Opinions from C. Teichert et al. 1964
- 'Acanthonautilus belongs to Solenochilidae'
- 'Acleistoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Acleistoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Actinoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Actinoceras (Paractinoceras) was reranked as Paractinoceras and belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Actinoceratidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Actinoceratoidea belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Actinocerida belongs to Actinoceratoidea'
- 'Actinomorpha belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Adelphoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Adnatoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Aethoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Aipoceras belongs to Aipoceratidae'
- 'Aipocerataceae belongs to Nautilida'
- 'Aipoceratidae belongs to Aipocerataceae'
- 'Akidocheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Akidocheilus (Akidocheilus) belongs to Akidocheilus'
- 'Akidocheilus (Akidocheilus) belongs to Akidocheilus' according to Till 1907
- 'Akidocheilus (Planecapula) belongs to Akidocheilus' according to Shimanskiy 1947
- 'Akidocheilus (Planecapula) belongs to Akidocheilus'
- 'Aktastioceras belongs to Parabactritidae'
- 'Alaskoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Albertoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Aletoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Alexandronautilus belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Allanoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Allocotoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Allopiloceras belongs to Piloceratidae'
- 'Allotrioceras belongs to Allotrioceratidae'
- 'Allotrioceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Allumettoceras belongs to Tripteroceratidae'
- 'Alpenoceras belongs to Discosoridae'
- 'Aluveroceras is a subjective synonym of Ormoceras'
- 'Amphicyrtoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Anastomoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Angelinoceras belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Anglicornus belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Anguloceras belongs to Bassleroceratidae'
- 'Anomaloceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Anomeioceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Anoploceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Anthoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Antiphragmoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Antiplectoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Antonoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Aphelaeceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Aphetoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Aphragmites belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Apioceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Aploceras belongs to Carbactinoceratidae'
- 'Apocrinoceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Apogonoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Apsidoceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Apsidoceratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Archiacoceras belongs to Archiacoceratidae'
- 'Archiacoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Argocheilus belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Arkoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Arkonoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Armenoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Arpaoceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Arthrophyllum belongs to Lamellorthoceratidae'
- 'Asaphiceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Ascoceras belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Ascoceratidae belongs to Ascocerida'
- 'Ascoceratinae belongs to Ascoceratidae'
- 'Ascocerida belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Asymptoceras belongs to Aipoceratidae'
- 'Aturia belongs to Aturiidae'
- 'Aturiidae belongs to Nautilitaceae'
- 'Aturoidea belongs to Hercoglossidae'
- 'Augustoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Aulaconautilus belongs to Paracenoceratidae'
- 'Aulametacoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Austinoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Avilionella belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Avoceras belongs to Bassleroceratidae'
- 'Bactrites belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Bactritida belongs to Bactritoidea'
- 'Bactritidae belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Bactritoidea belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Bactroceras belongs to Baltoceratidae'
- 'Baeopleuroceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Bajkaloceras belongs to Bajkaloceratidae'
- 'Bajkaloceratidae belongs to Intejocerida'
- 'Balticoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Baltoceratidae belongs to Ellesmerocerida'
- 'Barrandeoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Barrandeoceratida is corrected as Barrandeocerida and belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Barrandoceratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Bassleroceras belongs to Bassleroceratidae'
- 'Bathmoceras belongs to Bathmoceratidae'
- 'Bathmoceratidae belongs to Cyrtocerinina'
- 'Beekmanoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Belemnitomimus belongs to Parabactritidae'
- 'Beloitoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Bergoceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Bickmorites belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Bifoveoceras belongs to Orthoceratinae'
- 'Billingsites belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Bistrialites belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Bitaunioceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Blakeoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Blastocerina belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Bohemites belongs to Leurocycloceratinae'
- 'Bolloceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Boreoceras belongs to Cyrtendoceratidae'
- 'Brachycycloceras belongs to Brachycycloceratidae'
- 'Brachycycloceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Bradfordoceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Brevicoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Brevicoceratidae belongs to Oncocerida'
- 'Bridgeoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Broeggeroceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Buehleroceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Burenoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Buttsoceras belongs to Troedssonellidae'
