Salla: Deseadan, Bolivia
collected by Branisa, Hoffstetter, Hartenberger, Villarroel, MacFadden, et al. 1962, 2013

List of taxa
Where & when
Taphonomy & methods
Metadata & references
Taxonomic list
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Calyptocephalellidae
cf. Calyptocephalella sp. Strand 1926
Hoffstetter 1976
Reptilia - Testudines
Testudines indet. Batsch 1788
Hoffstetter 1976
Reptilia - Gruiformes - Phorusrhacidae
Phorusrhacidae indet. (Ameghino 1889)
Hoffstetter 1976
original and current combination Phororhacosidae
Mammalia - Paucituberculata - Palaeothentidae
? Palaeothentinae indet.
Villarroel and Marshall 1982
Palaeothentes boliviensis n. sp. Patterson and Marshall 1978
Villarroel and Marshall 1982
PU 21977, dentary p3-m1, from Banisa locality V-2
Mammalia - Paucituberculata
Evolestes hadrommatos n. gen., n. sp. Goin et al. 2007
Goin et al. 2007 1 specimen
MNHN-Bol 96-400, partial skull, holotype, from Unit 6 at Tapial Pampa
Mammalia - Sparassodonta
Andinogale sallensis n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter and Petter 1983
Hoffstetter and Petter 1983 2 specimens
MNHN SAL 92, partial skull; SAL 93, mandible
Sallacyon hoffstetteri n. sp. Villarroel and Marshall 1982
Villarroel and Marshall 1982
Notogale mitis (Ameghino 1897)
Villarroel and Marshall 1982
PU 21867, dentary m3-4; 21868, dentary m3; 21869, dentary p1-2; 21871, rostrum; 21872, dentary p2; 21874, dentary; 21875, maxilla M1; 21876, maxilla M1; 21877, C; 21993, dentary bases of m3-4; 21996, dentary m2. PU 21996 is from locality Branisa V-5 and the others have no precise locality information. Additional specimen from ref. 42763 (Villarroel & Marshall, 1982: GEOBOL SAL 668, dentary with teeth.
Notogale cf. mitis (Ameghino 1897)
Muizon 1999 1 specimen
MNHN SAL 271, skull
Paraborhyaena boliviana n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter and Petter 1983
Hoffstetter and Petter 1983 1 specimen
MNHN SAL 51, skull, holotype
Mammalia - Sparassodonta - Borhyaenidae
Borhyaenidae indet. Savage 1951
Patterson and Marshall 1978 2 specimens
PU 21873, premaxilla fragment; PU 21997, dentary fragment
Mammalia - Sparassodonta
Proborhyaena sp. Ameghino 1897
    = cf. Proborhyaena gigantea Ameghino 1897
Patterson and Marshall 1978
PU 21866, maxilla with M1-3; 21992, maxilla with M3 roots
    = Borhyaeninae indet. Ameghino 1894
MacFadden et al. 1985
Reidentification follows Petter & Hoffstetter (1983)
Pharsophorus lacerans Ameghino 1897
Patterson and Marshall 1978 2 specimens
PU 20551, partial skull; PU 21865, dentary m3-4
Mammalia - Polydolopidae
Polydolopidae indet. Ameghino 1897
Patterson and Marshall 1978 1 specimen
PU 21998, dentary. Villarroel and Marshall (1982, ref. 42787) suggested this specimen is instead a palaeothentine.
Mammalia - Argyrolagidae
Proargyrolagus bolivianus n. gen., n. sp. Wolff 1984
Wolff 1984
GEOBOL/UF 27895, dentary m2-3, holotype; UF 27896, dentary m2-3; both from the _Branisella_ Zone. Described by ref. 58240: MNHN-Bol-V-003454, skull; 003453, maxilla and lower jaw; both from level 5 or 6 at Tapial Pampa
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Henricosborniidae
cf. Acamana sp. Simpson et al. 1962
MacFadden et al. 1985 1 specimen
Edentulous premaxilla in PU from undetermined level
Mammalia - Notoungulata
Eurygenium pacegnum n. sp. Shockey 1997
Shockey 1997 27 specimens
MNHN-Bol-V-003643, rostrum, holotype, from Unit 6 at Tapial Pampa. Referred specimens, from Unit 2 through Upper White Level: UF 146400, right 112, P1-M1 and left 112, P1-4; UF 90981, premaxilla, left and right maxillae with left and right P3-M3; UF 146398, right P3-4; UF 146399, right P4-M2; UF 149210, left P4-M2; UF 137887, right P2-M3 with posterior cranium; UF 90996, right M2; UF 137883, left M1-3; UF 137884, left M1-3; UF 149216, incomplete skull and basicranium of juvenile with left and right dC, dPl-4 and M1; UF 149217, right dP3-4 and MI; MNHN-Bol-V-003644, nearly complete skeleton; MNHN-Bol-V-003645, mandible with complete lower dentition; MNHN-Bol-V-003646, left dp4-ml, premaxilla with 11and 2, LM1; UF 149209 mandible with nearly complete dentition; UF 149212 mandible with left p4-m3 and right ml-3; PU 20696, associated palate and man- dible; PU 22105, right P4-M3; PU 21928, right I2-Mi and left C-P3; PU 22106, right P3-M3; PU 22107, I1-M2; PU 22103, left P2-M3; PU 20699, left P4-M3; right M2-M3; PU 22136, left M2-M3; PU 21929, mandibular symphysis with right ramus, left il-i3 and right il-m3; PU 21934, mandibular symphysis and incomplete right ramus, with right il-ml and left il-p2.
Pascualihippus boliviensis n. gen., n. sp. Shockey 1997
Shockey 1997 3 specimens
MNHN-Bol-V-003642, partial skull, holotype; UF 149221, upper dentition; PU, uncatalogued, premaxilla. The MNHN-Bol-V and UF specimen are from Unit 2 at Pasto Grande, the PU specimen has no stratigraphic information.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Leontiniidae
Anayatherium ekacoa n. gen., n. sp.
Shockey 2005 1 specimen
MNHN Bol V-005521, upper dentition, holotype, from Unit 5, below the _Branisella_ Level, at Tapial Pampa
Anayatherium fortis n. sp. Shockey 2005
Shockey 2005 1 specimen
UATF-V-00134, upper dentition, holotype, from Unit 2 at Pasto Grande
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Toxodontidae
Nesodontinae indet. (Murray 1866)
MacFadden et al. 1985
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Notohippidae
Rhynchippus cf. brasiliensis Soria and Alvarenga 1989
Shockey 1997 10 specimens
MNHN-Bol-V-003456, upper dentition, lacking right M3, left and right P1, and left P2; MNHN-Bol-V-003457, cranium with mandible; MNHN-Bol- V-003458, rostrum with right and left Il-P3; MNHN-Bol-V-003647, left P2-M1; UF 149201, mandibular ramus with p2- m3; UF 149202, mandibular symphysis with left ramus and left il-m3 and right il-p3 and associated distal right humerus; UF 149203, left m2-3; UF 149205, right ml-2; UF 149227, distal left humerus; UF 91927, mandible with left dil-2, dp2-4, ml-2 and right dil-2, dp3, and m2.
