper
"= Daboia sp."; 1 basioccipital and 71 precaudal vertebrae (NMW 1984/106)
 Squamata - Typhlopidae
Typhlops cf. grivensis8 blind snake
27 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0034/0001). 4 associated caudal vertebrae (=1 “os coccygis”; AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0034/0002).
 Squamata - Natricidae
Natrix longivertebrata Szyndlar 1984 water snake
15 precaudal vertebrae (NMW 1984/103) + 1 complete parietal (listed in Bachmayer & Szyndlar, 1987; catalogued as NMW NMW 1986/6)
 Squamata - Colubridae
"Nanus planicarinatus n. gen. n. sp." = Coluber planicarinatus, "Coluber planicarinatus" = Coluber planicarinatus8, Elaphe kohfidischi n. sp.
"Nanus planicarinatus n. gen. n. sp." = Coluber planicarinatus Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1985 racer
Holotype: trunk vertebra (NMW 1984/97); referred specimens: 6 further trunk vertebrae (NMW 1984/102) + 1 basiparasphenoid (listed in Bachmayer & Szyndlar, 1987; catalogued as NMW 1986/5)
"Coluber planicarinatus" = Coluber planicarinatus8 Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1985 racer
Elaphe kohfidischi n. sp. Bachmayer and Szyndlar 1985 colubrid snake
Holotype: mid-trunk vertebra (NMW 1984/96); referred specimens: "several hundred" vertebrae (NMW 1984/101) + 10 cranial elements (listed in Bachmayer & Szyndlar, 1987: 3 basiparasphenoids,1 fragmentary parietal, 2 basioccipitals,1 fragmentary right dentary, 1 fragmentary left dentary, and 2 fragments of right maxilla(e), apparently all catalogued as NMW 1986/4)
 Testudines - Testudinidae
Testudinidae indet.1 Batsch 1788 turtle
large size
Testudo burgenlandica n. sp.1 Bachmayer and Mlynarski 1983 turtle
NHMW 1981/0024/0001 (holotype)
 Testudines - Geoemydidae
Mauremys aff. gaudryi1 Depéret 1885 pond turtle
 Chiroptera - Megadermatidae
Megaderma vireti3 Mein 1965 false vampire
 Chiroptera - Rhinolophidae
Rhinolophus grivensis4 Depéret 1892 horseshoe bat
Rhinolophus delphinensis3 Gaillard 1899 horseshoe bat
 Chiroptera - Vespertilionidae
cf. Myotis sp.4 Kaup 1829 vesper bat
Myotis aff. boyeri4 Mein 1965 vesper bat
Plecotus sp.4 Geoffroy 1818 vesper bat
subgenus Paraplecotus
 Rodentia - Gliridae
Glis cf. minor8 Kowalski 1963 dormouse
Muscardinus austriacus5 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 dormouse
n. ssp. austriacus
Graphiurops austriacus n. sp.5 Bachmayer and Wilson 1980 dormouse
Myomimus cf. multicristatus4 dormouse
pro partim ex. Peridyromys compositus Bachmayer & Wilson, 1970
Myomimus cf. dehmi4 de Bruijn 1966 dormouse
Vasseuromys pannonicus8 Kretzoi 1978 dormouse
 Rodentia - Castoridae
 Rodentia - Eomyidae
Leptodontomys sp.5 Shotwell 1956 rodent
Keramidomys sp.4 Hartenberger 1966 rodent
 Rodentia - Zapodidae
Protozapus intermedius n. gen. n. sp.3
Protozapus intermedius n. gen. n. sp.3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 jumping mouse
 Rodentia - Muridae
Parapodemus lugdunensis4 Schaub 1938 mouse
Epimeriones austriacus5 Daxner-Höck 1972 gerbil
Progonomys woelferi n. sp.3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 mouse
 Rodentia - Sciuridae
Spermophilinus cf. bredai3 von Meyer 1848 squirrel
 Rodentia - Hystricidae
 Rodentia - Cricetidae
Neocricetodon sp.6, "Kowalskia fahlbuschi n. sp." = Neocricetodon fahlbuschi3, Prospalax petteri n. sp.3, Promimomys sp.4
Neocricetodon sp.6 Schaub 1934 rodent
"Kowalskia fahlbuschi n. sp." = Neocricetodon fahlbuschi3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 rodent
Prospalax petteri n. sp.3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 rodent
Promimomys sp.4 Kretzoi 1955 rodent
subgenus Prosomys
 Lagomorpha - Ochotonidae
Prolagus cf. oeningensis3 König 1825 pika
 Carnivora - Percrocutidae
Percrocuta eximia8 carnivoran
 Carnivora - Hyaenidae
Ictitherium sp.8 Wagner 1848 hyaena
 Perissodactyla - Equidae
Hipparion sp.8 de Christol 1832 hipparionine horse
 Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Aceratherium sp.8 Kaup 1834 rhinoceros
