Opinions from A. Wetmore 1960
- 'Actiornis belongs to Elopterygidae'
- 'Aegialornis belongs to Aegialornithidae'
- 'Aegialornithidae belongs to Apodi'
- 'Aepyornis belongs to Aepyornithidae'
- 'Aepyornithidae belongs to Aepyornithiformes'
- 'Aepyornithiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Agnopteridae belongs to Phoenicopteri'
- 'Agnopterus belongs to Agnopteridae'
- 'Alcae belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Alcidae belongs to Alcae'
- 'Andrewsornis abbotti belongs to Andrewsornis'
- 'Anomalopterygidae belongs to Dinornithiformes'
- 'Anomalopteryx belongs to Anomalopterygidae'
- 'Anseres belongs to Anseriformes'
- 'Anseriformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Apatornis belongs to Apatornithidae'
- 'Apatornithidae belongs to Ichthyornithiformes'
- 'Apodi belongs to Apodiformes'
- 'Apodiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Apterygiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Archaeopterygidae belongs to Archaeornithes'
- 'Archaeopteryx belongs to Archaeopterygidae'
- 'Archaeopteryx lithographica belongs to Archaeopteryx'
- 'Archaeopteryx siemensii is recombined as Archaeornis siemensii'
- 'Archaeornis belongs to Archaeopterygidae'
- 'Archaeornithes belongs to Aves'
- 'Baptornis belongs to Baptornithidae'
- 'Baptornithidae belongs to Hesperornithiformes'
- 'Bathornis belongs to Bathornithidae'
- 'Bathornithidae belongs to Cariamoidea'
- 'Brontornis belongs to Brontornithidae'
- 'Brontornithidae belongs to Phororhacoidea'
- 'Caenagnathus collinsi belongs to Caenagnathus'
- 'Caprimulgiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Cariamae belongs to Gruiformes'
- 'Cariamoidea belongs to Cariamae'
- 'Casuariiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Cathartae belongs to Falconiformes'
- 'Cathartoidea belongs to Falconiformes'
- 'Cathartornis belongs to Teratornithidae'
- 'Charadrii belongs to Charadriiformes'
- 'Charadriiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Charadrioidea belongs to Charadrii'
- 'Ciconiiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Cladornis belongs to Cladornithidae'
- 'Cladornithes belongs to Pelecaniformes'
- 'Cladornithidae belongs to Cladornithes'
- 'Columbiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Coraciiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Cracoidea belongs to Galli'
- 'Cruschedula belongs to Cladornithidae'
- 'Cuculiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Cunampaia belongs to Cunampaiidae'
- 'Cunampaia simplex belongs to Cunampaia'
- 'Cunampaiidae belongs to Phororhacoidea'
- 'Cyphornis belongs to Cyphornithidae'
- 'Cyphornithidae belongs to Pelecanoidea'
- 'Diatryma belongs to Diatrymidae'
- 'Diatrymae is corrected as Diatrymiformes and belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Diatrymidae belongs to Diatrymiformes'
- 'Dinornis belongs to Dinornithidae'
- 'Dinornithidae belongs to Dinornithiformes'
- 'Dinornithiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Dromornis belongs to Dromornithidae'
- 'Dromornithidae belongs to Casuariiformes'
- 'Elaphrocnemus belongs to Orthocnemidae'
- 'Eleutherornis belongs to Eleutherornithidae'
- 'Eleutherornithidae belongs to Struthioniformes'
- 'Elopterygidae belongs to Suloidae'
- 'Elopteryx belongs to Elopterygidae'
- 'Emeus belongs to Anomalopterygidae'
- 'Enaliornis belongs to Enaliornithidae'
- 'Enaliornithidae belongs to Hesperornithiformes'
- 'Eocathartes grallator is recombined as Neocathartes grallator'
- 'Eogruidae belongs to Gruioidea'
- 'Eogrus belongs to Eogruidae'
- 'Eostega belongs to Elopterygidae'
- 'Falconiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Galli belongs to Galliformes'
- 'Galliformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Gallinuloides belongs to Gallinuloididae'
- 'Gallinuloididae belongs to Cracoidea'
- 'Gastornis belongs to Gastornithidae'
- 'Gastornithidae belongs to Diatrymiformes'
- 'Geranoides belongs to Geranoididae'
- 'Geranoididae belongs to Gruioidea'
- 'Grues belongs to Gruiformes'
