Opinions from B. C. Livezey and R. L. Zusi 2007
- 'Accipitres belongs to Falconiformes'
- 'Accipitridae belongs to Accipitroidea'
- 'Accipitrinae belongs to Accipitridae'
- 'Accipitroidea belongs to Falconides'
- 'Acryllium belongs to Numidinae'
- 'Aegotheli belongs to Caprimulgiformes'
- 'Aegothelidae belongs to Aegotheli'
- 'Aepyornithidae belongs to Aepyornithiformes'
- 'Aepyornithiformes belongs to Struthionimorphae'
- 'Alcedinidae belongs to Alcedinoidea'
- 'Alcedininae belongs to Alcedinidae'
- 'Alcedinoidea belongs to Halcyones'
- 'Alcidae belongs to Alcides'
- 'Alcides belongs to Lari'
- 'Anatidae belongs to Anatoidea'
- 'Anatinae belongs to Anatidae'
- 'Anatoidea belongs to Anseres'
- 'Anhimae belongs to Anseriformes'
- 'Anhimidae belongs to Anhimae'
- 'Anhingidae belongs to Phalacrocoracoidea'
- 'Anomalogonates belongs to Dendrornithes'
- 'Anomalopterygidae belongs to Dinornithiformes'
- 'Anseranatidae belongs to Anseranatoidea'
- 'Anseranatoidea belongs to Anseres'
- 'Anseres belongs to Anseriformes'
- 'Anseriformes belongs to Galloanserimorphae'
- 'Anserimorphae is an invalid subgroup of Galloanserimorphae'
- 'Anserinae belongs to Anatidae'
- 'Apodi belongs to Apodiformes'
- 'Apodidae belongs to Apodi'
- 'Apodiformes belongs to Cypselomorphae'
- 'Apodinae belongs to Apodidae'
- 'Apsaravidae belongs to Apsaraviformes'
- 'Apsaraviformes belongs to Euenantiornithes'
- 'Apterygidae belongs to Apterygiformes'
- 'Apterygiformes belongs to Apterygimorphae'
- 'Apterygimorphae belongs to Ratitae'
- 'Aptornithidae is corrected as Apterornithidae and belongs to Rhynochetides'
- 'Aramidae belongs to Gruioidea'
- 'Archaeopterygidae belongs to Archaeopterygiformes'
- 'Archaeopterygiformes belongs to Archaeornithes'
- 'Archaeornithes was reranked as a superorder and belongs to Palaeoaves'
- 'Ardeidae belongs to Ardeiformes'
- 'Ardeiformes belongs to Ciconiimorphae'
- 'Ardeinae belongs to Ardeidae'
- 'Ardeini belongs to Ardeinae'
- 'Aves was reranked as a infraclass and belongs to Avialae'
- 'Balaeniceps belongs to Balaenicipitidae'
- 'Balaenicipites belongs to Balaenicipitiformes'
- 'Balaenicipitidae belongs to Balaenicipites'
- 'Balaenicipitiformes belongs to Pelecanimorphae'
- 'Bathornithidae belongs to Cariamoidea'
- 'Bombycilla belongs to Bombycillidae'
- 'Bombycillidae belongs to Passerida'
- 'Botaurinae belongs to Ardeidae'
- 'Botaurini belongs to Botaurinae'
- 'Brachypteraciidae belongs to Coraciides'
- 'Bucconidae belongs to Galbulae'
- 'Bucerotes belongs to Coraciiformes'
- 'Bucerotidae belongs to Bucerotides'
- 'Bucerotides belongs to Bucerotes'
- 'Burhinidae belongs to Burhinoidea'
- 'Burhinoidea belongs to Charadriides'
- 'Cacatuidae belongs to Psittaciformes'
- 'Capitonidae belongs to Capitonoidea'
- 'Capitonoidea belongs to Pici'
- 'Caprimulgi belongs to Caprimulgiformes'
- 'Caprimulgidae belongs to Caprimulgi'
- 'Caprimulgiformes belongs to Cypselomorphae'
- 'Cariamae belongs to Gruiformes'
- 'Cariamidae belongs to Cariamoidea'
- 'Cariamides belongs to Cariamae'
- 'Cariamoidea belongs to Cariamides'
- 'Casuariidae belongs to Casuariiformes'
- 'Casuariiformes belongs to Casuariimorphae'
- 'Casuariimorphae belongs to Ratitae'
- 'Cathartae belongs to Falconiformes'
- 'Cathartidae belongs to Cathartae'
- 'Centropodinae belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Charadriidae belongs to Charadrioidea'