Mammalia - Notoungulata
Prohegetotherium schiaffinoi (Kraglievich 1932)
Reguero and Cerdeño 2005
UF 91661, skull with left I1-I3, C, P1-P3 (broken), P4-M3, right I1-I3, C, P1-P2 (broken), P3-M3, and associated partial mandible with right p1 (root), p2-m3 and left p3-m3; UF 91662, skull with left I1-I3, C, P1-P3 (broken), P4-M1, right I1, I2 (broken), I3, C-P1 (broken), P2-M3, and associated symphysis and left p3-m2, m3 (broken); UF 91312, incomplete palate with right and left M1-M3; UF 91321, associated right m1-m3 and left m2-m3; UF 91350, incom- plete palate with right and left series with C-P2 (broken), P3-M3; UF 91623, right maxilla with P4-M3; UF 91624, right maxilla with P4-M3; UF 91647, incomplete skull with right and left series P2-M3; UF 91317, right maxilla with P2-M3; UF 91674, left maxi- lla with M1-M3; UF 91821a, incomplete palate with right I1 (bro- ken); UF 26952, right maxilla with M1-M3; UF 172445, skull fragment with left P2-M1, M3, right P3-M3 and associated left femur and both tibias (proximal fragments); UF 172447, incom- plete palate with right I1-I3, C, P1(broken), P2-M1, and left I1 (broken), I2, I3-P1 (broken), P2-P4, and incomplete mandible with right i1-i3, c, p1-p2 (broken), and left i1-i3 (broken), c, p1 (broken), p2-m3; UF 172457, right maxilla with P4-M3; UF 172483, right maxilla with P1 (broken), P2-M3; UF 172129, man- dible with i1-i2, and i3 (broken), right p2 (broken), p3-m3, and left p2 (broken), p3-m3, two distal femora; UF 172482, left den- tary with p1-p3 (broken), p4-m3; UF 91333, left dentary with p3-m3; UF 26951, left dentary with p4-m2; UF 172502, articu- lated right tarsus and metatarsus. The specimens UF 26952 (right maxilla with P3-M3), UF 26918 (left dentary with p4-m3), and UF 29951 (left dentary with p4-m3) lack stratigraphic prov- enance. MNHN-BOL-V-004152, juvenile right maxilla with P4-M2. MNHN-Bol-V-004152 was reidentified as Archaeohyrax suniensis by Billet al. (2009).
Sallatherium altiplanense n. gen., n. sp. Reguero and Cerdeño 2005
Reguero and Cerdeño 2005 7 specimens
Holotype—UF 91621, partial skull with right and left com- plete upper dental series I1-M3, and associated incomplete man- dible with right i1-3, p1-m3 and left i1-3, p1-m2 (Fig. 2). Col- lected from the “Estratos de Salla”, Upper Salla Beds, Bolivia by Mr. Félix Vargas in 1984. Referred Specimens—UF 172150, palate with left C, P1-P2 (broken), P3-M1, M2 (broken), M3, and right P3, P4-M3 (bro- ken), and associated partial left dentary with m1-m3 (broken) and partial right dentary with p2-p4; UF 172454, left maxilla with M1 (broken), M2-M3; UF 172406, isolated left M1 or M2; UF 91622, right dentary with p4-m3; UF 91836, right dentary with p3-m1; and UF 172429, right dentary with p2-m1.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Mesotheriidae
Trachytherus alloxus n. sp. Billet et al. 2008
Billet et al. 2008
Previously referred to _Trachytherus spegazzianus_ and _Trachytherus_ sp. Holotype: MNHN-BOL-V 006355, subcomplete skull; also several skulls, numerous jaws, some postcrania. Specimens come from various levels but mostly Unit 5.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Interatheriidae
Federicoanaya sallaensis n. gen., n. sp. Hitz et al. 2008
Hitz et al. 2008
Ranges from 40 m below the PGL to the Upper White Level, holotype from Tapial Pampa East in the _Branisella_ Level. Holotype, MNHN-BOL-V-004500 (Fig. 4.1–4.4, and Fig. 5.1– 5.7): cranium; mandible; all cervical vertebrae, likely all thoracic vertebrae, and probably five lumbar vertebrae, although all vertebrae are poorly pre- served; left forelimb complete except for median and terminal phalanges; right humerus, ulna, radius, and carpus; acetabular region of left and right pelvis; right femur, tibia, and proximal and distal ends of fibula; proximal left femur; Paratypes, UF 157020 (Fig. 6.1, 6.2, 6.3): left c, left p2–m3 (p2 erupting), right c, right p4–m3. UF 91679 (Fig. 6.4, 6.5): complete left and right upper dentition, rostrum and palate, posterior basicranium. MNHN-BOL-V-004509: left P3–M3 (Fig. 6.6). MNHN-BOL-V-004502: left p3–m3. MNHN-BOL-V- 004503: left P3–M3, right P2–M2. UF 137837: symphysis, right and left i2, erupting, left dc. MNHN-BOL-V-004504: left P1–M3 (P2 erupting). UF 91376: left dP3–4, left M1–2. MNHN-BOL-V-004506: symphysis—left i3– c, erupting left p1. MNHN-SAL 314: broken muzzle and mandible in occlu- sion, right C-M3, right i1–p4, left i1–3. MNHN-SAL 315: broken muzzle, right I3–M3. MNHN-SAL 340: muzzle, right and left P4–M3. MNHN-SAL 418: subcomplete skull, right P4–M3, left broken M3. Referred: Upper teeth: *UF 149268: left P3–M3. *UF 149272: right P2–M2. *UF 149273: right P4–M3. *UF 27890: left P4–M3. *UF 27891: right P4–M1. UF 91305: left M1–3. UF 91306: palate, right M1–3, left M1–3 (left crowns broken). *UF 91327: right P3–M2. UF 91338: left P4–M3. UF 91612: right M2. *UF 91613: left P4–M3. UF 91628: left M1–2. UF 91638: right M1–2. UF 91652: right M1. UF 91663: left M1–2. *UF 91664: left P3–4. UF 91665: right M3. *UF 91676: right P2–M2. *UF 91679: right I1–M1, right M3, left I1–P1, left P3–M3. *UF 91804: left P4–M3. UF 91806: right M1. UF 91810: right M1. UF 91812: left M2. UF 91827: left M2–3. UF 91835: right M1–2. UF 91838: left M1–2. UF 91845: right M1. *UF 91861: left P4–M3. *UF 91862: left P2–4. UF 91863: right M1–2. UF 91865: left M2–3. *UF 91876: right P4–M1. *UF 91646: unworn right P3–M1. *MNHN-SAL 328: left P4– M3. *MNHN-SAL 329: right P3–M2. *MNHN-SAL 341: right P4–M2. *MNHN-SAL 349: right P4–M1. *MNHN-SAL 352: right dP4–M1. MNHN- SAL 356: left P4–M1. *MNHN-SAL 360: left P4–M1. *MNHN-SAL 365: right P2–4. *MNHN-SAL 366: left P3–4. *MNHN-SAL 379: left P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 380: right