- 'Byronoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Calchasiceras is a subjective synonym of Poterioceras'
- 'Calhounoceras belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Callaionautilus belongs to Clydonautilidae'
- 'Calocyrtoceras belongs to Paraphragmitidae'
- 'Cameroceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Campbelloceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Campendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Campyloceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Carbactinoceras belongs to Carbactinoceratidae'
- 'Carbactinoceratidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Carinonautilus belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Carlloceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Caseoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Cassinoceras belongs to Piloceratidae'
- 'Casteroceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Catoraphinoceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Catyrephoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Cayugoceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Cayutoceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Cayutoceratinae belongs to Pseudorthoceratidae'
- 'Cedarvilleoceras is a subjective synonym of Dawsonoceras'
- 'Cenoceras belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Centroceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Centroceratidae belongs to Trigonocerataceae'
- 'Centrocyrtoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Centrolitoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Centroonoceras belongs to Sactorthoceratidae'
- 'Centrorizoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Centrotarphyceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Chadwickoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Changkiuoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Charactoceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Charactocerina belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Chazyoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Chepuloceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Chicagooceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Chidleyenoceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Chihlioceras belongs to Chihlioceratidae'
- 'Chihlioceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Chisiloceras is a subjective synonym of Proterovaginoceras'
- 'Choanoceras belongs to Choanoceratidae'
- 'Chouteauoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Cimomia belongs to Hercoglossidae'
- 'Cinctoceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Clarkesvillia belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Clarkoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Clathroceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Clelandoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Cliftonoceras belongs to Uranoceratidae'
- 'Clinoceras belongs to Clinoceratidae'
- 'Clionyssiceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Clitendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Clydonautilaceae belongs to Nautilida'
- 'Clydonautilidae belongs to Clydonautilaceae'
- 'Clydonautilus belongs to Clydonautilidae'
- 'Clymenonautilus belongs to Syringonautilidae'
- 'Clytoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Cochleiferoceras belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Cochlioceras belongs to Baltoceratidae'
- 'Codoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Coelocyrtoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Coelogasteroceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Colpoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Columenoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Conchorhynchus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Condraoceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Conoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Conocerina belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Conostichoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Conradoceras belongs to Hemiphragmoceratidae'
- 'Cooperoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Coralloceras is a subjective synonym of Lamellorthoceras'
- 'Coreanoceras belongs to Manchuroceratidae'
- 'Cosmonautilus belongs to Clydonautilidae'
- 'Cotteroceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Cranoceras is a subjective synonym of Cyrthoceratites'
- 'Crateroceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Cryptorthoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Ctenobactrites belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Ctenobactrites (Ctenobactrites) belongs to Ctenobactrites' according to Shimanskiy 1951
- 'Ctenobactrites (Ctenobactrites) belongs to Ctenobactrites'
- 'Ctenobactrites (Mirites) belongs to Ctenobactrites' according to Shimanskiy 1962
- 'Ctenobactrites (Mirites) belongs to Ctenobactrites'
- 'Ctenoceras belongs to Orthoceratinae'
- 'Cumberloceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Cumingsoceras belongs to Uranoceratidae'
- 'Curtoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Cyclobactrites belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Cycloceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Cyclocyrtendoceras belongs to Cyrtendoceratidae'
- 'Cyclolituites belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Cyclopites belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Cycloplectoceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Cyclostomiceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Cymatoceratidae belongs to Nautilitaceae'
- 'Cymatonautilus belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Cyptendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Cyptendocerina is a subjective synonym of Cyptendoceras'
- 'Cyrtactinoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtendoceras belongs to Cyrtendoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtendoceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Cyrthoceratites belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtobactrites belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Meloceras is a subjective synonym of Maelonoceras'
- 'Cyrtoceratites belongs to Archiacoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtocerina belongs to Cyrtocerinidae'
- 'Cyrtocerinidae belongs to Ellesmerocerida'
- 'Cyrtocheilus belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtocycloceras belongs to Paraphragmitidae'
- 'Cyrtogomphoceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtogomphus belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Cyrtonybyoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtorizoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Cyrtorhizoceras is a misspelling of Cyrtorizoceras'
