Opinions from O. Vidal 1991
- 'Aivukus belongs to Odobeninae'
- 'Aivukus cedrosensis belongs to Aivukus'
- 'Albireo belongs to Albireonidae'
- 'Albireo whistleri belongs to Albireo'
- 'Albireonidae belongs to Delphinoidea'
- 'Arctocephalus belongs to Otariinae'
- 'Arctocephalus townsendi belongs to Arctocephalus'
- 'Balaena musculus is recombined as Balaenoptera musculus'
- 'Balaena novaeangliae is recombined as Megaptera novaeangliae'
- 'Balaena physalus is recombined as Balaenoptera physalus'
- 'Balaenoptera belongs to Balaenopterinae'
- 'Balaenoptera acutorostrata belongs to Balaenoptera'
- 'Balaenoptera edeni belongs to Balaenoptera'
- 'Balaenoptera robusta is recombined as Eschrichtius robustus'
- 'Balaenopteridae belongs to Mysticeti'
- 'Balaenopterinae belongs to Balaenopteridae'
- 'Berardius belongs to Ziphiidae'
- 'Berardius bairdii belongs to Berardius'
- 'Burtinopsis belongs to Balaenopterinae'
- 'Cetotheriinae was reranked as the subfamily Cetotheriidae and belongs to Mysticeti'
- 'Delphinapterinae belongs to Monodontidae'
- 'Delphinapterus borealis is recombined as Lissodelphis borealis'
- 'Delphinidae belongs to Delphinoidea'
- 'Delphininae belongs to Delphinidae'
- 'Delphinoidea belongs to Odontoceti'
- 'Delphinus belongs to Delphininae'
- 'Delphinus (Grampus) was reranked as Grampus and belongs to Delphininae'
- 'Delphinus bredanensis is recombined as Steno bredanensis'
- 'Delphinus coeruleoalbus is recombined as Stenella coeruleoalba'
- 'Delphinus delphis belongs to Delphinus'
- 'Delphinus griseus is recombined as Grampus griseus'
- 'Delphinus longirostris is recombined as Stenella longirostris'
- 'Delphinus orca is recombined as Orcinus orca'
- 'Denebola belongs to Delphinapterinae'
- 'Denebola brachycephala belongs to Denebola'
- 'Dioplodon europaeus is recombined as Mesoplodon europaeus'
- 'Dusignathinae belongs to Otariidae'
- 'Dusignathus belongs to Dusignathinae'
- 'Dusignathus santacruzensis belongs to Dusignathus'
- 'Eschrichtiidae belongs to Mysticeti'
- 'Fissipeda was reranked as the suborder Fissipedia and belongs to Carnivora'
- 'Globicephala belongs to Globicephalinae'
- 'Globicephalus macrorhynchus is recombined as Globicephala macrorhynchus'
- 'Globiocephalidae was reranked as the subfamily Globicephalinae and belongs to Delphinidae'
- 'Kogia belongs to Kogiidae'
- 'Kogiidae belongs to Physeteroidea'
- 'Lagenorhynchus belongs to Delphininae'
- 'Lagenorhynchus electra is recombined as Peponocephala electra'
- 'Lagenorhynchus obliquidens belongs to Lagenorhynchus'
- 'Lissodelphinae belongs to Delphinidae'
- 'Lutra belongs to Mustelidae'
- 'Lutra longicaudis belongs to Lutra' according to Olfers 1818
- 'Lutra longicaudis belongs to Lutra'
- 'Megaptera belongs to Megapterinae'
- 'Megaptera (Eschrichtius) was reranked as Eschrichtius and belongs to Eschrichtiidae'
- 'Megapterinae belongs to Balaenopteridae'
- 'Mesoplodon belongs to Ziphiidae'
- 'Mesoplodon ginkgodens belongs to Mesoplodon'
- 'Mirounga belongs to Phocidae'
- 'Mirounga angustirostris belongs to Mirounga'
- 'Monachus belongs to Phocidae'
- 'Monodontidae belongs to Delphinoidea'
- 'Mustelidae belongs to Fissipedia'
- 'Mysticeti belongs to Cetacea'
- 'Odobeninae belongs to Otariidae'
- 'Odontoceti belongs to Cetacea'
- 'Orcinus belongs to Globicephalinae'
- 'Otaria californiana is recombined as Zalophus californianus'
- 'Otariina was reranked as the family Otariidae and belongs to Pinnipedia'
- 'Otariinae belongs to Otariidae'
- 'Parapontoporia pacifica belongs to Parapontoporia'
- 'Parapontoporiinae belongs to Pontoporiidae'
- 'Peponocephala belongs to Globicephalinae'
- 'Phoca belongs to Phocidae'
- 'Phoca tropicalis is recombined as Monachus tropicalis'
- 'Phoca vitulina belongs to Phoca'
- 'Phocadae is corrected as Phocidae and belongs to Pinnipedia'
- 'Phocaena is corrected as Phocoena and belongs to Phocoeninae'
- 'Phocaena crassidens is recombined as Pseudorca crassidens'
- 'Phocaenina was reranked as the family Phocoenidae and belongs to Delphinoidea'
- 'Phocoena dalli is recombined as Phocoenoides dalli'
- 'Phocoena sinus belongs to Phocoena'
- 'Phocoeninae belongs to Phocoenidae'
- 'Phocoenoidinae belongs to Phocoenidae'
- 'Physeter belongs to Physeterinae'
- 'Physeter (Euphysetes) simus is recombined as Kogia simus'
- 'Physeter breviceps is recombined as Kogia breviceps'
- 'Physeter macrocephalus belongs to Physeter'
- 'Physeteridae belongs to Odontoceti'
- 'Physeterinae belongs to Physeteridae'
- 'Pinnipedia was reranked as a suborder and belongs to Carnivora'
- 'Piscolithax belongs to Phocoenoidinae'
- 'Piscolithax boreios belongs to Piscolithax'
- 'Piscolithax tedfordi belongs to Piscolithax'
- 'Platanistoidea belongs to Odontoceti'
- 'Plesiocetus belongs to Balaenopterinae'
- 'Pontoporiidae belongs to Platanistoidea'
- 'Praekogia belongs to Kogiidae'
- 'Praekogia cedrosensis belongs to Praekogia'
- 'Pseudorca belongs to Globicephalinae'
- 'Rhabdosteidae belongs to Squalodontoidea'
- 'Squalodontidae belongs to Squalodontoidea'
- 'Squalodontoidea belongs to Odontoceti'
- 'Stenidae was reranked as the subfamily Steninae and belongs to Delphinidae'
- 'Steno belongs to Steninae'
- 'Steno (Stenella) was reranked as Stenella and belongs to Delphininae'
- 'Steno attenuatus is recombined as Stenella attenuata'
- 'Thalassoleon belongs to Otariinae'
- 'Thalassoleon mexicanus belongs to Thalassoleon'
- 'Trichechiformes belongs to Sirenia'
- 'Trichechus belongs to Trichechidae'
- 'Trichechus manatus belongs to Trichechus'
- 'Trichecidae is corrected as Trichechidae and belongs to Trichechiformes'
- 'Tursio truncatus is recombined as Tursiops truncatus'
- 'Tursiops belongs to Delphininae'
- 'Zalophus belongs to Otariinae'
- 'Ziphiidae belongs to Ziphioidea'
- 'Ziphioidea belongs to Odontoceti'
- 'Ziphius belongs to Ziphiidae'
- 'Ziphius cavirostris belongs to Ziphius'