P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 381: right P3–M3. *MNHN- SAL 382: right P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 383: left P2–M3. *MNHN-SAL 384: left P3–M3. *MNHN-SAL 385: left P4–M2. *MNHN-SAL 386: left P4–M2. *MNHN-SAL 387: right dP4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 388: left P4–M3. *MNHN- SAL 390: right P2–3. *MNHN-SAL 392: right and left dI1–dC, P1, dP2–4, M1. *MNHN-SAL 393: left P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 394: right and left P4– M3. *MNHN-SAL 395: left P2–M3. *MNHN-SAL 396: left P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 397: left P4–M3. *MNHN-SAL 398: left dP4–M1. *MNHN- SAL 399: right and left I1–P3. MNHN-SAL 330: right M1–3. MNHN-SAL 400: right M1–2. MNHN-SAL 331: left M1. MNHN-SAL 391: right M1. MNHN-SAL 356: left P4–M1. MNHN-SAL 359: right M2–3. MNHN-SAL 389: right M2–3. MNHN-SAL 355: left M2–3. Lower teeth: UF 26953: right m1. UF 149262: right m1–2. *UF 149263: right m2–3, left p4–m3. UF 149264: right m1–2. UF 149266: left m1–3. *UF 149270: right p4–m2. UF 149271: right m2–3. UF 149279: left p4–m2. UF 149280: left m1–2. *UF 91301: right dp4, m1–3. UF 91302: left m1–3. UF 150635: right m1–2. *UF 91328: right i3–c, right p3–m3. UF 91329: right m1–3. UF 91330: right m1–2. UF 91331: left p4–m2. UF 91332: left m1–3. *UF 91344: right m2, left p4–m1. UF 91610: right m1–2. UF 91618: left m1–2. *UF 91631: left p4–m1. UF 91633: left m1–2. UF 91641: right m1. *UF 91643: left p4–m2. UF 91644: left m1–3. UF 91645: left m1–2, unworn crowns. *UF 91650: right p4–m3, left m1–3. UF 91653: right m1–3. UF 91666: left m1–2. UF 91667: left m3. *UF 91678: right dp4, m1–2. UF 91680: right m2–3. UF 91681: left m1–2. UF 91694: left m1–2. *UF 91815: p4–m1. UF 91816: right m3. UF 91829: right m1–2. *UF 91839: left p4– m3. *UF 91840: left p4–m3. 91841: m1–2. 91844: right m1–2. UF 91846: right m2. UF 91848: left m1–2. UF 91851: right m3. *UF 91854: p4–m1. UF 91856: left m3. UF 91857: right m2. UF 91866: right m1–2: UF 91867: right m2. UF 91870: left m1. UF 91871: left m3. UF 91872: left m2. *GB-SAL- 189: right p4–m3, left m1–3. MNHN-BOL-V-004501: left m1–3 (largely un- worn). *UF 91852: right dp4. *MNHN-SAL 335: left p4–m1. *MNHN-SAL 342: right p4–m3. *MNHN-SAL 362: left p4–m2. *MNHN-SAL 364: right broken p4, right m1–2. *MNHN-SAL 369: right p4–m2, left m1. *MNHN- SAL 373: right p4–m2. *MNHN-SAL 407: right p4–m3. *MNHN-SAL 409: left p4–m2. *MNHN-SAL 412: left p4–m1. *MNHN-SAL 415: left p4–m2. *MNHN-SAL 417: left p4–m1. MNHN-SAL 376: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 354: left m3. MNHN-SAL 332: left m3. MNHN-SAL 337: left m1–2. MNHN- SAL 363: right m2–3. MNHN-SAL 402: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 339: right m1. MNHN-SAL 358: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 405: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 344: right m3. MNHN-SAL 343: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 353: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 357: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 368: left m1–3. MNHN-SAL 372: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 374: left m2–3. MNHN-SAL 377: left m3. MNHN-SAL 378: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 408: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 413: left m2–3.
Brucemacfaddenia boliviensis n. gen., n. sp. Hitz et al. 2008
Hitz et al. 2008
Ranges from 40 m below the PGL to the Upper White Level. Holotype, MNHN-BOL-V-004507: Partial palate and complete upper dentition, save for left M3 and right C (Fig. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3); Paratypes, MNHN-BOL-V-004508 (Fig. 3.3, 3.4): left p4–m3. UF 157018: right dp4, right m1–3 (m3 erupting), left dp4, m1–3 (m3 erupting), symphysis with broken crowns (Fig. 3.5). UF 150637: left dP3. UF 157019 (Fig. 3.6): left p3–m1. GB-SAL-111: left P2–M2, right C-M3 (canine erupting) (Fig. 2.4), right p2–3, right m1–3. UF 91603: right p4–m2. UF 91820: right dP4, right M1–M3, left dP2–dP4, left M1–M2. UF 91822 (Fig. 2.9): right dI1–dI3, right dP3–dP4, right M1–2 (the M2 is unworn), left dP2–dP4, left M1. UF 91888: right dp1–4. MNHN-SAL 173: right P2–M1, right M3, left P3–M1. MNHN- SAL 345: mandible with right broken i2, right i3–p2, right dp3–4, right m1– 2, right erupting m3, left i3–p2, left dp3–4, left m1–2, left erupting m3 (Fig. 3.1, 3.2). MNHN-SAL 351: right p3–m3, left p4–m3. Referred: Upper teeth: UF 150636: right M3. UF 91825: left M1–M2. UF 91304: left M1–M3. *MNHN-SAL 348: left dP2–4, left M1, left erupting M2–3. MNHN- SAL 346: right M1–M3 (Fig. 2). MNHN-SAL 367: left M1. MNHN-SAL 330: right M1–3. MNHN-SAL 400: right M1–2. MNHN-SAL 385: left M1– 2. MNHN-SAL 331: left M1. MNHN-SAL 391: right M1. MNHN-SAL 359: right M2–3. MNHN-SAL 389: right M2–3. MNHN-SAL 355: left M2–3. UF 91652: right M1. *MNHN-SAL 419: left P2–4. *MNHN-SAL 420: right P3– M2 (Fig. 2). Lower teeth: UF 149276: left m1–m3. UF 91604: left m1–m2. UF 91637: left m1. UF 91672: right m2. *UF 91325: right dp2–4. *UF 91907: dp3–4. *UF 91823: right dp4, and m1–2, left dp4, and m1–2. UF 149274: right m1. UF 149275: right m1–3. UF 91324: left m2. UF 91347: left m1. UF 91830: left m2. UF 91868: right m2. MNHN-SAL 333: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 336: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 347: left m1–3. MNHN-SAL 350: right m1–3. MNHN-SAL 401: right m1–3. MNHN-SAL 406: left m2. MNHN-SAL 406: left m1. MNHN-SAL 410: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 416: right m1–2. MNHN- SAL 411: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 370: right m1–3. MNHN-SAL 371: right m2–3. MNHN-SAL 361: left m1–2. MNHN-SAL 404: left m3. MNHN-SAL 338: right m1–2. MNHN-SAL 375: right m1–2.
