There are 28 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
37935A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-15) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-15) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37937A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-13) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-13) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37938A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-12) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-12) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37943A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-7) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-7) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37946A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-4) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-4) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37947A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-3) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-3) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
37948A. Hendy San Nicholas Island (SN-2) (= Vedder & Norris (1963) SN-2) Quaternary - Cenozoic 6 - California Vedder and Norris (1963)
59063M. Uhen LACMIP loc. 59, Lincoln Avenue deposit, Playa del Rey (= Del Rey Pleistocene deposit / coll. Willet) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Willett (1937)
71054A. Hendy LACMIP 6211 [San Pedro Sand] Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Powell and Stevens (2000)
96884A. Hendy Tomales Bay Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Grant, IV and Gale (1931)
96894A. Hendy Signal Hill [San Pedro Sands] (coll. DeLong 1938) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California DeLong (1941)
96895A. Hendy Signal Hill [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. DeLong 1938) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California DeLong (1941)
96901A. Hendy Mad River, slough-basin mud facies [Hookton Fm] (coll. Miller III) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Miller and Morrison (1988)
96936A. Hendy OCPC Loc. 2603, Fletcher Jones site Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Powell et al. (2005)
160361A. Hendy LACMIP Loc. 66-2, Newport Beach [Palos Verdes Sand] Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Kanakoff and Emerson (1959)
202492A. Hendy LACMIP Loc. 1307 (= Marincovich Site 7-1 / coll. Easton & Marincovich) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Marincovich (1976)
202641A. Hendy CIT Loc. 410 (coll. Clark 1929) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Clark (1931)
203106A. Hendy Near Lomita - upper beds [Lomita Marl] Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Hanna (1923)
219030J. Marcot LACMIP loc. 68-A, Newport Bay Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Kanakoff and Emerson (1959)
222646A. Hendy San Pedro area Quaternary [Cooper (1888, 1894) checklists] Middle Pleistocene/Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Cooper (1888)
222659A. Hendy Deadman Island - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222660A. Hendy Lumberyard, San Pedro - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222661A. Hendy Los Cerritos - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222662A. Hendy Crawfish George - Upper San Pedro Series [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Arnold) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222664A. Hendy San Pedro Bluffs - Lower San Pedro Series [San Pedro Sand] (coll. Arnold) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Arnold (1903)
222674A. Hendy San Pedro Hill - "Pliocene" [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Ashley) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Ashley (1895)
222998A. Hendy Deadman Island - Zone 8 [Palos Verdes Sand] (coll. Crickmay 1920) Middle Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Crickmay (1929)
226458M. Clapham UCMP A-3101, Newport Beach (coll. Stephen Bruff) Late Pleistocene - Cenozoic 6 - California Bruff (1946)

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