 Artiodactyla - Bovidae
Bovidae indet.8 Gray 1821 antelope
 Artiodactyla - Cervidae
Cervidae indet.8 Gray 1821 deer
 Soricomorpha - Soricidae
"? Petenyiella repenningi n. sp." = Paenelimnoecus repenningi3, Petenyia dubia8, "Anourosorex kormosi n. sp." = Crusafontina kormosi3, ? Neomyini indet.4
"? Petenyiella repenningi n. sp." = Paenelimnoecus repenningi3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 red-toothed shrew
Petenyia dubia8 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 red-toothed shrew
"Anourosorex kormosi n. sp." = Crusafontina kormosi3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 red-toothed shrew
? Neomyini indet.4 Matschie 1909 red-toothed shrew
 Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Talpa gilothi5 Storch 1978 mole
"Dibolia vinea" = Archaeodesmana vinea7 Storch 1978 Russian desman
Desmanella cf. crusafonti4 Rümke 1974 mole
 Tribosphenida - Erinaceidae
Lantanotherium sp.4, ? Erinaceus sp.3, "Galerix zapfei n. sp." = Schizogalerix zapfei3, "Schizogalerix zapfei" = Schizogalerix zapfei8, "Schizogalerix cf. moedlingensis" = Schizogalerix moedlingensis8, "Galerix cf. moedlingensis" = Schizogalerix moedlingensis5
Lantanotherium sp.4 Filhol 1888 hedgehog
incorrectly written as Lanthanotherium
? Erinaceus sp.3 Linnaeus 1758 hedgehog
"Galerix zapfei n. sp." = Schizogalerix zapfei3 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 hedgehog
"Schizogalerix zapfei" = Schizogalerix zapfei8 Bachmayer and Wilson 1970 hedgehog
"Schizogalerix cf. moedlingensis" = Schizogalerix moedlingensis8 Rabeder 1973 hedgehog
"Galerix cf. moedlingensis" = Schizogalerix moedlingensis5 Rabeder 1973 hedgehog
 Proboscidea -
Proboscidea indet.8 Illiger 1811 proboscidean
 Proboscidea - Deinotheriidae
Deinotherium giganteum8 Kaup 1829 deinothere
 Caudata - Urodela
Chelotriton paradoxus8 Pomel 1853 newt
1 right squamosal, 3 atlases (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0010/0001). 19 presacral vertebrae (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0010/0002).
Triturus "cristatus sp."8 Rafinesque 1815 newt
170 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv.Nr.: NHM W2004z0011/0001).
Triturus "vulgaris sp."8 Rafinesque 1815 newt
5 atlases, 46 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0012/0001). 1 left humerus (of a female?). (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0012/0002). (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0012/0003). The specimen numberings in this paper do not make sense and half is in Latin, sorry.
Triturus sp.8 Rafinesque 1815 newt
65 presacral vertebrae, 19 caudal vertebrae (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0013/0001).
Mioproteus caucasicus8 Estes and Darevsky 1978 mudpuppy
1 left dentary (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0009/ 0001); 2 atlases, 30 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0009/0002). (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0009/0003).
 Salientia -
Anura indet.8 Fischer von Waldheim 1813 frog
 Salientia - Discoglossidae
Latonia sp.8 von Meyer 1843 painted frog
56 fragmentary fronto-parietals, 2 right prootic-occipitals, 1 left prootic-occipital, 7 right premaxillae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0017/0001). 8 left premaxillae, 34 right maxillae, 28 left maxillae, 45 indet. maxillae, 33 right prearticulars, 22 left prearticulars, 21 atlases, 210 presacral vertebrae, 52 sacral vertebrae, 1 costal, 59 coccyges, 47 right ilia (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0017/0002). 46 left ilia (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0017/0004). 3 ischia (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0017/0003). 17 right scapulae, 18 left scapulae, 24 coracoids, 17 right humerii, 27 left humerii, 22 right radioulnare, 13 left radioulnare, 2 indet. radioulnare (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0017/0005).