- 'Charadriides belongs to Limicolae'
- 'Charadriiformes belongs to Charadriimorphae'
- 'Charadriimorphae belongs to Telmatorae'
- 'Charadrioidea belongs to Charadriides'
- 'Chionididae belongs to Chionidides'
- 'Chionidides belongs to Lari'
- 'Ciconiae belongs to Ciconiiformes'
- 'Ciconiidae belongs to Ciconioidea'
- 'Ciconiiformes belongs to Ciconiimorphae'
- 'Ciconiimorphae belongs to Steganograllatores'
- 'Ciconioidea belongs to Ciconiae'
- 'Cladorhynchini belongs to Himantopodinae'
- 'Cladorhynchus belongs to Cladorhynchini'
- 'Coccyges belongs to Anomalogonates'
- 'Cochleariidae belongs to Ardeiformes'
- 'Coliidae belongs to Coliiformes'
- 'Coliiformes belongs to Trogonomorphae'
- 'Colius belongs to Coliidae'
- 'Columbae belongs to Columbiformes'
- 'Columbidae belongs to Columbae'
- 'Columbiformes belongs to Psittacimorphae'
- 'Columbinae belongs to Columbidae'
- 'Confuciusornithidae belongs to Confuciusornithiformes'
- 'Confuciusornithiformes belongs to Archaeornithes'
- 'Coracii belongs to Coraciiformes'
- 'Coraciidae belongs to Coracioidea'
- 'Coraciides belongs to Coracii'
- 'Coraciiformes belongs to Passerimorphae'
- 'Coracioidea belongs to Coraciides'
- 'Corvida belongs to Passerides'
- 'Corvidae belongs to Corvida'
- 'Craci belongs to Galliformes'
- 'Cracidae belongs to Cracoidea'
- 'Cracoidea belongs to Craci'
- 'Crotophaginae belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Crypturi belongs to Palaeognathae'
- 'Cuculi belongs to Cuculiformes'
- 'Cuculidae belongs to Cuculi'
- 'Cuculiformes belongs to Cuculimorphae'
- 'Cuculimorphae belongs to Coccyges'
- 'Cuculinae belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Cursoriinae belongs to Glareolidae'
- 'Cypselinae belongs to Apodidae'
- 'Cypselomorphae belongs to Incessores'
- 'Dendrornithes belongs to Terrestrornithes'
- 'Diatrymae is corrected as Diatrymiformes and belongs to Galloanserimorphae'
- 'Diatrymidae is corrected as Diatrymatidae and belongs to Diatrymiformes'
- 'Didunculinae belongs to Columbidae'
- 'Didunculus belongs to Didunculinae'
- 'Dinornithidae belongs to Dinornithiformes'
- 'Dinornithiformes belongs to Apterygimorphae'
- 'Diomedeidae belongs to Procellaroidea'
- 'Dromadidae is corrected as Dromatidae and belongs to Dromaides'
- 'Dromaeomorphae belongs to Crypturi'
- 'Dromaides belongs to Limicolae'
- 'Dromaiidae belongs to Casuariiformes'
- 'Dromornithidae belongs to Dromornithiformes'
- 'Dromornithiformes belongs to Galloanserimorphae'
- 'Eoaves belongs to Aves'
- 'Euenantiornithes belongs to Palaeoaves'
- 'Eurypygae belongs to Gruiformes'
- 'Eurypygidae belongs to Eurypygides'
- 'Eurypygides belongs to Eurypygae'
- 'Falconidae belongs to Falconoidea'
- 'Falconides belongs to Accipitres'
- 'Falconiformes belongs to Falconimorphae'
- 'Falconimorphae belongs to Raptores'
- 'Falconinae belongs to Falconidae'
- 'Falconoidae is corrected as Falconoidea and belongs to Falconides'
- 'Fregata belongs to Fregatidae'
- 'Fregatidae belongs to Fregatoidea'
- 'Fregatides belongs to Steganopodes'
- 'Fregatoidea belongs to Fregatides'
- 'Galbulae belongs to Piciformes'
- 'Galbulidae belongs to Galbulae'
- 'Galliformes belongs to Galloanserimorphae'
- 'Galloanserae belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Galloanserimorphae belongs to Galloanserae'
- 'Gallus belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Gaviidae belongs to Gaviiformes'