- 'Cyrtospyroceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Cyrtothoracoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Cyrtovaginoceras belongs to Cyrtendoceratidae'
- 'Dakeoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Danaoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Danoceras belongs to Diestoceratidae'
- 'Dartoceras belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Dawsonoceras belongs to Dawsonoceratidae'
- 'Dawsonoceratidae belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Dawsonocerina belongs to Dawsonoceratidae'
- 'Deckeroceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Deiroceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Deltocymatoceras belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Deltoidonautilus belongs to Hercoglossidae'
- 'Dentoceras belongs to Scyphoceratidae'
- 'Desioceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Devonobactrites belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Devonocheilus belongs to Archiacoceratidae'
- 'Diademoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Diagoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Diastoloceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Dictyoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Diestoceras belongs to Diestoceratidae'
- 'Diestoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Digenuoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Diodoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Diorugoceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Diploceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Discitoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Discoactinoceras belongs to Huroniidae'
- 'Discoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Discosorida belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Discosoridae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Discosorus belongs to Discosoridae'
- 'Dnestroceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Dolorthoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Domatoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Donacoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Dowlingoceras belongs to Diestoceratidae'
- 'Duerleyoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Dunleithoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Dwightoceras belongs to Bassleroceratidae'
- 'Dyscritoceras belongs to Bassleroceratidae'
- 'Ecdyceras belongs to Hebetoceratidae'
- 'Ectocycloceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Ectocyrtoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Edaphoceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Ehlersoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Eichwaldoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Eifeloceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Ekwanoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Eleusoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Ellesmeroceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Ellesmeroceratida is corrected as Ellesmerocerida and belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Ellesmeroceratidae belongs to Ellesmerocerida'
- 'Ellinoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Elrodoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Encoiloceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Endoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Endoceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Endoceratoidea belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Endocerida belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Endocycloceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Endodiscosorus belongs to Lowoceratidae'
- 'Endolobus belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Endoplanoceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Endoplectoceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Endostokesoceras is a subjective synonym of Alpenoceras'
- 'Enoploceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Eobactrites belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Eorizoceras belongs to Graciloceratidae'
- 'Eothinoceras belongs to Bathmoceratidae'
- 'Eotrimeroceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Eotripteroceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Ephippioceras belongs to Ephippioceratidae'
- 'Ephippioceratidae belongs to Clydonautilaceae'
- 'Ephippiorthoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Epicymatoceras belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Epidomatoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Epistroboceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Eremoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Eridites belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Erlangericheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Escharendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Eskimoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Estonioceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Eucymatoceras belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Eudoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Euloxoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Euryrizoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Eurystomites belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Eushantungoceras is a subjective synonym of Armenoceras'
- 'Eusthenoceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Eutrephoceras belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Evencoceras belongs to Intejoceratidae'
- 'Evlanoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Exocyrtoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Faberoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Fayettoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Floweroceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Foerstellites belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Foersteoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Foordiceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Franklinoceras belongs to Ruedemannoceratidae'
- 'Fremontoceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Fusicoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Galtoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Garryoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Gasconsoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Gaspocyrtoceras belongs to Paraphragmitidae'