Mammalia - Notoungulata - Archaeohyracidae
Archaeohyrax suniensis n. sp. Billet et al. 2009
250 specimens
Holotype: SAL 4: skull and mandible of a young adult, with right I1, I3-M2, left dI1-2, I3, P1-M3, right p1-m2 (m3 is covered with matrix), left p2-m3 (Figs 2, 3). Paratypes: MNHN-BOL-V 006730: skull and man- dible associated; SAL 183: rostrum with right and left c-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 007147: mandible with right i1, p1-m3 and left i1-m3; YPM-PU 23701: rostrum with right and left p2-m3; SAL 310: mandible with right i2, p2-m3 and left p3-m3. Referred: YPM-PU 23700: rostrum with right and left P2-M3; YPM-PU 23766: left maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23768: right maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23764: left maxillary with M2-3; YPM-PU 23770: left maxillary with P3-M3; YPM-PU 23769: left maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23761: left maxillary with P4-M3?; YPM-PU 22059: left maxillary with P4-M2; YPM-PU 23767: left maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23757: right maxillary with P3-M3; YPM-PU 22056: right maxillary with P3-M3; YPM-PU 23758: left maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23774: left maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23791: right maxillary with P4-M1; YPM-PU 23756: left maxillary with P4-M2; YPM-PU 23760: right maxillary with M1-2; YPM-PU 23778: left maxillary with P3-M3; YPM-PU 23773: right maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23779: left maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23776: left maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23771: right maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23777: right maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 22057: right maxillary with P4-M3; YPM-PU 23754: right maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 23743: left maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 23785: right maxillary with P3-M1; YPM-PU 23749: right maxillary with P4-M1; YPM-PU 23784: right maxillary with P3-4; YPM-PU 23745: right maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23753: left maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23744: right maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23746: right maxillary with M1-3; YPM-PU 23747: right maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 23823: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; YPM-PU 23788: left P4?; YPM-PU 23789: right P4?; YPM-PU 23786: right maxillary with dP2-3; YPM-PU 23780: left M1?; YPM-PU 23782: right maxillary with dP3-4, M1; YPM-PU 23787: right maxillary with dP3-4, M1; YPM-PU 23748: left maxillary with P3, dP4, M1; YPM-PU 23781: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1-2; YPM-PU 23790: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; YPM-PU 23710: left mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 22068: left mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 23709: right mandible with p3-m1; YPM-PU 23715: mandible symphysis with left p2-3; YPM-PU 22082: left mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23714: left mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23705: left mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23706: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23713: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23717: right mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 23707: right mandible with p3-m3; YPM-PU 23711: left mandible with p3-m1; YPM-PU 23725: right m3; YPM-PU 23720: left mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 23723: left mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23721: right mandible with m3; YPM-PU 22078: left mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23722: right mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 23726: right m3; YPM-PU 23741: right mandible with m3; YPM-PU 22079: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 22077: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 22076: right and left mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 23703: right mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23708: right mandible with p2-m1; YPM-PU 23702: right mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 22069: left mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23765: left mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 22067: right mandible with right m1-3 and left mandible with p3-m3; YPM-PU 23739: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23736: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23716: left mandible with dp2-4?; YPM-PU 22183: left mandible with p4-m2; YPM-PU 23740: left mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 23730: right mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 23734: right mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 21892: right mandible with dp4, m1-3; YPM-PU 23731: right mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 22181: left mandible with p4-m2; YPM-PU 23728: left mandible with dp4, m1-2; YPM-PU 23729: right mandible with dp3-4, m1-2; YPM-PU 21895: left mandible with dp3-4, m1-2; YPM-PU 23732: left mandible with m1-2; YPM-PU 22050: left mandible with dp3-4, m1; YPM-PU 23735: right mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 22182: left mandible with dp3-4, m1; YPM-PU 22083: right mandible with m1-2; YPM-PU 23792: left m2; YPM-PU 22113: right mandible with p4-m1; YPM-PU 22175: left mandible with m2?; YPM-PU 22054: left mandible with dp4-m1?; YPM-PU 22110: right mandible with m1-2; YPM-PU 22112: right mandible with m2; YPM-PU 22064: rostrum with right and left P2-M3; YPM-PU 22066: associated palate and mandible with all cheek teeth; YPM-PU 22063: associated palate and mandible with all cheek teeth; YPM-PU 23808: right mandible with p3-m1; YPM-PU 23809: right mandible with dp4, m1; YPM-PU 23819: right mandible with dp3-4,m1; YPM-PU 22052: left mandible with m2-3?; YPM-PU 23806: left m3; YPM-PU 23807: right p4; YPM-PU 23815: left m2?; YPM-PU 23816: right mandible with p4-m2; YPM-PU 23814: right mandible with dp3-4, m1; YPM-PU 23813: left mandible with m2; YPM-PU 23811: right mandible with dp3-4; YPM-PU 23812: left mandible with dp4, m1; YPM-PU 22080: left mandible with p4-m2; YPM-PU 23817: left mandible with dp4, m1; YPM-PU 23820: left mandible with p4-m1; YPM-PU 23810: left mandible with p2-m1; YPM-PU 23805: right mandible with dp3-4; YPM-PU 22114: left mandible with m1-2?; YPM-PU 23802: right mandible with p2-4; YPM-PU 23804: right mandible with dp3; YPM-PU 23800: left mandible with p2-3?; YPM-PU 23795: right m2; YPM-PU 23797: left mandible with dp3-4; YPM-PU 23798: right mandible with p1, dp2-3; YPM-PU 23794: left mandible with dp3-4; YPM-PU 23801: right mandible with dp4, m1; YPM-PU 23803: right mandible with p2-3; YPM-PU 23796: right mandible with dp4, m1; YPM-PU 23799: left mandible with p2-4; YPM-PU 23793: right mandible with p4-m1?; YPM-PU 23701: rostrum with right and left P2-M3; YPM-PU 23742: rostrum with right P3-M3 and left P3-M2; YPM-PU 23750: left maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 23783: left maxillary with P3-M1; YPM-PU 23751: left maxillary with P3-M3; YPM-PU 23759: right maxillary with P3-M2; YPM-PU 23755: left maxillary with P2-M3; YPM-PU 23762: rostrum with right M1-3 and left M2-3; YPM-PU 22061: right maxillary with dP2-4, M1; YPM-PU 22062: rostrum with left dP3-4, M1-2; YPM-PU 23712: right mandible with p4-m3; YPM-PU 22081: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23775: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23718: right mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23704: left mandible with sectioned m1-3; YPM-PU 23724: left mandible with m3; YPM-PU 23719: right mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 23738: left mandible with p2-m3; YPM-PU 23737: right mandible with p3-m2; YPM-PU 23727: left mandible with m1-3? ou dp3-4, m1?; YPM-PU 23733: left mandible with m2-3; YPM-PU 21893: left mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 21897: left mandible with erupting p3, dp4, m1, m2; YPM-PU 22070: left mandible with m1-3; YPM-PU 23763: palate with right and left P2-M3?; SAL 183: rostrum with right and left C-M3; SAL 184: left maxillary with P4-M3; SAL 189: left maxillary with P3-M3; SAL 204: left maxillary with P1, dP2; SAL 299: rostrum with right and left P2-M3; SAL 300: left maxillary with P3-M3; SAL 301: left maxillary with P2-M3; SAL 302: right maxillary with C-M3; SAL 303: right maxillary with P4-M3; SAL 304: right maxillary with M2-3; SAL 305: broken mandible with right p2-m3 and left p4-m3; SAL 306: right mandible with p4-m3; SAL 307: left mandible with p4-m3; SAL 308: left mandible with m1-3; SAL 309: right mandible with p3-m2, and erupting m3; SAL 310: mandible with right i2, p2-m3 and left p3-m3; SAL 311: left mandible with p3-m2; SAL 312: right mandible