- 'Gaviiformes belongs to Gaviomorphae'
- 'Gaviomorphae belongs to Pygopodotubinares'
- 'Glareolidae belongs to Glareoloidea'
- 'Glareolinae belongs to Glareolidae'
- 'Glareoloidea belongs to Charadriides'
- 'Goura belongs to Gourinae'
- 'Gourinae belongs to Columbidae'
- 'Grues belongs to Gruiformes'
- 'Gruidae belongs to Gruioidea'
- 'Gruiformes belongs to Charadriimorphae'
- 'Gruioidea is corrected as Gruoidea and belongs to Grues'
- 'Gypaetinae belongs to Accipitridae'
- 'Haematopodidae [misspelled as Haematopidae] belongs to Haematopoidea'
- 'Haematopodinae belongs to Haematopidae'
- 'Haematopoidea belongs to Charadriides'
- 'Halcyones belongs to Coraciiformes'
- 'Halcyoninae belongs to Alcedinidae'
- 'Heliornithidae belongs to Ralliformes'
- 'Hemiprocni belongs to Apodiformes'
- 'Hemiprocnidae belongs to Hemiprocni'
- 'Hesperornidae is corrected as Hesperornithidae and belongs to Hesperornithiformes'
- 'Hesperornithiformes belongs to Odontoholomorphae'
- 'Heteroscelus belongs to Scolopacidae'
- 'Himantopodinae belongs to Recurvirostridae'
- 'Himantopodini belongs to Himantopodinae'
- 'Ibidorhynchinae belongs to Haematopidae'
- 'Ibidorhynchus belongs to Ibidorhynchinae'
- 'Ichthyornidae is corrected as Ichthyornithidae and belongs to Ichthyornithiformes'
- 'Ichthyornithes is corrected as Ichthyornithiformes and belongs to Odontoholomorphae'
- 'Incessores belongs to Anomalogonates'
- 'Indicatoridae belongs to Picoidea'
- 'Jacanidae is corrected as Jaccanidae and belongs to Parrae'
- 'Jynginae belongs to Picidae'
- 'Lari belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Laridae belongs to Laroidea'
- 'Larides belongs to Lari'
- 'Larinae belongs to Laridae'
- 'Laroidea belongs to Larides'
- 'Leptosomatoidea belongs to Coraciides'
- 'Leptosomidae belongs to Leptosomatoidea'
- 'Leptosomus belongs to Leptosomatidae'
- 'Limicolae belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Lithornis belongs to Lithornithidae'
- 'Lithornithidae belongs to Lithornithiformes'
- 'Lithornithiformes belongs to Eoaves'
- 'Loriinidae belongs to Psittaciformes'
- 'Megapodidae is corrected as Megapodiidae and belongs to Megapodioidea'
- 'Megapodioidea belongs to Craci'
- 'Meleagridae belongs to Meleagridoidea'
- 'Meleagridoidea belongs to Phasiani'
- 'Menura belongs to Menuridae'
- 'Menurae belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Menuridae belongs to Menurae'
- 'Meropidae belongs to Meropides'
- 'Meropides belongs to Coracii'
- 'Mesitornithidae belongs to Turniciformes'
- 'Momotidae is corrected as Motmotidae and belongs to Momotoidea'
- 'Momotoidea belongs to Halcyones'
- 'Musophagi belongs to Cuculiformes'
- 'Musophagidae belongs to Musophagi'
- 'Natatores belongs to Neoaves'
- 'Neoaves belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Neognathae was reranked as a unranked clade and belongs to Neornithes'
- 'Neomorphinae belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Neornithes was reranked as a unranked clade and belongs to Aves'
- 'Nestoridae belongs to Psittaciformes'
- 'Numida belongs to Numidinae'
- 'Numididae was reranked as the subfamily Numidinae and belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Nyctibiidae belongs to Caprimulgi'
- 'Nycticoracinae was reranked as the subfamily Nycticoracini and belongs to Ardeinae'
- 'Oceanitidae belongs to Oceanitoidea'
- 'Oceanitoidea belongs to Procellarae'
