N. Robin et al. 2016

Full reference
N. Robin, B. W. N. Van Bakel, J. Pacaud and S. Charbonnier. 2016. Decapod crustaceans from the Paleocene (Danian) of the Paris Basin (Vigny stratotype and allied localities) and a limpet palaeoassociation. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15:257-273 [M. Clapham/R. Valdez/M. Clapham]
ID number:  82346
Created:  2022-08-05 15:45:18
Modified:  2022-08-06 10:28:22
Publication type:  journal article
Taxonomy:  stated with evidence
Language:  English
DOI:  10.1080/14772019.2016.1182950
Taxonomic opinions (11) - view classification
'Dromilites montenati belongs to Dromilites' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Dromilites belongs to Dromiidae' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Dromiopsis mosae belongs to Dromiopsis' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Dromiopsis belongs to Dynomenidae' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Galatheoidea belongs to Anomura' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Helcion hebertiana belongs to Helcion' according to A. dOrbigny 1850
'Helcion hebertiana is recombined as Patella hebertiana' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Patella belongs to Patellinae' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Titanocarcinus schweitzerae belongs to Titanocarcinus' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Titanocarcinus belongs to Tumidocarcinidae' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
'Xanthilites cretacea is recombined as Jakobsenius cretaceus' according to N. Robin et al. 2016
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