There are 12 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
568J. Sepkoski Barnett Shale, central region Meramecian - Carboniferous 2 - Texas Plummer (1950)
11086A. Miller Prodentalium Scaphopod from the Pennsylvanian of Texas Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Texas Tenery and Rotwell (1979)
11087A. Miller Small Prodentalium from Texas Missourian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Tenery and Rotwell (1979)
11098A. Miller Hill Creek locality (= Was: Giant Scaphopod fragment from the Lower Strawn (Pennsylvanian) of Texas) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Texas Toomey (1957)
11100A. Miller 181-T-5. Millsap-Brazos road, 1/10th mile south of Goen Cemetary (= 5.5 miles west of Millsap Was: Miller's giant scaphopod from the Pennsylvanian of Texas) Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Texas Plummer and Hornberger (1935)
11127A. Miller Fossiliferous Shale of the Hill Creek beds of the Lazy Bend Formation in the For Desmoinesian - Carboniferous 4-5 - Texas Hendricks (1956)
217897B. Seuss TXV-37 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5491) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)
217901B. Seuss TXV-44 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5498) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)
217932B. Seuss TXV-69 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5523, BBTXV-121 Mapes loc.: BBTXV-121) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)
217979B. Seuss TXV-82 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5536 Mapes loc.: BBTXV-117) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)
218000B. Seuss TXV-89 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5543: Type Section Finis Shale (informal)) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)
218004B. Seuss TXV-91 (FS), near Jacksboro TX (= AMNH locality 5545) Virgilian - Carboniferous 5 - Texas Boston (1988)

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