- 'Geisonoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Geisonoceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Geisonoceroides belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Germanonautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Glenisteroceras belongs to Troedssonellidae'
- 'Glossoceras belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Glyptodendron belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Goldringia belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Gomphoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Gonatocheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Gonatocyrtoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Gonioceras belongs to Gonioceratidae'
- 'Gonioceratidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Gonionaedyceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Gonionautilidae belongs to Clydonautilaceae'
- 'Gonionautilus belongs to Gonionautilidae'
- 'Gorbyoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Gordonoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Gorgonoceras belongs to Lamellorthoceratidae'
- 'Graciloceras belongs to Graciloceratidae'
- 'Graftonoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Greenlandoceras belongs to Greenlandoceratidae'
- 'Grimsbyoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Grypoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Grypoceras (Plummeroceras) was reranked as Plummeroceras and belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Grypoceras (Plummeroceras) plummeri is recombined as Plummeroceras plummeri'
- 'Grypoceratidae belongs to Trigonocerataceae'
- 'Gryponautilus belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Gyroceras is an invalid subgroup of Nautiloidea'
- 'Gyroceras is a subjective synonym of Naedyceras'
- 'Gyroceras elrodi is recombined as Cumingsoceras elrodi'
- 'Gyroceratidae is a subjective synonym of Tainoceratidae'
- 'Gyronaedyceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Gzheloceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Gzheloceratidae is a subjective synonym of Tainoceratidae'
- 'Hadrocheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Arcuatobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus' according to Shimanskiy 1947
- 'Hadrocheilus (Arcuatobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Convexiterbeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Convexiterbeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus' according to Shimanskiy 1947
- 'Hadrocheilus (Dentatobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Dentatobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus' according to Shimanskiy 1947
- 'Hadrocheilus (Globosobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Globosobeccus) belongs to Hadrocheilus' according to Shimanskiy 1947
- 'Hadrocheilus (Hadrocheilus) belongs to Hadrocheilus'
- 'Hadrocheilus (Hadrocheilus) belongs to Hadrocheilus' according to Till 1907
- 'Halloceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Hardmanoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Harrisoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Haydenoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Hebetoceras belongs to Hebetoceratidae'
- 'Hedstroemoceras belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Helenites is a subjective synonym of Armenoceras'
- 'Heloceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Hemiceratites belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Hemichoanella belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Hemiliroceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Heminautilus belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Hemiphragmoceras belongs to Hemiphragmoceratidae'
- 'Hemiphragmoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Hemipiloceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Heracloceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Hercoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Hercocyrtoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Hercoglossa belongs to Hercoglossidae'
- 'Hercoglossidae belongs to Nautilitaceae'
- 'Hercoglossoceras is a subjective synonym of Pseudaganides'
- 'Herkimeroceras belongs to Jovellaniidae'
- 'Hesperoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Heteroceratidae belongs to Ancylocerataceae'
- 'Hexagonites belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Hexameroceras belongs to Hemiphragmoceratidae'
- 'Hindeoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Hipparionoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Holconautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Holmiceras belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Homaloceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Homoadelphoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Hopeioceras belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Humeoceras belongs to Humeoceratidae'
- 'Humeoceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Hunanoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Huronia belongs to Huroniidae'
- 'Huroniella belongs to Huroniidae'
- 'Huroniidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Indonautilus belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Intejoceras belongs to Intejoceratidae'
- 'Intejoceratidae belongs to Intejocerida'
- 'Intejocerida belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Inversoceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Isorthoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Jasperoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Joachimoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Jolietoceras belongs to Uranoceratidae'
- 'Jonesoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Jovellania belongs to Jovellaniidae'
- 'Jovellaniidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Juvavionautilus belongs to Syringonautilidae'
- 'Kailuanoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Kaipingoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Karoceras belongs to Karoceratidae'
- 'Karoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Kawasakiceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Kayoceras belongs to Lowoceratidae'
- 'Kentlandoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Kiaeroceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Kindleoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Kionoceras belongs to Kionoceratinae'
- 'Kirkoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Knightoceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Kochoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Kokenia belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Konglungenoceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Koninckioceratidae belongs to Tainocerataceae'
