Opinions from P. D. Gingerich 1987
- 'Albertanella belongs to Pupillidae'
- 'Albertanella minuta belongs to Albertanella' according to Russell 1931
- 'Albertanella minuta belongs to Albertanella'
- 'Boysia phenacodorum belongs to Boysia' according to Cockerell 1914
- 'Boysia phenacodorum is recombined as Grangerella phenacodorum'
- 'Calcardea belongs to Ardeidae'
- 'Calcardea junnei belongs to Calcardea'
- 'Carpolestes belongs to Carpolestidae'
- 'Carpolestes nigridens belongs to Carpolestes'
- 'Discus belongs to Endodontidae'
- 'Ectypodus belongs to Neoplagiaulacidae'
- 'Ectypodus powelli belongs to Ectypodus'
- 'Endodontidae belongs to Pulmonata'
- 'Gastrodonta evanstonensis sinclairi belongs to Gastrodonta evanstonensis' according to Cockerell 1912
- 'Gastrodonta evanstonensis sinclairi is recombined as Grangerella sinclairi'
- 'Grangerella belongs to Grangerellidae'
- 'Grangerellidae belongs to Pulmonata'
- 'Helicinidae belongs to Prosobranchia'
- 'Helix evanstonensis belongs to Helix' according to White 1878
- 'Helix evanstonensis is recombined as Hendersonia evanstonensis'
- 'Helix evanstonensis is recombined as Gastrodonta evanstonensis' according to Cockerell and Henderson 1912
- 'Hendersonia belongs to Helicinidae'
- 'Leptacodon belongs to Nyctitheriidae'
- 'Leptacodon rosei belongs to Leptacodon'
- 'Limaconyssus belongs to Nyctitheriidae'
- 'Limaconyssus habrus belongs to Limaconyssus'
- 'Microphysula belongs to Sagdidae'
- 'Oreohelicidae belongs to Pulmonata'
- 'Oreohelix belongs to Oreohelicidae'
- 'Oreohelix megarche belongs to Oreohelix' according to Cockerell and Henderson 1912
- 'Oreohelix megarche belongs to Oreohelix'
- 'Peradectes belongs to Didelphidae'
- 'Peratherium chesteri is recombined as Peradectes chesteri'
- 'Prosobranchia belongs to Gastropoda'
- 'Pulmonata belongs to Gastropoda'
- 'Pupilla belongs to Pupillidae'
- 'Pupillidae belongs to Pulmonata'
- 'Pyramidula ralstonensis belongs to Pyramidula' according to Cockerell 1914
- 'Pyramidula ralstonensis is recombined as Discus ralstonensis'
- 'Sagdidae belongs to Pulmonata'
- 'Tinimomys belongs to Microsyopidae'
- 'Tinimomys graybulliensis [misspelled as Tinimomys graybullensis] belongs to Tinimomys'
- 'Viverravus belongs to Viverravidae'
- 'Viverravus bowni belongs to Viverravus'
- 'Worlandia belongs to Plagiomenidae'
- 'Wyonycteris belongs to Palaeochiropterygidae'
- 'Wyonycteris chalix belongs to Wyonycteris'