There are 4 matches

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
27017M. Carrano Robert Gaston Quarry (CEU 91-1) (= State of Utah Loc. 42Gr184V, Yellow Cat Quarry / coll. Gaston 1989) Valanginian - Cretaceous 1 - Utah Kirkland et al. (1993)
27067M. Carrano Carol Jones Quarry (CEU) (= Carol Site, State of Utah Loc. 42EM366V / coll. Jones & Jones 1994) Aptian/Albian - Cretaceous 3-4 - Utah Kirkland and Burge (1994)
49615M. Carrano Bodily Quarry, Little Valley (BYU) (= State of Utah Loc. 42Gr003VP / coll. Ottinger & Jensen 1965-1968) Aptian - Cretaceous 3 - Utah Bodily (1970)
55334M. Carrano Price River II site (Loc. Utah EM372) (= PR2, PR-2, Price River 2 / coll. 1997) Aptian/Albian - Cretaceous 3-4 - Utah Kirkland et al. (1999)

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