- 'Odontoholomorphae belongs to Ornithurae'
- 'Odontophoridae was reranked as the family Odontophorinae and belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Odontopterygidae belongs to Odontopterygiformes'
- 'Odontopterygiformes belongs to Pelecanimorphae'
- 'Opisthocomidae belongs to Opisthocomiformes'
- 'Opisthocomiformes belongs to Cuculimorphae'
- 'Opisthocomus belongs to Opisthocomidae'
- 'Ornithurae was reranked as a unranked clade and belongs to Aves'
- 'Otides belongs to Cariamae'
- 'Otididae belongs to Otides'
- 'Pachyptilinae belongs to Procellariidae'
- 'Palaeoaves belongs to Aves'
- 'Palaeognathae belongs to Neornithes'
- 'Pandion belongs to Pandionidae'
- 'Pandionidae belongs to Falconoidea'
- 'Paridae belongs to Passerida'
- 'Parrae belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Parus belongs to Paridae'
- 'Passer belongs to Passeridae'
- 'Passeres belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Passerida belongs to Passerides'
- 'Passeridae belongs to Passerida'
- 'Passerides belongs to Passeres'
- 'Passeriformes belongs to Passerimorphae'
- 'Passerimorphae belongs to Picoclamatores'
- 'Pedionomae belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Pedionomidae belongs to Pedionomae'
- 'Pelecanida belongs to Pelecanides'
- 'Pelecanidae belongs to Pelecanida'
- 'Pelecanides belongs to Steganopodes'
- 'Pelecaniformes belongs to Pelecanimorphae'
- 'Pelecanimorphae belongs to Steganograllatores'
- 'Pelecanoidi belongs to Procellariiformes'
- 'Pelecanoididae belongs to Pelecanoidi'
- 'Perdicinae belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Pezophaps belongs to Raphidae'
- 'Phaenicophacinae belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Phaethontes belongs to Pelecaniformes'
- 'Phaethontidae belongs to Phaethontes'
- 'Phalacrocoracidae belongs to Phalacrocoracoidea'
- 'Phalacrocoracoidea belongs to Sulida'
- 'Phalaropodidae belongs to Scolopacoidea'
- 'Phasiani belongs to Galliformes'
- 'Phasianidae belongs to Phasianoidea'
- 'Phasianinae belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Phasianoidea belongs to Phasiani'
- 'Phodilinae belongs to Tytonidae'
- 'Phodilus belongs to Phodilinae'
- 'Phoenicopteridae belongs to Ciconioidea'
- 'Phoenicopteriformes is an invalid subgroup of Ciconioidea'
- 'Phoeniculidae belongs to Upupides'
- 'Phororhacosidae is corrected as Phorusrhacidae and belongs to Cariamoidea'
- 'Picae is corrected as Pici and belongs to Piciformes'
- 'Picidae belongs to Picoidea'
- 'Piciformes belongs to Passerimorphae'
- 'Picinae belongs to Picidae'
- 'Picoclamatores belongs to Anomalogonates'
- 'Picoidea belongs to Pici'
- 'Pittidae belongs to Tyrannides'
- 'Plataleidae belongs to Threskiornithoidea'
- 'Podargidae belongs to Caprimulgi'
- 'Podicipedidae belongs to Podicipediformes'
- 'Podicipediformes belongs to Gaviomorphae'
- 'Polyborinae belongs to Falconidae'
- 'Presbyornithidae belongs to Anatoidea'
- 'Procellarae belongs to Procellariiformes'
- 'Procellariidae belongs to Procellaroidea'
- 'Procellariiformes belongs to Procellariimorphae'
- 'Procellariimorphae belongs to Pygopodotubinares'
- 'Procellariinae belongs to Procellariidae'
- 'Procellaroidea [misspelled as Procellarioidea] belongs to Procellarae'
- 'Psittacidae belongs to Psittaciformes'
- 'Psittaciformes belongs to Psittacimorphae'
- 'Psittacimorphae belongs to Coccyges'