Latonia ragei8 Hossini 1993 painted frog
7 right maxillae, 5 left maxillae
Latonia gigantea8 Lartet 1851 painted frog
23 right maxillae, 23 left maxillae (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0015/0001).
 Salientia - Bombinatoridae
Bombina cf. bombina8 Linnaeus 1761 European fire-bellied toad
1 sphenethmoideum(??) (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0014/0003). 1 presacral vertebra, 1 coccyx (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0014/0001). 1 right ilium (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0014/0002). 1 right (female??) humerus (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0014/0005). Again, translating from Latin, sorry.
 Salientia - Pelobatidae
Pelobates cf. cultripes8 Tschudi 1838 spadefoot toad
110 fragmentary fronto-parietals, 10 right squamosals, 3 left squamosals (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHM- W2004z0018/0001). 1 right nasal, 5 right premaxillae, 6 left premaxillae, 55 right maxillae, 38 left maxillae, 10 indet. maxillae, 1 left prearticular, 1 atlas, 19 presacral vertebrae, 3 sacral vertebrae, 13 right ilia (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0018/0002, 0003). 10 left ilia, 1 ischium, 1 right scapula, 10 right humerii, 3 left humerii, 1 left radioulnare (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHM- W2004z0018/0004).
 Salientia - Bufonidae
Bufo bufo8 Linnaeus 1758 toad
3 sphenethmoidea (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004 zOO 19/0005). 6 right prearticulars, 1 left prearticular, 4 atlases (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0019/0002). 222 presacral vertebrae, 53 sacral vertebrae, 13 coccyges. 59 right ilia. 59 left ilia. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0019/0003, 0006). 8 ischia (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0019/0004). 28 right scapulae. 19 left scapulae. 13 coracoids (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0019 /0001). 57 female(?) right humeri. 33 right male(?) humeri. 58 left female(?) humeri. 34 left male(?) humeri. 1 humerus indet. 34 right radioulnare. 31 left radioulnare. 28 radioulnare indet. (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0019/0007).
 Salientia - Hylidae
Hyla sp.8 Laurenti 1768 tree frog
2 right maxillae. 1 presacral vertebra (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0020/0001). 8 right ilia. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0020/0004). 8 left ilia. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0020/0002). 1 ischium (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHM- W2004z0020/0003). 4 right humeri. 2 left humeri. (BM: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0020/0005).
 Salientia - Ranidae
Rana "ridibunda sp."8 Linnaeus 1758 frog
1 right fronto-parietal (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW 2004z0021/0003). 8 right premaxillae, 5 left premaxillae, 1 indet. premaxilla, 35 right maxillaries, 31 left maxillaries, 14 indet. maxillaries, 6 right prearticulars. 6 left prearticulars. 1 atlas. 65 presacral vertebrae (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0021/0001). 4 presacral vertebrae with connection to sacrals, 32 sacral vertebrae, 11 coccyges, 19 right ilia. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0021/0002). 16 left ilia. (AO: Inv. Nr.: NHMW2004z0021/0004,0005). 18 ischia, 11 coracoids, 35 right female? humeri, 28 right male? humeri, 22 left female humeri, 28 left male? humeri, 8 left male? humeri, 15 right radio-ulnare, 11 left radio-ulnare, 4 indet. radio-ulnare
 Gobiiformes - Gobiidae
Gobiidae indet.8 Bonaparte 1832 goby
 Siluriformes - Siluridae
Silurus sp.8 Linnaeus 1758 catfish
 Teleosti -
"Teleosti indet." = Teleostei8
"Teleosti indet." = Teleostei8 Müller 1846 ray-finned fish
 Lepidoptera - Tineidae
Tinea sp.8 Linnaeus 1758 moth
 Cardiida - Dreissenidae
 Heterostropha - Carychiidae
 Stylommatophora - Helicidae
Tacheocampylaea (Mesodontopsis) doderleini8 Brusina 1897 slug
mispelled in text as "Tacheocampylea"
 Heterostropha - Planorbidae
"Planorbis (Anisus) confusus" = Anisus confusus8
"Planorbis (Anisus) confusus" = Anisus confusus8 Soos 1934 snail