with m1-2; SAL 313: rostrum with right I1, C, P3-M3 and left C, P2-M3; SAL 421: palate with right P4-M3 and left M1-3; SAL 422: left maxillary with P3-M3; SAL 423: right maxillary with P2-M1; SAL 424: right maxillary with P3-M3; SAL 425: right mandible with p3-m2; SAL 427: right mandible with p3-m1?; SAL 429: right mandible with m1-2; SAL 430: left mandible with m1-2; SAL 431: left mandible with p2-m1; SAL 432: right mandible with m2-3; SAL 433: left mandible with dp3-4, m1; SAL 434: left mandible with dp4, m1; SAL 435: left mandible with p3-m2; SAL 436: left mandible with m1-2; SAL 438: left mandible with m2-3; SAL 439: left mandible with dp2-4; SAL 441: right mandible with p3-4; SAL 442: left mandible with p4-m1; SAL 443: left mandible with p2-3; SAL 445: right mandible with dp4, m1; SAL 446: right mandible with m1-2; SAL 451: right maxillary with P4-M3; SAL 452: palate with right P4-M3 and left P2-M3; SAL 454: left maxillary with M2-3; SAL 466: left maxillary with dP4, M1-2; SAL 467: left maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 468: left maxillary with dP4, M1-2; SAL 469: right maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 470: right maxillary with dP2-3; SAL 471: right maxillary with P3, dP4, M1; SAL 472: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; SAL 473: right maxillary with dP3-4, M1; SAL 476: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; SAL 478: left maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 479: left maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 480: left maxillary with dP3-4; SAL 481: left maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 482: left maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 483: left mandible with p4-m3; SAL 484: left maxillary with dP2-4; SAL 486: left maxillary with P3-4, M1; SAL 487: left maxillary with M1-2; SAL 490: left maxillary with M1-2; SAL 491: right mandible with dp4, m1; SAL 494: right mandible with m3; SAL 495: left mandible with p3-m1?; SAL 496: right mandible with p4-m1?; SAL 523: right mandible with p3-m2; SAL 525: left mandible with dp3-4; SAL 551: basicranium; SAL 552: left mandible with p4-m1; SAL 554: left mandible with m1-3; SAL 558: right maxillary with P4-M2; SAL 559: right maxillary with dP4, M1; SAL 563: right mandible with m2-3; SAL 569: left mandible with dp3-4; SAL 574: left maxillary with M2-3; SAL 575: right mandible with p3-m3; SAL 576: left mandible with dp3-4; SAL 580: right mandible with m2-3; SAL 583: left maxillary with dP2-4; SAL 593: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; SAL 603: right mandible with dp3-4; SAL 604: left maxillary with M2-3; SAL 618: left maxillary with P3-M3; SAL 619: left mandible with dp2-4; SAL 620: left maxillary with P4-M2; SAL 621: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1; SAL 625: left mandible with p4-m3; SAL 627: left mandible with p1, dp2-3; SAL 628: right mandible with dp3-4, m1; SAL 629: left mandible with m1-3; SAL 631: right mandible with dp3-4; SAL 634: right mandible with p4-m2; SAL 635: right mandible with m3; SAL 640: left mandible with dp3-4; SAL 644: left mandible with dp3-4; SAL 646: right mandible with dp3-4; SAL 647: right mandible with p2-4; SAL 653: right mandible with p1, dp2-3; SAL 654 (+659): right M2-3; SAL 1010: associated anterior parts of upper and lower jaws (from dI1 to P1, and di1 to p1); MNHN-BOL-V 0010403: right mandible with dp3-4, m1; MNHN-BOL-V 009084: left mandible with p4-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 009083: broken mandible with right dp3 and left dp3-4 and sectioned anterior teeth; MNHN-BOL-V 010214: maxillary fragments with right and left P2-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 006346: left mandible with p2-m2; MNHN-BOL-V 008561: right mandible with p1-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 004152: right maxillary with P2-4; MNHN-BOL-V 006196: left maxillary with P1-4; MNHN-BOL-V 005675: right maxillary with dP2-4; MNHN-BOL-V 003846: rostrum with right and left P2-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 003844: right and left maxillaries with M1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 005529: right maxillary with M1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 003962: left maxillary with P2-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 004340: partial skull with right P3-4, M2 and left M1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 005400: left maxillary with dP3-4, M1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 005415: left maxillary with P4-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 003877: left maxillary with M1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 004273: broken skull with rostrum and tympanic bulla among others; MNHN-BOL-V 006165: left maxillary with P3-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 004243: left maxillary with P3-M3; MNHN-BOL-V 005649: left maxillary with P1, dP2-4, M1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 009682: mandible with right and left i1-2 (sectioned), i3-m2; MNHN-BOL-V 006881: left mandible with dp3-4, m1; MNHN-BOL-V 006745: left mandible with p2-3, m1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 004288: left mandible with p4-m1, m3; MNHN-BOL-V 005614: right mandible with p1-3, dp4, m1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 006221: right mandible with dp3-4, m1; MNHN-BOL-V 005720: left mandible with p4-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 003950: right mandible with m1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 004284: left mandible with p3-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 006878: left mandible with p2-m3 and right mandible with p3-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 006160: right mandible with dp2-4, m1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 005591: left mandible with p2-m3 and right mandible with m1-3; MNHN-BOL-V 003830: right mandible with p2-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 006136: right mandible with p3-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 006873: mandible with right and left pointing c, p1 roots, dp2-4 roots or erupting p2-4, m1-2; MNHN-BOL-V 006864: mandible with right i1-m3 and left i1-m2 (anterior teeth sectioned); MNHN-BOL-V 003880: left mandible with p1-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 003831: right mandible with p4-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 003833: right mandible with p1-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 006139: right mandible with m2-3 and left mandible with p3-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 004449: right and left mandible with p4-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 003879: right mandible with p4-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 003828: right mandible with p3-m3; MNHN-BOL-V 005564: mandible with right and left p2-4, m1-3; UF 91819: partial skull with right and left P2-M3.
Pyrotheria indet. Ameghino 1895
Shockey and Anaya-Daza 2004 1 specimen
PU 21918, mandibular fragment with m2-3
Mammalia - Pyrotheridae
cf. Pyrotherium romeroi
Shockey and Anaya-Daza 2004 1 specimen
PU 21921, tooth loph (?m3 anterolophid)
Pyrotherium romerii Ameghino 1888
MacFadden and Frailey 1984
    = Pyrotherium macfaddeni n. sp. Shockey and Anaya-Daza 2004
Shockey and Anaya-Daza 2004
PU 20693, holotype maxilla, from Pasto Huarante, above Principal Guide Level. Referred: PU 20683, fragment of palate with right P2–P3 and left P3; PU 21917, premaxilla containing roots of two pairs of tusk-like incisors and the roots of a much small- er pair of third incisors (?) with associated right maxillary frag- ment containing M1–M2 and the anterior loph of the M3; PU 20683, premaxilla containing two pair of hypertrophied inci- sors; PU 20684 (Fig. 1B), mandible containing the pair of tusk- like incisors and all the cheek teeth (p3–m3), although the crown of the left p4 is missing; PU 20694, left mandibular ramus with p3–m3; PU 20692, mandible with left and right p3– m3 (crown of left m1 missing); UF 132901, right mandibular fragment with m3 and several other tooth fragments, including both p3s and an incisor, from the Principal Guide Level (Unit IV) at Pasto Grande; UF 132903, fragments of lower incisors from the Principal Guide Level of Pasto Grande; UF 132904, right p3 from the contact of Units IV and V at Pasto Grande; UF 213915, mandibular fragment including part of symphysis and damaged p4 and m1, from Unit 2 at Pasto Grande; UF 213917, left mandibular fragment with broken m3 from Unit 5 (50 feet above Principal Guide Level) at Pasto Grande; UF 213918, right distal humerus from the Principal Guide Level at Calaboza Pata; UF 21316 right humerus from Unit 2 of Pasto Grande (collected down slope from UF 213915); PU 24992, left astragalus; MNHN SAL 25, right astragalus; UF 172765, right calcaneum from the Branisella Level at Jacha Tapial Chu Chu.
