Where: Ventura County, California (34.8° N, 119.2° W: paleocoordinates 35.5° N, 105.1° W)
• outcrop-level geographic resolution
When: Juncal Formation, Lutetian (47.8 - 41.3 Ma)
• group of beds-level stratigraphic resolution
Environment/lithology: transition zone or lower shoreface; poorly lithified, lag, argillaceous siltstone and poorly lithified sandstone
Size class: macrofossils
Reposited in the LACM
Collection methods: bulk,
• Samples were taken for microfossil (nannos and planktonic forams) collection, but all were barren.
Primary reference: R. L. Squires. 1988. Eocene Macropaleontology of Northern Lockwood Valley, Ventura County, California. Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County) 398:1-23 [A. Miller/K. Layou]more details
Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis
PaleoDB collection 5532: authorized by Arnold Miller, entered by Karen Layou on 11.10.1999
Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)
Taxonomic list
Scaphopoda | |
Coccodentalium emersoni n. sp.
Coccodentalium emersoni n. sp. Squires 1988 tusk shell | |
Bivalvia | |
Acila (Truncacila) decisa Conrad 1855 divaricate nutclam | |
Brachidontes cowlitzensis Weaver and Van Winkle Palmer 1922 mussel | |
"Glyptoactis domenginica" = Glyptoactis (Claibornicardia) domenginica
"Glyptoactis domenginica" = Glyptoactis (Claibornicardia) domenginica Vokes 1939 clam | |
Pitar joaquinensis Vokes 1939 venus clam | |
Gastropoda | |
Amaurellina caleocia Vokes 1939 moon snail | |
"Cryptoconus cooperi" = Turricula cooperi
"Cryptoconus cooperi" = Turricula cooperi Dickerson 1916 snail | |
Conus caleocius Vokes 1939 cone shell | |
Clavilithes tabulatus Dickerson 1913 snail | |
"Ficopsis crescentensis" = Ficopsis remondii crescentensis
"Ficopsis crescentensis" = Ficopsis remondii crescentensis Weaver and Palmer 1922 fig shell Ficopsis remondii crescentensis
| |
Xenophora stocki Dickerson 1916 carrier shell | |
Ectinochilus macilentus White 1889 true conch | |
Calyptraea diegoana Conrad 1855 slipper shell | |
Turritella buwaldana Dickerson 1916 turret shell
Turritella andersoni Dickerson 1916 turret shell | |
"Bittium ? dumblei" = Cerithium dumblei
"Bittium ? dumblei" = Cerithium dumblei Dickerson 1916 cerith snail | |
"Architectonica cognata" = Architectonica (Stellaxis) cognata
"Architectonica cognata" = Architectonica (Stellaxis) cognata Gabb 1864 sundial | |
Cylichnina tantilla Anderson and Hanna 1925 snail | |