There are 3 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
106J. Alroy Road ditch (Lost Branch Fm., Putnam Co., MO) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Missouri Malinky and Heckel (1998)
118J. Alroy Shale Hill, Midland Brick and Tile Co. quarry (Hertha Fm., Livingston Co., MO) Missourian - Carboniferous 5 - Missouri Malinky and Heckel (1998)
26878M. Foote Unit 11, Upper Coal Measures, Thayer Shales, Kansas City (= Broadhead (1872) unit 97, Bennett (1896) unit 4 / coll. Rogers) Missourian - Carboniferous 5 - Missouri Beede and Rogers (1900)

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