Yu. B. Gladenkov et al. 1988

Full reference
Y.u. B. Gladenkov, G. M. Bratseva, L. I. Mitrofanova and V. N. Sinel'nikova. 1988. Raschleneniye oligotsen-nizhnemiotsenovykh tolshch vostochnoy Kamchatki (zaliv Korfa). Subdivision of Oligocene-lower Miocene layers of eastern Kamchatka, Gulf of Korfa. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geologicheskaya 1988(8):3-16 [M. Aberhan/S. Nurnberg/S. Nurnberg]
ID number:  11836
Created:  2004-10-22 04:47:21
Modified:  2004-10-22 06:47:21
Project name:  1%
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Taxonomic opinions (2) - view classification
'Cardium (Trachycardium) kinsmarae is recombined as Cardium kinsmarae' according to Yu. B. Gladenkov et al. 1988
'Laevicardium esutoruensis is recombined as Cardium esutoruensis' according to Yu. B. Gladenkov et al. 1988