- 'Kotoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Kutorgoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Kyminoceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Lambeoceras belongs to Gonioceratidae'
- 'Lamellorthoceras belongs to Lamellorthoceratidae'
- 'Lamottoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Landeroceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Laumontoceras belongs to Jovellaniidae'
- 'Laureloceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Lavaloceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Lebetoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Lechritrochoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Lechritrochoceratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Leptocheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Leptocheilus (Leptocheilus) belongs to Leptocheilus'
- 'Leptocheilus (Leptocheilus) belongs to Leptocheilus' according to Till 1907
- 'Leptocheilus (Mesocheilus) belongs to Leptocheilus' according to Till 1909
- 'Leptocheilus (Mesocheilus) belongs to Leptocheilus'
- 'Leuroceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Leurocycloceratinae belongs to Orthoceratidae'
- 'Leurorthoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Leurotrochoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Levisoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Librovitschiceras belongs to Aipoceratidae'
- 'Linchengoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Liroceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Liroceratidae belongs to Clydonautilaceae'
- 'Liskeardia belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Lispoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Litoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Litogyroceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Lituites belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Lituitidae belongs to Tarphycerida'
- 'Lobendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Lobobactrites belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Lobosiphon belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Loganoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Lophoceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Lopingoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Lorieroceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Lowoceras belongs to Lowoceratidae'
- 'Lowoceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Loxoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Loxochoanella belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Lyckholmoceras belongs to Diestoceratidae'
- 'Lyecoceras belongs to Paraphragmitidae'
- 'Lyrioceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Lysagoroceras belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Lysagoroceras angustum belongs to Lysagoroceras'
- 'Maccoyoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Macrodomoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Macroloxoceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Maelonoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Manchuroceras belongs to Manchuroceratidae'
- 'Manchuroceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Mandaloceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Mandaloceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Manitoulinoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Manitouoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Mariceras belongs to Scyphoceratidae'
- 'Mcqueenoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Mecynoceras belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Megadiscosorus belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Megaglossoceras belongs to Ephippioceratidae'
- 'Meniscoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Menuthionautilus belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Mesnaquaceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Mesoceras belongs to Mesoceratidae'
- 'Mesoceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Mesochasmoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Metacoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Metactinoceras is a subjective synonym of Actinoceras'
- 'Metaphragmoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Metarizoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Metarmenoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Metastromatoceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Metephippiorthoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Miamoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Michelinoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Michelinoceratinae is an invalid subgroup of Cephalopoda'
- 'Microbactrites belongs to Parabactritidae'
- 'Micronoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Millkoninckioceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Minganoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Mirabiloceras belongs to Allotrioceratidae'
- 'Mitorthoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Mitroceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Mixosiphonoceras belongs to Jovellaniidae'
- 'Mojsvaroceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Molossus belongs to Mammalia'
- 'Molossus belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Monocyrtoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Monomuchites belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Montyoceras belongs to Hebetoceratidae'
- 'Mooreoceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Moreauoceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Mstikhinoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Muiroceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Multicameroceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Murrayoceras belongs to Baltoceratidae'
- 'Mysterioceras belongs to Mysterioceratidae'
- 'Mysterioceratidae belongs to Pseudorthocerataceae'
- 'Mysticoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Naedyceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Nanno belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Narthecoceras belongs to Narthecoceratidae'
- 'Narthecoceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Nassauoceras belongs to Tetragonoceratidae'
- 'Nautilaceae belongs to Nautilida'
- 'Nautilida belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Nautilidae belongs to Nautilaceae'
- 'Nautiloceras is a subjective synonym of Trigonoceras'
- 'Nautiloidea belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Nautilus belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Nautilus (Solenochilus) was reranked as Solenochilus and belongs to Solenochilidae'