Mammalia - Astrapotheria - Astrapotheriidae
Astrapotheriidae indet. Ameghino 1887
MacFadden et al. 1985 3 specimens
PU 22055, PU 22192, UF 68054, last from Lower Salla Beds at Quebrada Chala Jahuira
Mammalia - Mylodontidae
Paroctodontotherium calleorum n. gen., n. sp. Shockey and Anaya 2011
Shockey and Anaya 2011 4 specimens
UATF-V-00127, partial skull, holotype, and UATF-V-00128, maxilla with Mf1-2, both from Calaboza Pata at the contact of Unit 3 and 4; UATF-V-00130, maxilla fragments, and tentatively UATF-V-00133, postcrania, from Cerro El Flaco, Unit 3
Mammalia - Megalonychidae
Megalonychidae indet. Gervais 1855
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007 4 specimens
MNHN SAL 230, dentary c1; 231, dentary c1; 227, dentary; 228, dentary fragment; from Unit 5
Pseudoglyptodon sallaensis n. gen., n. sp. Engelmann 1987
Engelmann 1987 1 specimen
PU20552, mandible, holotype, from Branisa locality V-12, lower Salla beds. Described by Pujos and De Iuliis (2007, ref. 43102): MNHN-Bol-V-009623, dentary m1-2, from Level 5 east of Tapial Pampa
Mammalia - Orophodontidae
Orophodontidae informal Taxon 1
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007 2 specimens
MNHN SAL 232, dentary m1-2; MNHN SAL 229, m2-3, from Unit 5
Orophodontidae informal Taxon 2
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007 3 specimens
MNHN SAL 223a, ?m2; 223b, M1 or M2?; 223c, ?M5; from Unit 5
Mammalia - Cingulata
Peltephilus informal sp. 1 Ameghino 1887
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007
Peltephilus informal sp. 2 Ameghino 1887
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007
Mammalia - Cingulata - Dasypodidae
Dasypodidae indet. (Gray 1821)
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007
Kuntinaru boliviensis n. gen., n. sp. Billet et al. 2011
Billet et al. 2011 2 specimens
MNHN-SAL 1024, partial skull; MNHN-SAL 3, partial skull
Mammalia - Cingulata
cf. Eocoleophorus sp. Oliveira et al. 1997
Pujos and De Iuliis 2007
Mammalia - Cingulata - Glyptatelidae
Glyptatelus sp. Ameghino 1897
MacFadden et al. 1985 1 specimen
PU 22164, caudal fragment with vertebrae and dermal scutes, from Branisa V-12 locality. See also ref. 43102, p. 142
Mammalia - Rodentia
Sallamys pascuali n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Lavocat 1976 12 specimens
MNHN SAL 101 A (cranium) and 101 B (mandible), associated and both part of the holotype. Branisa collection (ref. 42997): From Pampa Tapial: PU 20906, maxilla P4-M2; 20907, dentary p4-m2; 20908, dentary m1-2; 20909, dentary dp4-m2; 20910, dentary m1; 20911, dentary m2. From lower part of Salla: PU 20912, dentary m1-2; 20913, dentary with broken i. From Tomolo: PU 20982, ?M1; 21727, dentary m2-3. 21950, dentary m1-2., locality not given. See ref. 58324 (Hoffstetter & Lavocat 1970), 13518 (Lavocat 1976), 42997 (Patterson and Wood 1982).
Migraveramus beatus n. gen., n. sp. Patterson and Wood 1982
Patterson and Wood 1982 1 specimen
PU 21984, dentary p4-m2, from "lower part of Estratos de Salla"
Mammalia - Rodentia - Dasyproctidae
Dasyproctidae indet. Gray 1825
Patterson and Wood 1982 2 specimens
MNHN SAL 166, dentary; 167, dentary, assigned to Caviomorpha indet. by ref. 13518. Ref. 42997 assigned them to Dasyproctidae indet. and suggested that they may be _Cephalomys bolivianus_.
Mammalia - Rodentia
Cephalomys bolivianus n. sp. Lavocat 1976
Lavocat 1976 1 specimen
recombined as Asteromys bolivianus
MNHN SAL 164, partial skull, holotype
aff. Neoreomys sp. Ameghino 1887
Patterson and Wood 1982 1 specimen
MNHN SAL 118, maxilla with erupting P4 and M1-2, assigned to Incamys bolivianus by ref. 13518 and to aff. Neoreomys sp. by ref. 42997.
Mammalia - Rodentia - Chinchillidae
Incamys bolivianus n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Lavocat 1976 140 specimens
MNHN SAL 117 A (skull) and 117 B (mandible), holotype. 118, P4-M2, referred here by ref. 13518 but excluded by ref. 42997; 119, D3-M1; 120, P4-M2; 121, P4; 122, P4; 123, P4; 124, d4-m2; 125, d4-m2; 126, p4-m1; 127, p4; 128, d4-m3; 129-161, dentaries. Branisa collection (ref. 42997): Tomolo: PU 20938-9, upper teeth and jaws; 20937, 20940, 20945–20946, lower teeth and jaws. Salla Farm: PU 20947, upper teeth and jaws; 20948–20949, lower teeth and jaws. Lower part of Salla: PU 20950-2, upper teeth and jaws. Pampa Tapial: PU 20953, premaxilla; 20954–20968, 20979–20980, upper teeth and jaws; 20969–20978, 20981, lower teeth and jaws. Branisa V-33: PU 20944, partial skull. No locality data: 21726, skull; 21945, skull; 21728, maxilla P4-M3; 20929, 20938–20939, 20947, 21949, 21956, 21958–21959, 21970–21971, 21982, 21985, upper teeth and jaws; 20916–20928, 20930–20936, 20941–20942, 21729–31, 21735, 21941, 21946–7, 21952–4, 21957, 21981, 21983, 21987, lower teeth and jaws. See ref. 58324 (Hoffstetter & Lavocat 1970), 13518 (Lavocat 1976), 42997 (Patterson and Wood 1982).
Incamys pretiosus n. sp. Lavocat 1976
Lavocat 1976 2 specimens
synonym of Incamys bolivianus
MNHN SAL 162, skull, holotype; 163, P4
Mammalia - Rodentia - Dinomyidae
Branisamys luribayensis n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter and Lavocat 1970
Lavocat 1976 31 specimens
MNHN SAL 102, partial skull, holotype; 103, left dentary associated with 102; 104, M1-2; 105, left dentary; 106, p4 and m1; 107, partial d4 and m1; 108-115, edentulous dentaries; 116, dentary fragment. From Branisa collection (ref. 42997), all from near Salla Farm in lower part of Salla Beds: PU 20914, partial skull; PU 21960, anterior skull; PU 21732 and 21733, probably associated maxillary fragments; PU 21943, maxilla P4-M3; PU 21955, maxilla D4-M1; PU 20915, maxilla P4; PU 21944, dentary m1-3; PU 21951, dentary p4-m2; PU 21980, dentary p4; PU 21987, dentary d4-m1; PU 21986, m2; PU 21734, dentary m3; PU 21978, dentary; PU 21979, dentary; PU 22172, dentary; PU 22173. See ref. 58324 (Hoffstetter & Lavocat 1970), 13518 (Lavocat 1976), 42997 (Patterson and Wood 1982).
Villarroelomys bolivianus n. gen., n. sp. Hartenberger 1975
Hartenberger 1975 1 specimen
synonym of Branisamys luribayensis
GB 014, holotype, described as an m3 but identified as a dp4 of Branisamys by refs. 13518 and 42997.
