E. Tsoukala 2018

Full reference
E. Tsoukala. 2018. Rhinocerotidae from the Late Miocene and Late Pliocene of Macedonia, Greece. A revision of the Neogene - Quaternary Rhinocerotidae of Greece. Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève 37(2):609-630 [E. Vlachos/E. Vlachos]
ID number:  73174
Created:  2020-07-25 21:56:43
Modified:  2020-07-25 16:56:43
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.5281/zenodo.2545127
Taxonomic opinions (12) - view classification
'Atelodus neumayri is recombined as Ceratotherium neumayri' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Ceratomorpha belongs to Perissodactyla' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Ceratotherium belongs to Dicerotina' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Dicerorhinus jeanvireti belongs to Dicerorhinus' according to C. Guérin 1972
'Dicerorhinus jeanvireti is recombined as Stephanorhinus jeanvireti' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Dicerorhinus pikermiensis is recombined as Dihoplus pikermiensis' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Dihoplus belongs to Rhinocerotina' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Rhinoceros elatus belongs to Rhinoceros' according to Croizet and Jobert 1828
'Rhinoceros elatus is a nomen oblitum' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Rhinocerotidae belongs to Ceratomorpha' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Rhinocerotinae belongs to Rhinocerotidae' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
'Rhinocerotini belongs to Rhinocerotinae' according to E. Tsoukala 2018
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