- 'Nelimenia belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Neocycloceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Neodiscosorus is a subjective synonym of Alpenoceras'
- 'Neokaipingoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Neorthoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Nephriticeras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Nephriticeratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Nephriticerina belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Neptunoceras belongs to Neptunoceratidae'
- 'Neptunoceratidae belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Neumatoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Nothoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Nothoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Notocycloceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Nybyoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Obinautilus belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Octamerella belongs to Hemiphragmoceratidae'
- 'Oderoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Oelandoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Offleyoceras belongs to Offleyoceratidae'
- 'Offleyoceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Ohioceras belongs to Kionoceratinae'
- 'Oncoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Oncoceratida is corrected as Oncocerida and belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Oncoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Oneotoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Oocerina belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Oonoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Ophidioceras is a subjective synonym of Ophioceras'
- 'Ophidioceratidae belongs to Tarphyceratida'
- 'Ophioceras belongs to Ophidoceratidae'
- 'Ordosoceras belongs to Polydesmiidae'
- 'Ormoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Ormoceratidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Orthoceras belongs to Orthoceratinae'
- 'Orthoceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Orthocerida belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Orthonybyoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Osbornoceras belongs to Karoceratidae'
- 'Ovoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Ovocerina belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Oxygonioceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Oxynautilus belongs to Syringonautilidae'
- 'Pachendoceras belongs to Baltoceratidae'
- 'Pachtoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Padunoceras belongs to Padunoceratidae'
- 'Padunoceratidae belongs to Intejocerida'
- 'Palaeoceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Palaeoteuthis belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Palmeroceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Paquettoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Parabactrites belongs to Parabactritidae'
- 'Parabactritidae belongs to Bactritida'
- 'Paracenoceras belongs to Paracenoceratidae'
- 'Paracenoceratidae belongs to Nautilitaceae'
- 'Paracleistoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Paraconradoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Paracyclostomiceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Paracymatoceras belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Paradomatoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Paraendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Parakionoceras belongs to Kionoceratinae'
- 'Paraloxoceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Parametacoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Paranautilus belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Paraphragmites belongs to Paraphragmitidae'
- 'Paraphragmitidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Pararhiphaeoceras belongs to Rhiphaeoceratidae'
- 'Pararineceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Parascoceras belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Parastenopoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Paravaginoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Paroocerina belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Parormoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Parryoceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Peismoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Penhsioceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Pentameroceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Perigrammoceras is a subjective synonym of Cycloceras'
- 'Perimecoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Perioidanoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Peripetoceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Permoceras belongs to Permoceratidae'
- 'Permoceratidae belongs to Trigonocerataceae'
- 'Permonautilus belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Petryoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Phacoceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Phaedrysmocheilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Phloioceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Phragmoceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Phragmoceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Phragmocerina belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Phragmosiphon belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Pictetoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Piersaloceras belongs to Graciloceratidae'
- 'Piloceras belongs to Piloceratidae'
- 'Pilotoceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Pionoceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Plagiostomoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Planetoceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Platysiphon belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Plectoceras belongs to Plectoceratidae'
- 'Plectoceratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Plectronoceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Plectronoceratidae belongs to Ellesmerocerida'
- 'Pleuronautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Pleuroncoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Pliendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Polydesmia belongs to Polydesmiidae'
- 'Polydesmiidae belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Polyelasmoceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Polygrammoceras belongs to Kionoceratinae'
- 'Poterioceras belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Poterioceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Poteriocerina belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Potoceras belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Pradoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Pristeroceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Probillingsites belongs to Probillingsitidae'
