Vereian subage

314.8 - 313.8 Ma

The definition of this interval in the timescale Carbo-Permian of the Russian Platform is taken from the following source:

  • F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz and G. M. Ogg. 2020. Geologic Time Scale 2020 view

There are intervals in 5 timescales which overlap this one. show

This interval is used in the definition of 12 collections

A total of 2 collections with 6 occurrences lie within this time span

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International Chronostratigraphic TimescaleCarbo-Permian of the Russian PlatformCarboniferous Subepochs
CarboniferousPennsylvanianGzhelianRusavkinianLate Pennsylvanian298.9 *
Krevyakinian305.8 *
MoscovianMyachkovianMiddle Pennsylvanian307
Podolskian308.9 *
Kashirian311.4 *
BashkirianEarly Pennsylvanian315.2
Cheremshanian316.9 *
Prikamian318.6 *
Severokeltmian319.9 *
Krasnopolyanian321.2 *
Voznesenian321.9 *
MississippianSerpukhovianZapaltjubianLate Mississippian323.2
Protvian324.4 *
Steshevian326.8 *
Tarusian329 *
ViseanVenevianMiddle Mississippian330.9
Mikhailovian331.9 *
Aleksinian333.7 *
Tulian335.8 *
Bobrikian339.9 *
Radaevkian343.4 *
TournaisianKosvianEarly Mississippian346.7
Kizelian350.7 *
Cherepetian351.9 *
Karakubian354.4 *
Upinian356.3 *
Malevkian357.6 *
Gumerovian358 *