- 'Psophiidae belongs to Psophioidea'
- 'Psophioidea belongs to Grues'
- 'Pterocletes belongs to Columbiformes'
- 'Pteroclidae belongs to Pterocletes'
- 'Ptilonorhynchidae belongs to Corvida'
- 'Pygopodotubinares belongs to Natatores'
- 'Rahonavidae belongs to Rahonaviformes'
- 'Rahonaviformes belongs to Euenantiornithes'
- 'Rallidae belongs to Ralliformes'
- 'Ralliformes belongs to Charadriimorphae'
- 'Raphidae belongs to Columbae'
- 'Raphus belongs to Raphidae'
- 'Raptores belongs to Dendrornithes'
- 'Ratitae was reranked as a unranked clade and belongs to Palaeognathae'
- 'Recurvirostridae belongs to Haematopoidea'
- 'Recurvirostrinae belongs to Recurvirostridae'
- 'Rhamphastidae belongs to Capitonoidea'
- 'Rheidae belongs to Struthioniformes'
- 'Rheiformes is a subjective synonym of Struthioniformes'
- 'Rhynchopidae belongs to Rhynchopoidea'
- 'Rhynchopoidea belongs to Larides'
- 'Rhynochetidae belongs to Rhynochetides'
- 'Rhynochetides belongs to Eurypygae'
- 'Rostratulidae belongs to Parrae'
- 'Sagittariidae belongs to Serpentariides'
- 'Sagittarius belongs to Sagittariidae'
- 'Sandcoleidae belongs to Sandcoleiformes'
- 'Sandcoleiformes belongs to Trogonomorphae'
- 'Scolopacidae belongs to Scolopacoidea'
- 'Scolopacides belongs to Limicolae'
- 'Scolopacoidea belongs to Scolopacides'
- 'Scopi belongs to Ciconiiformes'
- 'Scopidae belongs to Scopi'
- 'Scopus belongs to Scopidae'
- 'Serpentariides belongs to Accipitres'
- 'Spheniscidae belongs to Sphenisciformes'
- 'Sphenisciformes belongs to Procellariimorphae'
- 'Steatornis belongs to Steatornithidae'
- 'Steatornithidae belongs to Caprimulgi'
- 'Steganograllatores belongs to Natatores'
- 'Steganopodes belongs to Pelecaniformes'
- 'Stercorariidae belongs to Laroidea'
- 'Sterninae belongs to Laridae'
- 'Strigidae belongs to Strigiformes'
- 'Strigiformes belongs to Falconimorphae'
- 'Struthionidae belongs to Struthioniformes'
- 'Struthioniformes belongs to Struthionimorphae'
- 'Struthionimorphae belongs to Ratitae'
- 'Sulae was reranked as the unranked clade Sulida and belongs to Pelecanides'
- 'Sulidae belongs to Suloidea'
- 'Suloidae is corrected as Suloidea and belongs to Sulida'
- 'Sylviornithidae belongs to Megapodioidea'
- 'Telmatorae belongs to Terrestrornithes'
- 'Teratornithi belongs to Falconiformes'
- 'Terrestrornithes belongs to Neoaves'
- 'Tetraonidae was reranked as the subfamily Tetraoninae and belongs to Phasianidae'
- 'Thinocoridae belongs to Thinocoroidea'
- 'Thinocoroidea belongs to Scolopacides'
- 'Threskiornithidae belongs to Threskiornithoidea'
- 'Threskiornithoidea belongs to Ciconiae'
- 'Tigriornithini belongs to Botaurinae'
- 'Tigrisoma belongs to Tigriornithini'
- 'Tinamidae belongs to Tinamiformes'
- 'Tinamiformes belongs to Dromaeomorphae'
- 'Todidae belongs to Alcedinoidea'
- 'Trochilidae belongs to Apodi'
- 'Trogones belongs to Anomalogonates'
- 'Trogonidae belongs to Trogoniformes'
- 'Trogoniformes belongs to Trogonomorphae'
- 'Trogonomorphae belongs to Trogones'
- 'Turnicidae belongs to Turniciformes'
- 'Turniciformes belongs to Charadriimorphae'
- 'Tyrannidae belongs to Tyrannides'
- 'Tyrannides belongs to Passeres'
- 'Tytonidae belongs to Strigiformes'
- 'Tytoninae belongs to Tytonidae'
- 'Upupidae belongs to Upupides'
- 'Upupides belongs to Bucerotes'
- 'Upupiformes is an invalid subgroup of Upupides'
- 'Vulturidae is a subjective synonym of Cathartidae'