- 'Probillingsitidae belongs to Ascoceratidae'
- 'Proclydonautilus belongs to Clydonautilidae'
- 'Procymatoceras belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Proendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Projovellania belongs to Jovellaniidae'
- 'Proteoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Proteoceratidae belongs to Pseudorthocerataceae'
- 'Proterocameroceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Proterovaginoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Protobactrites belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Protocycloceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Protokionoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Protophragmoceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Pselioceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Pseudactinoceras belongs to Pseudactinoceratinae'
- 'Pseudactinoceratinae belongs to Pseudorthoceratidae'
- 'Pseudaganides belongs to Pseudonautilidae'
- 'Pseudobactrites belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Pseudocenoceras belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Pseudocycloceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Pseudocyrtoceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Pseudogomphoceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Pseudonautilidae belongs to Nautilitaceae'
- 'Pseudonautilus belongs to Pseudonautilidae'
- 'Pseudorthoceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Pseudorthoceratidae belongs to Pseudorthocerataceae'
- 'Pseudorthoceratinae belongs to Pseudorthoceratidae'
- 'Psiaoceras belongs to Tripleuroceratidae'
- 'Ptenoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Ptyssoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Pycnoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Quebecoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae' according to Foerste 1925
- 'Rasmussenoceras belongs to Tripteroceratidae'
- 'Rayonnoceras belongs to Carbactinoceratidae'
- 'Reedsoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Reticycloceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Retroclitendoceras belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Rhadinoceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Rhiphaeoceras belongs to Rhiphaeoceratidae'
- 'Rhiphaeoceratidae belongs to Tainocerataceae'
- 'Rhiphaeonautilus belongs to Rhiphaeoceratidae'
- 'Rhomboceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Rhynchoceras is replaced by Rhynchorthoceras'
- 'Rhyncholithes belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Rhynchorthoceras belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Rhynchoteuthis belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Richardsonoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Rineceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Rizoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Robsonoceras belongs to Robsonoceratidae' according to Ulrich and Foerste 1933
- 'Romingoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Roussanoffoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Rudolfoceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Ruedemannoceras belongs to Ruedemannoceratidae'
- 'Ruedemannoceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Ruthenoceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Rutoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Rutoceratidae belongs to Tainocerataceae'
- 'Sactorthoceras belongs to Sactorthoceratidae'
- 'Sactorthoceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Saffordoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Sannionites belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Savageoceras belongs to Barrandoceratidae'
- 'Scaptorrhynchus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Sceptrites belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Schuchertoceras belongs to Ascoceratinae'
- 'Scofieldoceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Scyphoceras belongs to Scyphoceratidae'
- 'Scyphoceratidae belongs to Aipocerataceae'
- 'Seelyoceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Selkirkoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Shamattawaceras belongs to Probillingsitidae'
- 'Shantungendoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae' according to Sun 1937
- 'Shideleroceras belongs to Shideleroceratidae'
- 'Shideleroceratidae belongs to Ellesmerocerida'
- 'Shikhanoceras belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Sholakoceras belongs to Rhiphaeoceratidae'
- 'Shumardoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Shuranoceras belongs to Karoceratidae'
- 'Siberioceras is a subjective synonym of Orthonybyoceras'
- 'Siberionautilidae belongs to Clydonautilaceae'
- 'Siberionautilus belongs to Siberionautilidae'
- 'Sibyllonautilus belongs to Liroceratidae'
- 'Sicilioceras belongs to Bactritidae'
- 'Sidemina belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Sigmocycloceras belongs to Sactorthoceratidae'
- 'Simardoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Simorthoceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Sinclairoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Sinoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Sinoeremoceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Slocomoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Smithvilloceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Solenochilidae belongs to Aipocerataceae'
- 'Somalinautilus belongs to Paracenoceratidae'
- 'Sphooceras belongs to Sphooceratidae'
- 'Sphooceratidae belongs to Orthocerataceae'
- 'Sphyradoceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Staufferoceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Stearoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Stemtonoceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Stenogomphoceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Stenopoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Stenosiphon belongs to Proterocameroceratidae'
- 'Stereoplasmoceras belongs to Stereoplasmoceratidae'
- 'Stereoplasmoceratidae belongs to Pseudorthocerataceae'
- 'Stereospyroceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Stereotoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Sthenoceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Stokesoceras belongs to Lowoceratidae'
- 'Stolbovoceras belongs to Armenoceratidae'
- 'Strandoceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Streptoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Striacoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Strionautilus belongs to Nautilidae'
