K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985

Full reference
K. Kumar and A. Sahni. 1985. Eocene mammals from the upper Subathu Group, Kashmir Himalaya, India. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 5(2):153-168 [M. Uhen/M. Uhen/J. Alroy]
ID number:  12021
Created:  2004-11-19 14:04:52
Modified:  2007-04-01 12:53:37
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated without evidence
Language:  English
Taxonomic opinions (21) - view classification
'Archaeoceti belongs to Cetacea' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Brontotheridae belongs to Perissodactyla' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Bunodentus inflatus is recombined as Khirtharia inflatus' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Eotitanopinae belongs to Brontotheridae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Ichthyolestes pinfoldi belongs to Ichthyolestes' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Ichthyolestes belongs to Protocetidae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Indohyus kalakotensis is recombined as Kunmunella kalakotensis' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Indohyus belongs to Raoellidae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Khirtharia belongs to Raoellidae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Kunmunella rajauriensis belongs to Kunmunella' according to Sahni and Khare 1972
'Kunmunella rajauriensis belongs to Kunmunella' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Kunmunella transversa belongs to Kunmunella' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Kunmunella belongs to Raoellidae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Metkatius kashmiriensis belongs to Metkatius' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Metkatius belongs to Raoellidae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Mulkrajanops moghliensis belongs to Mulkrajanops' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Mulkrajanops mogliensis belongs to Mulkrajanops' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Mulkrajanops belongs to Eotitanopinae' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Perissodactyla was reranked as a order and belongs to Mammalia' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Protocetidae belongs to Archaeoceti' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
'Raoellidae belongs to Artiodactyla' according to K. Kumar and A. Sahni 1985
Collections (2)