Also known as A006; Northern Danakil Depression
Where: Buia, Eritrea (14.7° N, 39.8° E: paleocoordinates 14.6° N, 39.7° E)
• coordinate estimated from map
• small collection-level geographic resolution
When: Early/Lower Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.8 Ma)
• bed-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: channel lag; medium-grained, coarse, pebbly, silty sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Preservation: anthropogenic
Collected by Buia Project in 2010
• MA: Mulhuli-Amo collection hosted at the Northern Red Sea Regional Museum of Massawa
Primary reference: M. Delfino, F. Candilio, G. Carnevale, A. Coppa, T. Medin, M. Pavia, L. Rook, A. Urciuoli, and A. Villa. 2018. The early Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of Mulhuli-Amo (Buia area, Danakil Depression, Eritrea). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 57(1):27-44 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 193126: authorized by Evangelos Vlachos, entered by Evangelos Vlachos on 07.05.2018
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Actinopteri | |
Clarias sp. Scopoli 1777 catfish MA 1118: partially complete vertebral centrum; MA 1119: partially complete mesethmoid; MA 1122: partially complete vertebral centrum; MA 1292: partially complete vertebral centrum; MA 1293: partially complete parietosupraoccipital; MA P 0001: partially complete right frontal; MA P 0002: partially complete mesethmoid; MA P 0003: partially complete abdominal vertebra; MA P 0004: about 20 fragmentary neurocranial bones of problematic anatomical interpretation.
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Cichlidae indet. Heckel 1840 cichlid MA 993: a single partially complete and poorly preserved vertebral centrum.
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Reptilia | |
Pelusios sinuatus Smith 1838 Serrated hinged terrapin MA 204: a partial shell and the associated pelvic girdle; MA 506: left xiphiplastron.
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Aves | |
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Reptilia | |
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Varanus niloticus Linnaeus 1766 Nile monitor MA 397: caudal vertebra; MA3 1092: fragment of caudal vertebra; MA3 1099: caudal vertebra; MA3 1144: cloacal vertebra.
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Mammalia | |
Palaeoloxodon cf. recki Dietrich 1915 elephant MA 184A/B: damaged cranium; MA 476: partial cranium; MA 503, MA 724, MA 784, MA 901: tooth fragments; MA 137, MA 908: tusk fragments; MA 514: thoracic vertebra; MA 802: intermediate phalanx of digit II.
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Kolpochoerus majus Hopwood 1934 pig MA 158: left mandibular fragment with p3, dp4, and m1 (Fig. 9c); MA 958: right mandibular fragment with m1 (broken) and m2; MA 943: unworn left m3 (Fig. 9d).
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Hippopotamus gorgops Dietrich 1928 hippo MA 138: right mandibular fragment with m3 (Fig. 9a); MA 142: left P3; MA 155: left M3; MA 170: left maxillary fragment with M1-M2; MA 937: right maxillary fragment with M1-M3 (Fig. 9b); MA 938: left p4 and m1; MA 941: left p4; MA 409: lower canine; MA 496-7: two lower canines; MA 492, MA 494, MA 530, MA 593, MA 626, MA 759, MA 856, MA 940, MA 946: molar fragments.