Pur 4. Moncayo Natural Park. Borraca Creek, 4 km south-east of Purujosa (Cambrian of Spain)

Also known as Purujosa section 4. Murero biota

Where: Zaragoza, Spain (41.7° N, 1.8° W: paleocoordinates 55.2° S, 110.3° E)

When: Badulesia granieri trilobite zone, Murero Formation (Mesones Group), Solvan (510.2 - 504.5 Ma)

• Eocrinoids were collected in a thin (35cm) level of green-grey shale; age is likely to be uppermost Caesaraugustian or lowermost Languedocian (Cambrian Series 2) based on associated trilobites and the trilobite fauna in the overlying strata. Was St. Davids.

• bed-level stratigraphic resolution

Environment/lithology: offshore; mudstone

Size class: macrofossils

Preservation: mold/impression

Primary reference: S. Zamora, R. Gozalo, and E. Liñán. 2009. Middle Cambrian gogiid echinoderms from Northeast Spain: Taxonomy, palaeoecology, and palaeogeographic implications. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54:253-265 [A. Lin/A. Lin]more details

Purpose of describing collection: paleoecologic analysis

PaleoDB collection 90553: authorized by Alex Lin, entered by Alex Lin on 04.08.2009, edited by Phil Novack-Gottshall

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

 Isorophida -
  - Gyrocystidae
Gyrocystis platessa Jaekel 1918
 Gogiida - Eocrinidae
Gogia parsleyi Zamora et al. 2009
 Cornuta - Ceratocystidae
? Ceratocystis sp.
isolated Ceratocystis−like stylophoran plates
 Redlichiida - Paradoxididae
"Eccaparadoxides brachyrachys" = Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides)
"Eccaparadoxides brachyrachys" = Paradoxides (Eccaparadoxides) trilobite