- 'Stroboceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Stromatoceras belongs to Cayutoceratinae'
- 'Strombolituites is corrected as Ancistroceras and belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Strophiceras belongs to Centroceratidae'
- 'Subclymenia belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Subpenhsioceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Subspyroceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Subtofangoceras belongs to Actinocerida'
- 'Subvestinautilus belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Suecoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Suttonoceras belongs to Diestoceratidae'
- 'Sycoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Syringoceras belongs to Syringonautilidae'
- 'Syringonautilidae belongs to Trigonocerataceae'
- 'Syringonautilus belongs to Syringonautilidae'
- 'Syrionautilus belongs to Cymatoceratidae'
- 'Syrreghmatoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Systrophoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Tabantaloceras belongs to Parabactritidae'
- 'Tainionautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Tainoceras belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Tainocerataceae belongs to Nautilida'
- 'Tainoceratidae belongs to Tainocerataceae'
- 'Talassoceras belongs to Thylacoceratidae'
- 'Tallinnoceras belongs to Emmonsoceratidae'
- 'Tanchiashanites belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Tarphyceras belongs to Tarphyceratidae'
- 'Tarphyceratida is corrected as Tarphycerida and belongs to Nautiloidea'
- 'Teichertoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Temnocheilus belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Temperoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Tetragonoceras belongs to Tetragonoceratidae'
- 'Tetragonoceratidae belongs to Tainocerataceae'
- 'Tetrameroceras belongs to Hemiphragmoceratidae'
- 'Tetranodoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Tetrapleuroceras belongs to Neptunoceratidae'
- 'Thoracoceras belongs to Kionoceratinae'
- 'Threaroceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Thrincoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Thuringionautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Thylacoceratidae belongs to Endocerida'
- 'Tienoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Tillicheilus belongs to Cephalopoda'
- 'Tirolonautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Titanoceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Tithonoceras belongs to Paracenoceratidae'
- 'Tofangoceras belongs to Proteoceratidae'
- 'Trachynautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Tragoceras belongs to Estonioceratidae'
- 'Trematoceras belongs to Michelinoceratinae'
- 'Trematodiscus is replaced by Coelonautilus' according to Foord 1889
- 'Treptoceras is a subjective synonym of Orthonybyoceras'
- 'Tretoceras belongs to Orthocerida'
- 'Triendoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Trifurcatoceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Trigonoceras belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Trigonocerataceae belongs to Nautilida'
- 'Trigonoceratidae belongs to Trigonocerataceae'
- 'Trigonodema belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Trilacinoceras belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Trimeroceras belongs to Trimeroceratidae'
- 'Trimeroceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Tripleuroceras belongs to Tripleuroceratidae'
- 'Tripleuroceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Triplooceras belongs to Nephriticeratidae'
- 'Tripteroceras belongs to Tripteroceratidae'
- 'Tripteroceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Tripterocerina belongs to Tripteroceratidae'
- 'Tripteroceroides belongs to Spyroceratinae'
- 'Trochoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Trochodictyoceras belongs to Lechritrochoceratidae'
- 'Trocholites belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Trocholitidae belongs to Tarphyceratida'
- 'Trocholitoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Troedssonella belongs to Troedssonellidae'
- 'Troedssonoceras belongs to Ormoceratidae'
- 'Troostoceras belongs to Actinoceratidae'
- 'Tubiferoceras belongs to Phragmoceratidae'
- 'Tumidoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Tunguskoceras is a subjective synonym of Armenoceras'
- 'Turnoceras belongs to Nothoceratidae'
- 'Turoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Tuyloceras belongs to Lowoceratidae'
- 'Tylodiscoceras belongs to Koninckioceratidae'
- 'Tylonautilus belongs to Tainoceratidae'
- 'Tylorthoceras belongs to Rutoceratidae'
- 'Tyrioceras belongs to Lituitidae'
- 'Ulrichoceras belongs to Cyrtogomphoceratidae'
- 'Umbeloceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Uralorthoceras belongs to Pseudorthoceratinae'
- 'Uranoceras belongs to Uranoceratidae'
- 'Uranoceratidae belongs to Barrandeocerida'
- 'Utoceras belongs to Piloceratidae'
- 'Vaginoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Valcouroceras belongs to Valcouroceratidae'
- 'Valcouroceratidae belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Vaningenoceras belongs to Endoceratidae'
- 'Vassaroceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Vaupelia belongs to Oncoceratidae'
- 'Venatoroceras belongs to Scyphoceratidae'
- 'Ventroloboceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Verticoceras belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Vespoceras belongs to Mandaloceratidae'
- 'Vestinautilus belongs to Trigonoceratidae'
- 'Virgaloceras belongs to Grypoceratidae'
- 'Virgoceras belongs to Geisonoceratidae'
- 'Wadeoceras belongs to Polyelasmoceratidae'
- 'Walcottoceras belongs to Protocycloceratidae'
- 'Wanwanoceras belongs to Plectronoceratidae'
- 'Welleroceras belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Wellsoceras belongs to Tetragonoceratidae'
- 'Westonoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Westonoceratidae belongs to Discosorida'
- 'Wetherbyoceras belongs to Oncoceratida'
- 'Whiteavesites belongs to Clinoceratidae'
- 'Whitfieldoceras belongs to Clinoceratidae'
- 'Wichitoceras belongs to Trocholitidae'
- 'Wilsonoceras belongs to Apsidoceratidae'
- 'Winnipegoceras belongs to Westonoceratidae'
- 'Wissenbachia belongs to Brevicoceratidae'
- 'Wolungoceras belongs to Troedssonellidae'
- 'Woosteroceras belongs to Ellesmeroceratidae'
- 'Worthenoceras belongs to Acleistoceratidae'
- 'Xenoceras belongs to Poterioceratidae'
- 'Xenocheilus belongs to Pseudonautilidae'
- 'Yehlioceras belongs to Endoceratoidea'
- 'Zittelloceras belongs to Oncoceratidae'