Where: Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro (43.3° N, 21.2° E)
• Paleocoordinates: 38.3° N, 23.2° E (Wright 2013)
• coordinate estimated from map
When: MN 4 mammal zone, Burdigalian (20.4 - 16.0 Ma)
• Originally thought to be probably lower Sarmatian, but other Sibnica localities are estimated as MN4 on basis of mammal occurrences so this locality is likely to be also.
Environment/lithology: fluvial-lacustrine; unlithified, carbonaceous claystone and unlithified, conglomeratic sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Collection methods: bulk,
Primary reference: Z. Petronijevic. 1967. Srednjomiocenska i donjosarmatska (stajerska) fauna sisara Srbije; Die Mittelmiozäne und Untersarmatische (Steirische) Säugetierfauna Serbiens. (The middle Miocene and lower Sarmatian (Styrian) mammalian fauna of Serbia). CODEN: PLJUA9: Zagreb: Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, 160 p. illus. (incl. geol. maps) [J. Alroy/S. Kuemmell/S. Kuemmell]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 39714: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Susanna Kümmell on 05.06.2004, edited by Terri Cleary
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
unclassified | |
Mammalia | |
Anomalomys minor Fejfar 1972 rodent | |
Bransatoglis aff. astaracensis Baudelot 1970 dormouse
Glirulus ekremi Unay 1994 Japanese dormouse
Glis minor Kowalski 1963 dormouse | |
Pseudotheridomys parvulus rodent | |
Heramys aff. eviensis Klein Hofmeijer and de Bruijn 1985 mouse | |
Blackia miocaenica Mein 1970 squirrel
Aliveria aff. luteyni de Bruijn et al. 1980 squirrel
"Sciurus cf. bredai" = Spermophilinus bredai von Meyer 1848 squirrel | |
"Democricetodon franconicuus" = Copemys, "Cricetodon breve" = Democricetodon brevis, Democricetodon mutilus, Cricetodon helveticum, Eumyarion cf. weinfurteri
"Democricetodon franconicuus" = Copemys rodent
"Cricetodon breve" = Democricetodon brevis Schaub 1925 rodent
Democricetodon mutilus Fahlbusch 1964 rodent
Eumyarion cf. weinfurteri Schaub and Zapfe 1953 rodent | |
Semigenetta mutata civet | |
Herpestes aurelianensis mongoose | |
Anchitherium aurelianense Cuvier 1825 anchitheriine horse | |
Eotragus haplodon antelope
Eotragus aff. sansaniensis Lartet 1851 antelope | |
Heteroprox larteti Filhol 1890 ruminant | |
Lartetium sp. Ziegler 1989 shrew
"Trimylus sansaniensis" = Pseudotrimylus shrew
Sorex dehmi long-tailed shrew | |
Talpa sp. Linnaeus 1758 mole
Scaptonyx edwardsi Gaillard 1899 Long-tailed mole | |
Galerix exilis de Blainville 1839 hedgehog | |
"Mastodon angustidens" = Tetrabelodon angustidens
| |
Gastropoda | |
Pomatias sp. Stimpson 1860 periwinkle | |
Cepaea sp. Held 1838 slug | |
Limax cf. crassa slug | |
Triptychia sp. Sandberger 1876 slug | |
Segmentina sp. Fleming 1828 snail | |
Hyalinia miocenica snail |