- 'Gruiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Gruioidea is corrected as Gruoidea and belongs to Grues'
- 'Hermosiornis belongs to Hermosiornithidae'
- 'Hermosiornithidae belongs to Cariamoidea'
- 'Hesperornidae is corrected as Hesperornithidae and belongs to Hesperornithiformes'
- 'Hesperornithiformes belongs to Odontognathae'
- 'Ichthyornidae is corrected as Ichthyornithidae and belongs to Ichthyornithiformes'
- 'Ichthyornis belongs to Ichthyornithidae'
- 'Ichthyornis dispar belongs to Ichthyornis'
- 'Ichthyornithes was reranked as a superorder and belongs to Neornithes'
- 'Liornis belongs to Brontornithidae'
- 'Loncornis helveticus is recombined as Eleutherornis helveticus'
- 'Mancalla belongs to Mancallinae'
- 'Mancalla californiensis belongs to Mancalla'
- 'Mancallidae was reranked as the subfamily Mancallinae and belongs to Alcidae'
- 'Megapaloelodus belongs to Palaelodidae'
- 'Megapaloelodus connectens belongs to Megapaloelodus'
- 'Neocathartes belongs to Neocathartidae'
- 'Neocathartidae belongs to Neocathartoidea'
- 'Neocathartoidea belongs to Cathartae'
- 'Neognathae belongs to Neornithes'
- 'Neornithes belongs to Aves'
- 'Odontognathae belongs to Neornithes'
- 'Odontopteryges belongs to Pelecaniformes'
- 'Odontopterygidae belongs to Odontopteryges'
- 'Odontopteryx belongs to Odontopterygidae'
- 'Odontopteryx toliapica belongs to Odontopteryx'
- 'Opisthodactylidae belongs to Phororhacoidea'
- 'Opisthodactylus belongs to Opisthodactylidae'
- 'Orthocnemidae belongs to Ralloidea'
- 'Orthocnemus belongs to Orthocnemidae'
- 'Osteodontornis belongs to Pseudodontornithidae'
- 'Osteodontornis orri belongs to Osteodontornis'
- 'Palaelodus belongs to Palaelodidae'
- 'Palaeochenoides belongs to Cyphornithidae'
- 'Palaeoscinidae belongs to Passeres'
- 'Palaeoscinis belongs to Palaeoscinidae'
- 'Palaeoscinis turdirostris belongs to Palaeoscinis'
- 'Palaeospiza belongs to Palaeospizidae'
- 'Palaeospizidae belongs to Passeres'
- 'Paloelodidae is corrected as Palaelodidae and belongs to Phoenicopteri'
- 'Paranyroca belongs to Paranyrocidae'
- 'Paranyrocidae belongs to Anseres'
- 'Parascaniornis belongs to Scaniornithidae'
- 'Passeres belongs to Passeriformes'
- 'Passeriformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Pelagornis belongs to Pelagornithidae'
- 'Pelagornithidae belongs to Suloidae'
- 'Pelecani belongs to Pelecaniformes'
- 'Pelecaniformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Pelecanoidea belongs to Pelecani'
- 'Phoenicopteri was reranked as a suborder and belongs to Ciconiiformes'
- 'Phororhacoidea belongs to Cariamae'
- 'Phororhacosidae is corrected as Phororhacidae and belongs to Phororhacoidea'
- 'Phorusrhacos is corrected as Phororhacos and belongs to Phororhacidae'
- 'Piciformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Pliolunda diegense is recombined as Mancalla diegense'
- 'Presbyornis belongs to Presbyornithidae'
- 'Presbyornithidae belongs to Charadrioidea'
- 'Procellariiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Protostrigidae belongs to Strigiformes'
- 'Protostrix belongs to Protostrigidae'
- 'Pseudodontornis belongs to Pseudodontornithidae'
- 'Pseudodontornithidae belongs to Odontopteryges'
- 'Psilopteridae belongs to Phororhacoidea'
- 'Psilopterus belongs to Psilopteridae'
- 'Psittaciformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Ralloidea belongs to Grues'
- 'Remiornis belongs to Gastornithidae'
- 'Rhegminornis belongs to Rhegminornithidae'
- 'Rhegminornis calobates belongs to Rhegminornis'
- 'Rhegminornithidae belongs to Charadrioidea'
- 'Scaniornis belongs to Scaniornithidae'
- 'Scaniornithidae belongs to Phoenicopteri'
- 'Strigiformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Struthioniformes belongs to Neognathae'
- 'Suloidae is corrected as Suloidea and belongs to Pelecani'
- 'Telmabates belongs to Palaelodidae'
- 'Telmabates antiquus belongs to Telmabates'
- 'Teratornis belongs to Teratornithidae'
- 'Teratornithidae belongs to Cathartoidea'
- 'Trogoniformes belongs to Neognathae'