Opinions from D. A. Burney et al. 2008
- 'Acrantophis belongs to Boidae'
- 'Aepyornis belongs to Aepyornithidae'
- 'Apus belongs to Apodidae'
- 'Archaeolemur belongs to Archaeolemuridae'
- 'Avahi belongs to Indriidae'
- 'Bos belongs to Bovidae'
- 'Canis belongs to Canidae'
- 'Centrornis belongs to Anatidae'
- 'Cervus (Furcifer) belongs to Cervus' according to Pucheran 1852
- 'Cheirogaleus belongs to Cheirogaleidae'
- 'Coracopsis belongs to Psittacidae'
- 'Corvus belongs to Corvidae'
- 'Coua belongs to Cuculidae'
- 'Crocodylus belongs to Crocodylidae'
- 'Cryptoprocta belongs to Eupleridae'
- 'Cyanolanius belongs to Vangidae'
- 'Dipsochelys belongs to Testudinidae'
- 'Echinops belongs to Tenrecidae'
- 'Eidolon belongs to Pteropodidae'
- 'Eliurus belongs to Nesomyidae'
- 'Eupleridae belongs to Carnivora'
- 'Falco belongs to Falconidae'
- 'Fossa belongs to Viverridae'
- 'Foudia belongs to Ploceidae'
- 'Furcifer rhinoceratus belongs to Furcifer' according to Gray 1845
- 'Gallinula belongs to Rallidae'
- 'Geochelone belongs to Testudinidae'
- 'Geogale belongs to Tenrecidae'
- 'Gerrhosauridae belongs to Squamata'
- 'Hadropithecus belongs to Archaeolemuridae'
- 'Hippopotamus belongs to Hippopotamidae'
- 'Hipposideros belongs to Hipposideridae'
- 'Hypogeomys belongs to Nesomyidae'
- 'Laliostoma belongs to Mantellidae'
- 'Lanius viridis is recombined as Leptopterus viridis'
- 'Leioheterodon belongs to Colubridae'
- 'Lemur belongs to Lemuridae'
- 'Leptopterus belongs to Vangidae'
- 'Macrotarsomys belongs to Nesomyidae'
- 'Megaladapis belongs to Megaladapidae'
- 'Microcebus belongs to Cheirogaleidae'
- 'Microgale belongs to Tenrecidae'
- 'Miniopterus belongs to Vespertilionidae'
- 'Mirafra belongs to Alaudidae'
- 'Mormopterus belongs to Molossidae'
- 'Motacilla maderaspatana is recombined as Zosterops maderaspatana'
- 'Mullerornis belongs to Aepyornithidae'
- 'Mus belongs to Muridae'
- 'Nesillas belongs to Sylviidae'
- 'Numida belongs to Numididae'
- 'Otus belongs to Strigidae'
- 'Pachylemur belongs to Lemuridae'
- 'Paroedura belongs to Gekkonidae'
- 'Pelomedusa belongs to Pelomedusidae'
- 'Ploceidae belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Ploceus belongs to Ploceidae'
- 'Propithecus belongs to Indriidae'
- 'Psittacus vasa is recombined as Coracopsis vasa'
- 'Pteropus belongs to Pteropodidae'
- 'Ptychadena belongs to Ranidae'
- 'Puffinus belongs to Procellariidae'
- 'Rattus belongs to Muridae'
- 'Rousettus belongs to Pteropodidae'
- 'Scaphiophryne belongs to Microhylidae'
- 'Setifer belongs to Tenrecidae'
- 'Streptopelia belongs to Columbidae'
- 'Suncus belongs to Soricidae'
- 'Sylviidae belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Tadarida (Mops) was reranked as Mops and belongs to Molossidae'
- 'Tenrec belongs to Tenrecidae'
- 'Terpsiphone belongs to Monarchidae'
- 'Thamnornis belongs to Sylviidae'
- 'Triaenops belongs to Hipposideridae'
- 'Turnix belongs to Turnicidae'
- 'Tyto belongs to Tytonidae'
- 'Upupa belongs to Upupidae'
- 'Vanga belongs to Vangidae'
- 'Vangidae belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Zonosaurus belongs to Gerrhosauridae'
- 'Zosteropidae belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Zosterops belongs to Zosteropidae'