Also known as Delaware Geological Survey locality Id11-a
Where: Kent County, Delaware (39.2° N, 75.6° W: paleocoordinates 39.4° N, 71.6° W)
• coordinate based on political unit
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Fairhaven Member (Calvert Formation), Burdigalian (20.4 - 16.0 Ma)
• said to be early Hemingfordian, lower Calvert; Shattuck zone not state in text, interpreted from de Verteuil and Norris (1996).
•Formerly Cheswold Sands member, but lower Calvert is Fairhaven member. Bed 3b is Burdigalian in age, or Hemingfordian
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: estuary or bay; medium-grained, coarse, shelly/skeletal sandstone
Size classes: macrofossils, mesofossils
Collection methods: bulk, sieve
• generically determinate NISP 101 (mammals); total said to be "nearly 200 identifiable specimens... 50-60 mammal teeth per 1000 kg of matrix" by Cutler 1998; material is mostly from "spoil piles" and not in situ
Primary reference: R. J. Emry and R. E. Eshelman. 1998. The early Hemingfordian (early Miocene) Pollack Farm local fauna; first Tertiary land mammals described from Delaware. Delaware Geological Survey Special Publication 21:153-173 [J. Alroy/J. Alroy/M. Uhen]more details
Purpose of describing collection: general faunal/floral analysis
PaleoDB collection 18579: authorized by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 19.05.2000, edited by Austin Hendy, Mark Uhen, Jason Head and Evangelos Vlachos
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
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Chondrichthyes | |
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"Galeocerdo contortus" = Physogaleus contortus5, Carcharhinus limbatus5, Carcharhinus brachyurus5, "Carcharhinus perezii" = Carcharhinus perezi5
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"Carcharias cuspidata" = Araloselachus cuspidatus5
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Mammalia | |
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Rhinocerotidae indet. Gray 1821 rhinoceros | |
cf. Tylocephalonyx sp. Coombs 1979 chalicothere | |
Anchitherium sp. von Meyer 1844 anchitheriine horse
Parahippus leonensis Sellards 1916 anchitheriine horse
Archaeohippus cf. blackbergi Hay 1924 anchitheriine horse | |
"Parablastomeryx galushi" = Barbouromeryx trigonocorneus1
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Tayassuidae indet., "Cynorca sociale" = Marshochoerus socialis
"Cynorca sociale" = Marshochoerus socialis Marsh 1875 peccary | |
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? Anthracotheriidae indet. Leidy 1869 anthracothere | |
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"Leptophoca lenis" = Leptophoca proxima2
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Procyoninae indet. Gray 1825 procyonid carnivore | |
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Cynelos sp. Jourdan 1862 bear-dog | |
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Plesiosorex cf. coloradensis Wilson 1960 placental | |
? Erinaceidae indet. Fischer von Waldheim 1817 hedgehog | |
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Anchitheriomys sp. Roger 1885 beaver | |
Reptilia | |
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"Crotalinae indet." = Crotalidae3
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cf. Chrysemys sp.9 Gray 1844 painted turtle One posterior peripheral (USNM 483390). Collected by G. Simonson
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"Hesperotestudo (Caudochelys) wilsoni" = Geochelone (Hesperotestudo) wilsoni9 Milstead 1956 turtle Two neurals (USNM 540747 and USNM 483391), two partial costal elements (USNM 483391 and USNM 540751)
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Apalone lima9 Cope 1869 softshell turtle One carapace fragment (USNM 540752) and xiphiplastron fragment (USNM 540753)
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Aves | |
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"Morus cf. loxostylus" = Moris loxostyla6
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Amphibia | |
Batrachosauroides aff. dissimulans9 Taylor and Hesse 1943 salamander USNM 464090, right dentary; USNM 464091, anterior trunk vertebra; USNM 464097, USNM 540754, USNM 540755, three trunk vertebrae. Collectors: Dentary, G. Simonson; vertebrae, D. Bohaska, S. Swelson, and P. Kroehler
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Scaphopoda | |
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Bivalvia | |
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"Lirophora latilirata" = Lirophora (Lirophora) latilirata8, Dosinia acetabulum8, Mercenaria ducatelli8, "Clementia grayi" = Clementia (Egesta) grayi8, Macrocallista marylandica8
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Gastropoda | |
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"Crucibulum costatum" = Crucibulum (Dispotaea) costata8, "Calyptraea aperta" = Calyptraea (Trochita) aperta8, Calyptraea centralis8, Crepidula plana8, Crepidula fornicata8
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Ecphora tricostata8, Tritonopsis ecclesiastica8, Cymia woodii8, Urosalpinx subrusticus8, Murexiella cumberlandiana8, Typhis acuticosta8
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"Mitrella communis" = Astyris communis8
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"Siphonalia devexa" = Siphonalia devexus8, Ptychosalpinx sp.8, Metula sp.8, Chrysodomus patuxentensis8
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Sinum chesapeakensis8, Lunatia hemicrypta8, "Polinices duplicatus" = Neverita duplicatus8, "Lunatia heros" = Euspira heros8
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