Mammalia - Rodentia
Luribayomys masticator n. gen., n. sp. Lavocat 1976
Lavocat 1976 1 specimen
nomen vanum belonging to Caviomorpha
MNHN SAL 165, partial skull, holotype
Mammalia - Primates - Cebidae
Branisella boliviana n. gen., n. sp. Hoffstetter 1969
16 specimens
Described by ref. 32499 (Hoffstetter, 1969): left maxillary with P4-M2. Described by ref. 58235 (Rosenberger 1981): PU 21861, dentary with m2. Described by ref. 32479 (Takai and Anaya 1996): from Los Cactus: MNHN-Bol-V 3460, maxilla M1-2; 3463, mandible m1; 3464, mandible m2; 3465, p2 and mandible m1-2; from between campsite and Los Cactus: MNHN-Bol-V 3466, P2 or P3; 3467, maxilla M2-3; from campsite: MNHN-Bol-V 3468, m1 and m2; 3469, mandible m1-2; from opposite side of campsite river: MNHN-Bol-V 3471, mandible m1-2; 3473, mandible fragment. All from the _Branisella_ Level, except MNHN-Bol-V 3471, which was found 6 m below it but may have fallen from a higher level. Described by ref. 58238 (Takai et al., 2000): MNHN-Bol-V 5310, associated maxillae and mandible; 5311, mandible with right c-p3, m1, partial m2 and left m1-3; 5312, dentary dp4-m1; 5314, dentary m3; from two localities near the campsite in the _Branisella_ Level/Unit 5.
Szalatavus attricuspis n. gen., n. sp. Rosenberger et al. 1991
Rosenberger et al. 1991 2 specimens
synonym of Branisella boliviana
UF 27887, maxillary fragment with M1-3, holotype; UF 27888, dentary with m2, thought to be same individual; UF 91399, dentary with m2-3. Described by Wolff (1984, ref. 58237) as _Branisella boliviana_. All from the _Branisella_ Zone.
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Didolodontidae
Salladolodus deuterotherioides n. gen., n. sp. Soria and Hoffstetter 1983
Soria and Hoffstetter 1983 2 specimens
MNHN SAL 266 (holotype) and 267 (paratype), probably but not certainly from the same individual. No precise locality data. Previously identified as cf. _Deuterotherium_.
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Adianthidae
Tricoelodus boliviensis n. sp. Cifelli and Soria 1983
Cifelli and Soria 1983 13 specimens
No precise locality data. Holotype: PU 23518, fragment of left lower jaw with roots of dp4, unerupted p4 in the crypt, roots of m1, and complete m2. Hypodigm: The type, and PU 23520, fragment of left lower jaw with m3; PU 23522, fragment of left lower jaw with m2 and with m3 in eruption; PU 23521, fragment of right lower jaw with badly broken p3; PU 23519, right m3; MNHM SAL 263 (cast, MACN 18704), worn right ?dp3 or 4; MNHN SAL 268 (cast, MACN 18705), worn left M?3; MNHN SAL 264 (cast, MACN 18707), right m2-3; MNHN SAL 265 (cast, MACN 18700), left m3; MNHN SAL 256 (cast, MACN 18702),left m1 or 2; MNHN SAL 257 (cast, MACN 18701),left m1 or 2; MNHN SAL 251 (cast, MACN 18703),left M1 or 2;MNHN SAL 248 (cast, MACN 18706),fragment of left mandible with m2
Thadanius hoffstetteri n. gen., n. sp. Cifelli and Soria 1983
Cifelli and Soria 1983 8 specimens
No precise locality data. Holotype: PU 23514, fragment of right mandible with m2-3. Hypodigm: The type, and PU 23517, isolated left m3; PU 23515, fragment of right lower jaw with m2; PU 23516, fragment of left lower jaw with broken m1 and with m2 complete; MNHN SAL 261 (cast, MACN 18710), worn left m2-3; MNHN SAL 260 (cast, MACN 18711), broken right m2; MNHN SAL 246 (cast, MACN 18708), fragment of left mandible with m2-3; MNHN SAL 247 (cast, MACN 18709), fragment of right mandible with broken m2 and complete m3.
Mammalia - Panameriungulata - Macraucheniidae
? Coniopternium primitivum Cifelli and Soria 1983
MacFadden et al. 1985
Material in PU, MNHN Salla, UF/LACM/GB; including specimens from V-12
see common names

Coordinates: 17.2° South, 67.6° West (view map)
Paleocoordinates:18.4° South, 61.9° West
Basis of coordinate:stated in text
Altitude:4000 meters
Geographic resolution:basin
10 m.y. bin:Cenozoic 4-5
Key time interval:Deseadan
Age range of interval:28.90000 - 20.90000 m.y. ago
Stratigraphic resolution:formation
Stratigraphy comments: See MacFadden et al. (1985:225–227) for a description of stratigraphy. They recognized a number of distinct fossil-bearing levels, several of which comprise more than one locality. Kay et al. (1998) revised the age of the fauna and introduced a new stratigraphic scheme that divides the Salla Beds into Units 1 (lowest) through 10 (highest).

From highest to lowest, the stratigraphy and principal fossil-bearing levels can be summarized as follows (MacFadden et al., 1985; Kay et al., 1998):
- Unnamed unit of thin, probably Pleistocene deposits that locally cover the fossil-bearing strata
- Unit 10
- Unit 9. Kay et al. (1998) place the Oligo-Miocene boundary near the top of Unit 9.
- Unit 8
- Unit 7
- Unit 6, Upper White Level
- Unit 5, Branisella level
- Unit 4, Principal Guide Level
- Unit 3 with 170 m level ("Red Rodent Zone") and 100 m level
- Unit 2 with 30-45 m level
- Unit 1
- Luribay Conglomerate, underlying Eocene unit
Lithology and environment
Primary lithology: not reported
Environment:terrestrial indet.
Modes of preservation:body,original phosphate
Size of fossils:macrofossils,mesofossils
Collection methods and comments
Reason for describing collection:general faunal/floral analysis
Museum repositories:MNHN,MNHN (La Paz)
Collectors:Branisa, Hoffstetter, Hartenberger, Villarroel, MacFadden, et al. Collection dates:1962, 2013
Collection method comments: As reviewed by MacFadden et al. (1985:224), fossils were discovered at Salla by G. Bejarano in 1962. Subsequent collectors have included (among others):
- L. Branisa, mid-1960s, Princeton University, collections now at Yale (YPM-PU)
- Hoffstetter, late 1960s–early 1970s, Institut de Paléontologie, Paris, collection in MNHN (Paris)
- Hartenberger, Montpellier
- Villarroel, GEOBOL, La Paz, collection in MNHN (La Paz)
- MacFadden group, University of Florida, after 1978
- Rincón/Anaya/Shockey group, 2012-2013, collection in Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías, Potosí, Bolivia

Many of the early collections and descriptions lack precise stratigraphic data; papers published since MacFadden et al. (1985) and Kay et al. (1998) usually but not always give precise localities referenced to the fossiliferous levels and stratigraphic units established by these papers.

This collection summarizes all records from the Salla Beds. The database contains a number of other collections from the Salla area. Collections 174773, 14208, 133539, 133596, and 143001 contain records from several stratigraphic levels and localities. The following collections represent more precise stratigraphic levels:
- 95644, Los Cactus, in the Branisella Level, Unit 5
- 133691, Unit 6 at Tapial Pampa
- 13081, Tapial Pampa, containing specimens from Units 5 and/or 6
- 14210, Branisa locality V-2, which according to MacFadden et al. (1985:235) contains specimens from above the Principal Guide Level (i.e., Units 5 and up).
