There are 52 matches - here are the first 30 rows

Collection Authorizer Collection name Reference
35609M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine I Fmn., sample SM185 Eifelian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35610M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine I Fmn., sample SM187 Eifelian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35611M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine I Fmn., sample SM188 Eifelian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35612M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., sample TB913 Givetian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35613M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., sample UB179 Givetian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35614M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., samples SM203-SM209 & RB319 Givetian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35615M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., samples TB901, TB734 & OD921 Givetian/Frasnian - Devonian 3-4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35616M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., samples SM215 & RC17 Givetian/Frasnian - Devonian 3-4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35617M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., sample SM217 Givetian/Frasnian - Devonian 3-4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35618M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., sample SM218 Givetian/Frasnian - Devonian 3-4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35619M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn., samples SM223-SM228 & RC369 Early Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35620M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine III Fmn., sample TB718 Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35621M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Aouinet Ouenine III Fmn., sample TB902 Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35622M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect.,Tahara Fmn., sample TB903 Late Famennian - Devonian 5 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35623M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect.,Tahara Fmn., sample SM406 Late Famennian - Devonian 5 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35624M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect.,Tahara Fmn., samples SM409 & RA642 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35625M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Mrar Fmn., sample TB911 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35626M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Mrar Fmn., samples SM413 & SM415 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35627M. Foote Awaynat Wanin type sect., Mrar Fmn., samples TB904-TB908 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35628M. Foote Idri Fmn., Idri Type section, Samples PC700, TB887, TB889, TB890 Late Givetian - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35629M. Foote Idri Fmn., Idri Type section, Sample TB888 Early Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35630M. Foote Ashkidah Fmn., Idri Type section, Samples TA753 & TB880 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35631M. Foote Dor el Goussa, samples NC6 & PB292 (= Dur-al-Qussah) Frasnian/Famennian - Devonian 4-5 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35632M. Foote Gour Iduka type sect., Ouan Kasa Fmn., Samples RB311 & OB857 Emsian - Devonian 2 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35633M. Foote Gour Iduka type sect., Ouan Kasa Fmn., Sample UB331 Emsian - Devonian 2 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35634M. Foote Gour Iduka type sect., Aouinet Ouenine II Fmn. Givetian - Devonian 3 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35635M. Foote Serdeles section, Mrar Formation, Samples OD646 & OD695 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35636M. Foote Serdeles section, Mrar Formation, Samples RB308 & UB224 Tournaisian - Carboniferous 1 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35637M. Foote Talagrouna type sect., Talagrouna Fmn. Late Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)
35638M. Foote Talagrouna type sect., Talagrouna Fmn., Sample UB213ter Late Frasnian - Devonian 4 - Libya Mergl and Massa (1992)

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