Also known as:Salla-Luribay, Estratos de Salla, Salla Beds
Database number:95688
Authorizer:M. Uhen, C. Jaramillo, J. Zijlstra Enterer:M. Uhen, J. Zijlstra, A. Cárdenas
Modifier:J. Zijlstra Research group:vertebrate
Created:2010-04-23 13:14:22 Last modified:2016-02-21 16:13:55
Access level:the public Released:2010-04-23 13:14:22
Creative Commons license:CC BY
Reference information

Primary reference:

32499. R. Hoffstetter. 1969. Un primate de l'Oligocene inferieur sud-americain: Branisella boliviana gen. et sp. nov. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences D, Sciences Naturelles 269(4):434-437 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen]

Secondary references:

46374 G. Billet, L. Hautier, C. Muizon and X. Valentin. 2011. Oldest cingulate skulls provide congruence between morphological and molecular scenarios of armadillo evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278:2791-2797 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
43122 G. Billet, C. Muizon, and B. Mamani-Quispe. 2008. Late Oligocene mesotheriids (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from Salla and Lacayani (Bolivia): implications for basal mesotheriid phylogeny and distribution. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 152:153-200 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas/K. Pino]
58245 R. L. Cifelli and M. F. Soria. 1983. Systematics of the Adianthidae (Litopterna, Mammalia). American Museum Novitates 2771:1-25 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
10316 G. F. Engelmann. 1987. A new Deseadan sloth (Mammalia: Xenarthra) from Salla, Bolivia, and its implications from the primitive condition of the dentition in edentates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 7(2):217-223 [D. Croft/D. Croft/D. Croft]
43104 F. J. Goin, M. R. Sanchez-Villagra, A. Abello and R. F. Kay. 2007. A new generalized paucituberculatan marsupial from the Oligocene of Bolivia and the origin of 'shrew-like' opossums. Palaeontology 50(5):1267-1276 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
64495% 36000J. -L. Hartenberger. 1975. Nouvelles découvertes de Rongeurs dans le Déséadian (Oligocéne inférieur) de Salla Luribay (Bolivie). Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie D: Sciences Naturelles 280(4):427-430 [J. Alroy/R. Whatley/M. Uhen]
46239 R. B. Hitz, G. Billet, and D. Derryberry. 2008. New interatheres (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from the late Oligocene Salla Beds of Bolivia. Journal of Paleontology 82(3):447-469 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
58256 R. Hoffstetter. 1976. Rongeurs caviomorphes de l'Oligocène de Bolivie. 1 Introduction au deseadien de Bolivie. Palaeovertebrata 7(3):1-14 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/P. Mannion]
58234 R. Hoffstetter and R. Lavocat. 1970. Découverte dans le Déséadien de Bolivia de genres pentalophodontes appuyant les affinités africaines des Rongeurs Caviomorphes. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris 271:172-175 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
58243 R. Hoffstetter and G. Petter. 1983. Paraborhyaena boliviana et Andinogale sallensis, deux Marsupiaux (Borhyaenidae) nouveaux du Déséadien (Oligocène inférieur) de Salla (Bolivie). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris 296:143-146 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
13518 R. Lavocat. 1976. Rongeurs Caviomorphes de l'Oligocène de Bolivie. 2 Rongeurs du Bassin Deseadien de Salla-Luribat. Palaeovertebrata 7:15-90 [J. Alroy/J. Wertheim/P. Mannion]
42787 B. J. MacFadden, K. E. Campbell, R. C. Cifelli, O. Siles, N. M. Johnson, C. W. Naeser, and P. K. Zeitler. 1985. Magnetic polarity stratigraphy and Mammalian fauna of the Deseadan (late Oligocene-early Miocene) Salla Beds of Northern Bolivia. Journal of Geology 93(3):223-250 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas/A. Cárdenas]
42768 B. J. MacFadden and C. D. Frailey. 1984. Pyrotherium, a large enigmatic ungulate (Mammalia, Incertae Sedis) from the Deseadan (Oligocene) of Salla, Bolivia. Palaeontology 27(4):867-874 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
45334 C. d. Muizon. 1999. Marsupial skulls from the Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Bolivia and phylogenetic analysis of the Borhyaenoidea (Marsupialia, Mammalia). Geobios 32(3):483-509 [P. Wagner/P. Wagner]
61925% 33860B. Patterson and L. G. Marshall. 1978. The Deseadan, Early Oligocene, Marsupialia of South America. Fieldiana Geology 41(2):1-100 [J. Alroy/J. Wertheim/J. Wertheim]
42997 B. Patterson and A. E. Wood. 1982. Rodents from the Deseadan Oligocene of Bolivia and the relationships of the Caviomorpha. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 149(7):371-543 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
43102 F. Pujos and G. De Iuliis. 2007. Late Oligocene Megatherioidea fauna (Mammalia: Xenarthra) from Salla-Luribay (Bolivia): new data on basal sloth radiation and Cingulata-Tardigrada split. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(1):132-144 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas/M. Kouvari]
16747 M. A. Reguero and E. Cerdeño. 2005. New late Oligocene Hegetotheriidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) from Salla, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3):674-684 [D. Croft/D. Croft]
58236 A. L. Rosenberger, W. C. Hartmg, and R. G. Wolff. 1991. Szalatavus attricuspis, an early platyrrhine primate. Folia Primatologica 56(4):225-233 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
58240 M. R. Sánchez-Villagra and R. F. Kay. 1997. A skull of Proargyrolagus, the oldest argyrolagid (Late Oligocene Salla Beds, Bolivia), with brief comments concerning its paleobiology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(4):717-724 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
43125 B. J. Shockey. 1997. Two new notoungulates (Family Notohippidae) from the Salla Beds of Bolivia (Deseadan: Late Oligocene): systematics and functional morphology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3):584-599 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
43301 B. J. Shockey. 2005. New leontinidids (Class Mammalia, Order Notoungulata, Family Leontiniidae) from the Salla beds of Bolivia (Deseadan, Late Oligocene). Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 45(4):249-260 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
46288 B. J. Shockey and F. Anaya. 2011. Grazing in a new late Oligocene Mylodontid Sloth and a Mylodontid radiation as a component of the Eocene-Oligocene faunal turnover and the early spread of grasslands/savannas in South America. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 18:101-115 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
43099 B. J. Shockey and F. Anaya-Daza. 2004. Pyrotherium macfaddeni, sp. nov. (late Oligocene, Bolivia) and the pedal morphology of pyrotheres. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(2):481-488 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
58246 M. F. Soria and R. Hoffstetter. 1983. Présence d'un Condylarthre (Salladolodus deuterotheroides gen. et sp. nov.) dans le Déséadien (Oligocène inférieur) de Salla, Bolivie. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris 297:267-270 [J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra/J. Zijlstra]
42763 C. Villarroel and L. G. Marshall. 1982. Geology of the Deseadan (early Oligocene) age Estratos Salla in the Salla-Luribay basin, Bolivia, with description of new marsupialia. Geobios 6:201-211 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]
42776 R. G. Wolff. 1984. A new early Oligocene Argyrolagid (Mammalia: Marsupialia) from Salla, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 4(1):108-113 [C. Jaramillo/A. Cárdenas]